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Old 02-22-2011, 04:41 PM   #1
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I just viewed a video of the Wisconsin union protesters and was appalled at what I viewed. Once again there were signs in which Wisconsin Republican Governor was compared to Hitler- mustache and all. Some signs called him a socialist(don't know why), but the most sickening one had cross hairs on a target of the governor. I am not sure if any of the Liberal pundits or news stations condemned these pictures and people who were holding these signs, but this has got to stop. You would think after what we saw in AZ that the last thing you would see at a protest would be any signage that involved Cross hairs. Both Liberals and Conservatives have got to express their views in a better fashion I know very little about Republican Governor of Wisconsin but I am almost certain he's nothing like Hitler.
If there's any Liberal who thinks it's bad when the TEA party makes these crazy signs but ok if Liberals do it you are dead wrong. We need some sanity on both sides.
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Old 02-22-2011, 04:45 PM   #2
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Old 02-22-2011, 04:46 PM   #3
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Do you have a link to the video?
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Old 02-22-2011, 05:16 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by R. Stone Jr. View Post
Do you have a link to the video?
here's one of many
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Old 02-22-2011, 05:47 PM   #5
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You are right, 1911. For the political left to call for civility and respectful discourse after the events in Arizona and then remain silent about the tactics, signs, and rhetoric of these union protesters smacks of hypocrisy.
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:01 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by jac01 View Post
You are right, 1911. For the political left to call for civility and respectful discourse after the events in Arizona and then remain silent about the tactics, signs, and rhetoric of these union protesters smacks of hypocrisy.
I agree but my anger resides a little more against the left because we saw the pain and grief of what happened in AZ and then to have some P.O.S create a sign with the target of the Governor is wrong. Now I admit I don't know too much about the whole fiasco just the basic. The Republicans governor plan is supposed to save his state some 300 million and the Unions are supposed to pay more in health benefits are lose some of their pay(not 100% sue) but regardless of the situation unless the Republicans' Governor's Bill is calling for Liberals are anyone who opposes his bill to be tortured and put into concentrations camps he shouldn't be compared to Hitler. Regardless of his political views I think it's sickening to call for the Death or any harm to any official. It seems like today so many people are so extreme that if they believe that anyone who disagrees with the is evil and need to be taking out. That's not politics folks that's what you call dictatorships. That's what you have in the Middle East a person is in power and if you don't agree with his viewpoint you get called evil names and eventually taken out. There are a lot of political views I don't agree with on both sides but I don't think it makes me any worst or better than the other person. Wake up people I thought this was a Democracy. If the people in the Union don't like the law- I don't mind them protesting in a civilized manner, but hey vote him out or try to vote him out next election- don't be a moron and create tasteless signs it only makes you look like the culprit.
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Old 02-23-2011, 04:16 AM   #7
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That's a great ad paid for by the Wisconsin GOP. On the face of it, they have a point. There appear to be a few protesters that crossed the line. Be that as it may, the ad itself is also a problem. It's part of a big push to change the subject away from the Republican union busting going on. Fox/Tea Party/Koch brothers have doubled down and are flooding money and protesters into the state.

And that's what it is: union busting. The Wisconsin governor doesn't know how to take 'YES' for an answer. The unions have agreed to ALL of his budget cuts. They just refuse to surrender their right to collective bargaining. Don't believe this is just about public unions either. All you have to do is look at bills in other states attacking private unions to realize what is going on.

They public unions in Wisconsin are being scapegoated, but we all know they didn't cause the problem. The problem was the recession after the housing bubble burst. In fact, states with public unions do just fine. Just look at the rest of the 50 states.
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Old 02-23-2011, 05:51 AM   #8
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Longer, does your last sentence imply that the other 49 states are doing just fine financially? Uh, I think you need to check the books on Indiana, Ohio, California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Kansas, . . . . .
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Old 02-23-2011, 07:52 AM   #9
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Default Union Busting

Republican Governors are on a Union Busting crusade. It is funded by the Koch's and the motive is glossed over by budget crises.

This is not financial it is political and an attempt to remove political funding and clout from Democrats while enjoying the Corporate contributions allowed by the Supreme Court.

That is the truth as I see it. People get elected and claim a mandate from the people that isn't there. It is the economy stupid and jobs and then you get abortion bills, illegal immigration bills, voter I.D., gun laws when the point is cost/spending reduction and budget balancing.

I have been the President of a Local in my past and I have owned companies. There would not be a union if there were not corporate abuse and there would not be union issues if they did not abuse their powers.

Check and balance not removal of right to collective bargaining.
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Old 02-23-2011, 12:12 PM   #10
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Pay attention to reality; the Governor of Wisconsin is having a problem with "public unions" and not unions in general. Nothing that has been proposed would affect private unions.
One other point; the Governor wants the people in the union to have the right to vote on their participation in the union. So do you support the right of the people to be free or the right of the union to coerce participation?
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Old 02-23-2011, 12:19 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by catnipdipper View Post
People get elected and claim a mandate from the people that isn't there.
Does this apply to Obama and did it apply to Pelosi's Congress in 2006 as well?
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Old 02-23-2011, 01:16 PM   #12
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Default Mandate

The majority of what has been enacted by the current administration was tied to campaign promises. eos.

Again on Wisconsin motives find the tape of converstation with Governor and fake Koch brother.

How does anger over jobs get to abortion laws, gun laws, immigration laws, voter i.d. laws and all the other bull shit being put out.

Keep it up and it will be the shortest "revolution span" in history.

61% in poll opposed to removing collective bargaining.
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Old 02-23-2011, 01:31 PM   #13
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Default Collective Bargaining

Walker did not run with any specific platform to eliminate collective bargaining rights for state employees.

He did run on cutting wages, and costs in pension and benefit funding which the union member in Wisconsin have agreed to make.

Not good enough for him and the Police, Firefighters, and State Troopers don't have to give up their wages or bargaining rights.
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Old 02-23-2011, 01:56 PM   #14
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He did run on cutting wages, and costs in pension and benefit funding which the union member in Wisconsin have agreed to make.
That's troubling to me. He's getting the concessions he wants and the union isn't preventing him from making the adjustments to the budget that he wants.

Insistence on removing the bargaining power of the union isn't necessary to achieve his goals.
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Old 02-23-2011, 06:11 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by boytoy View Post
Longer, does your last sentence imply that the other 49 states are doing just fine financially? Uh, I think you need to check the books on Indiana, Ohio, California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Kansas, . . . . .
Let me be clear. Walker is claiming (falsely) that public unions are the cause of Wisconsin's financial problems. If that were true, states with a higher percentage of public unions would be doing the worst and states with no public unions would be doing the best. That is not the case. There is no causation. There isn't even a correlation. It's PURE bullshit. I'll see if I can find the graph for you.
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