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Old 11-02-2013, 06:58 PM   #1
JD Barleycorn
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Default What has been ignored this week?

The Obamacare meltdown. I know, you will say that we've talked about it but since it is the primary reason that Obama was elected don't you think it deserves so much more ink? Besides the website whom everyone agrees is a true joke with old technology, bad code, and questionable applications there is the plan itself. According to a bunch of people, who haven't stopped arguing with each other, it takes 7 million young, healthy people to pay for the other 12 million people without healthcare. So far numbers are below expectations, way below expectations...six people on the first day? Numbers got bigger with each succeeding day, 248 on day two before the site went down. We also found out that many didn't like the price tag and went on Medicaid. Now many states have taken federal money to expand their Medicaid programs but that only lasts a few years and then the states have to take up the slack. So all these people will be draining money from the states and not the federal government soon and the states will have to go to the federal government for a bailout. [that is why Romney care worked in MA. They went to the feds for bailout money.] So the sheeple are being hearded into a dead end, poor quality program AND the number of people without healthcare has increased because of Obamacare. Millions of people have been kicked off their plans because of this partisan piece of shit.

Benghazi Revelations: What difference does it make? Where have I heard that? Let me see, we found out that the White House knew from the beginning that this was a terrorist attack. Yes, we've heard that before but new sources are confirming that the White House lied, send Susan Rice to lie, and arrested a citizen to lend credibility to that lie. Now we found out that special ops guys were in Benghazi that night and not only that assisted as best they could in repelling the terrorists and recovering the body of the ambassador. They failed on one and were successful on the other. Of course this means that the White House is caught in yet another lie about no military assets being available. It was a lie that covered up the unnecessary deaths of Americans. We still have to accept the idea that generals and admirals were relieved from their duties by Obama for telling the truth.

NSA Wire Tapping: What kind of organization wire taps the Pope? Sounds like something the defunct Soviet Union would do. Someone told Stalin that the Pope would resist something the Soviet were going to do and he asked how many divisions did the Pope have. Our (I emphasize OUR) NSA is monitoring the Pope, ambassadors, the German chancellor, and millions of American citizens through Google and Yahoo. I wonder at what point the left will admit that the right has been on target and get mad about it.

Waste in Government (pure stupidity): The USS Forrestal was sold for 2 cents to some company to be cut up for scrap. Think about that, a ship that masses nearly 100,000 tons was sold for less than the price of a stick of gum. Any investigation about any links between this company and the government? None that we know of.

Foreign Affairs (what we don't know WILL hurt us): The Chinese government released a status report detailing the fallout from a nuclear attack on the West coast of the United States. The Chinese are now building good sumbarines from whence to launch these missiles from. Good as ours? Who knows? Clinton gave away the goods when he was in the White House from missile technology, computer technology, and the sale of cruise missile manufacturing equipment at bargain basement prices.

Iran may be much closer to a nuclear weapon that first thought. Weeks instead of years. Some military officials are saying that a military option may be the only one.

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Old 11-03-2013, 09:10 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

Want to add something to the list?
The healthcare web-site worked like a champ for me yesterday. Took no time to sign up and it was simple and informative. Took me less than 15-20 minutes. So it appears the web site problems might be on the decline.
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Old 11-03-2013, 09:15 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The healthcare web-site worked like a champ for me yesterday. Took no time to sign up and it was simple and informative. Took me less than 15-20 minutes. So it appears the web site problems might be on the decline.
Congratulations are in order!
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Old 11-03-2013, 09:33 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Congratulations are in order!
JD wanted a thread to report wtf was working! Well he got it...
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Old 11-03-2013, 10:06 AM   #5
JD Barleycorn
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Here's your sign.

Actually my condolences. You're (if you're telling the truth) now in the system and there is not backing out. You have shackled yourself like a slave to a dying program.

I also noticed that it took a couple of days and a few views before someone came up with a response.....and it was weak. If you did get in that does not give a passing grade for the site. An earthquake could be followed by a tsunami wiping out thousands but I bet you can find at least one person who said that they did okay. Doesn't mean the disastor was a good thing. You are the exception (if you're telling the truth).
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Old 11-03-2013, 10:14 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post

JD Idiot has finally admitted to something that the rest of us have known all along.
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Old 11-03-2013, 11:05 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The healthcare web-site worked like a champ for me yesterday. Took no time to sign up and it was simple and informative. Took me less than 15-20 minutes. So it appears the web site problems might be on the decline.
The healthcare website you went to, was ehealthinsurance.com, according to your other post. They are barely above scam level telemarketers that resell your email address and not directly related to healthcare.gov. Basically, you were just another one of their victims. Everybody knows the real "healthcare web-site" is not working right now.
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