Originally Posted by bladtinzu
I can understand the specials deal. And I can understand not passing it on to vets. Seems everyone on hooker message boards was "special forces/delta force/seals/force recon/SAS" when in fact they were scrubbing toilets.
And I have seen where a lot of the women here use hotwire/travelocity/what ever the fuck it is now days to book rooms at a discount. Never used those sites so I have no idea how they work but from what I have read seems they do. Just an idea ya know.
I get a lot of guys saying they're vets. That's great and all, but I prefer my armed forces a little fresh

(it's a joke guys, lighten up).
I used Priceline but the betting sucked. I could go to the hotel in person and get a better deal than sitting on my laptop chasing deals.