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Old 10-28-2013, 04:17 PM   #31
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Do the mods know that you and IBS are the same guy?
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Old 10-28-2013, 06:17 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post

Do the mods know that you and IBS are the same guy?
Do the mods care?

You took the bait ... you idiot .... hook, line, and sinker ..... thanks dumbshit!


Do you see "West Lynn"? Do you see the pink? That's Austin's official record as per the National Register of Historic Districts, which is consistent with the City of Austin Rezoning in 1976.

"Here's your sign"Bye, bye, fool.
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Old 10-28-2013, 09:06 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Yeah he's on the phone actually talking to someone, his mother. She calls to tell him" fix your tie it's crooked, your hair is messed up, they put a bit to much powder on your face, you look pale, remember to eat a good lunch, ect,ect, ect. The guys a putz.
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Old 10-28-2013, 09:16 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Just so we know where you're coming from, what would you consider a fair and unbiased poll?
The one that will be taken Nov 4, 2014
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Old 10-28-2013, 10:49 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Yeah he's on the phone actually talking to someone, his mother. She calls to tell him" fix your tie it's crooked, your hair is messed up, they put a bit to much powder on your face, you look pale, remember to eat a good lunch, ect,ect, ect. The guys a putz.
Thanks for the imagery GOOOOOOOOOOOBER! Unfortunately teeth are a qualifier in this and subsequent polls. I'm quite certain that the dipshit asshole segment will trend Romney again..lr
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Old 10-29-2013, 01:01 AM   #36
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This poll has an incredible margin of error of 8.3% rather than the typical 3-5%.
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Old 10-29-2013, 03:39 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
This poll has an incredible margin of error of 8.3% rather than the typical 3-5%.
That's not the only error recently ...


Beginning of quoted material:
"Here's my list Top Ten list for 2014:

1. The expansion of Medicaid, with increased cost burden for taxpayers.

Medicaid is a combined state-federal program initially designed to help the neediest among us. But it has burgeoned to cover medical costs for about one in every five people. Today, Medicaid pays for two of every five babies born in the United States, and three of every five people in long-term care facilities in the US.
Obamacare will add another 20 million new Medicaid dependents. According to the Kasier Family Foundation, that Medicaid expansion will add an average of 13% to state budgets in costs for 2014 alone.

Even though Medicaid was designed to help the poor, studies have consistently shown that Medicaid recipients receive worse medical care than people without any health insurance at all! Medicaid patients have longer waits to see a doctor, fewer specialists to choose from, and poorer medical outcomes overall. A particularly morbid piece of evidence is that on average, Medicaid patients die sooner after surgery than people who have no medical insurance.

Essentially, Obamacare is forcing 20 million more Americans into second-class medical care with Medicaid.

2. "Sticker shock" as the reality of higher health insurance premiums hits home.

The majority of Americans, especially those who are young and healthy and therefore have paid low premiums in the past, are seeing their health insurance premiums rise between 50% and 150%. Further, employers are cutting full-time workers back to part-time by reducing employees' hours per week from 40 to 29 or less, to avoid having to provide those employees with expensive, Obamacare-compliant coverage.

The "Affordable Care Act" has become anything but affordable for most people.

3. Large and small employers are cutting health insurance benefits.

Obamacare expands the requirements for what all health insurance policies must cover. So it's no mystery why premiums have risen: Americans now must pay for a host of features, whether they want to or not. For example, in my office, the women employees are all menopausal. Yet Obamacare requires our small-business health insurance policy to cover pregnancy and maternity care! That means our policy costs more.
These higher premiums force employers to pass on the costs to employees (in the form of higher co-pays and deductibles) and/or customers (in the form of higher product costs). 2014 will bring even higher premiums for most individuals and businesses.
To deal with this onslaught of rising costs, businesses have a series of bad options: fire or lay off workers, cut health insurance benefits for everyone in the company, or reduce full-time employees to part-time so they don't qualify for health insurance benefits, as I mentioned above.
Unfortunately, some businesses will be forced into the worst option of all: going out of business.

4. The employer-based health insurance policies that remain will have higher out-of-pocket costs for employees.

Because businesses must pay more to purchase Obamacare-compliant plans, they will require employees to pay higher co-pays and deductibles before coverage begins.

5. Fewer types of health insurance policies can be offered under Obamacare.

Many small-business plans and existing physician networks are being terminated due to the expanded coverage requirements under Obamacare. We just received notice that our own small-business plan is being terminated.
Candidate and then President Obama promised, "You can keep your insurance plan." Nope.

6. Many people cannot keep their doctors.

Candidate Obama promised, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." But many patients who like their doctors are being forced to find new ones due to changes in physician networks, as well as doctors leaving insurance plans to start fee-for-service or "concierge" practices.

Sadly, when a patient is pushed out of a long-standing relationship with a physician who understands their medical history, medical outcomes often deteriorate. This is especially true for special-needs patients, who often fall between the cracks when doctors are pressured to see 40 or 50 patients a day in five-minute visits.

7. Further destruction of Medicare.

In 2014, Medicare patients will discover several unwanted changes:
  • higher premiums for their supplemental policies
  • fewer types of Medicare supplement policies available
  • more cutbacks in Medicare-covered services
  • longer delays to see doctors, because many doctors are closing their doors to Medicare patients due to the cuts in reimbursements
  • fewer cancer care specialists taking Medicare patients
  • higher costs for hospital-based cancer treatments, as private offices with lower costs are closed due to reimbursement cutbacks
  • fewer hospital-based surgeries being approved because as of October 2012, Obamacare rules incentivize hospitals (i.e., paid more by Medicare) to do fewer surgeries and procedures.
  • Medicare patients who sign the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) agreeing to pay for services Medicare does not cover will find that they now have higher out-of-pocket costs to pay for these non-covered services.
  • Patients over 80 are already finding reduced approvals for certain procedures and medicines. Expect to see more of this age-based rationing as the Medicare cuts increase over the next decade.
8. Loss of ownership of your medical records.

Your doctors, hospitals, and other health professionals are being pressured to adopt electronic medical record systems and send patient information to the federal government's medical database by 2015. If they don't comply, they'll be penalized with reduced payments for services.

This means the government will own your personal, private information, and you have no say in the matter. I consider this a complete loss of your privacy, as well as a violation of the Constitution's 5th Amendment "Takings" clause.

9. More waivers and exemptions for the political elites and Democrat cronies.
The Obama Administration and its political appointee, HHS Secretary Sibelius, have granted over 1,000 waivers and special exemptions to various Democrat donors, political allies, unions, and others. Obama's politically connected friends are the only Americans who won't suffer under Obamacare's onerous regulations, ballooning costs, and 20 new taxes.

10. On January 1, 2014, the Individual Mandate to purchase Obamacare-compliant health insurance goes into effect.

"Mandate" may sound benign, but it carries the force of law. Those who do not comply face another Obamacare tax (as the Supreme Court defined it), though called a "penalty" by Democrats when they forced the healthcare law through Congress on a partisan vote.
At the end of the day, Obamacare shifts a bigger burden onto taxpayers and increases the number of people on the dole. In other words, it pushes the US in the exact opposite direction it needs to go to solve its massive debt problems.

The most serious problems of Obamacare, however, will be felt at the individual level. You're going to wait longer to see a doctor, you're going to pay more for fewer treatment options, and healthcare quality will deteriorate as doctors and hospitals go out of business.
Obamacare seeks to replace the adaptability and efficiency of our free markets with heavy-handed government control and micromanaging by bureaucrats who don't have a clue about what really helps patients. We need the opposite: patient-centered, free-market reforms.

Such programs have been successfully implemented in states like Indiana and businesses like Whole Foods and Safeway. They used health savings accounts and other incentives to empower consumers to make their own medical spending decisions.
It's possible to reform and improve the broken payment system while keeping our excellent medical care and innovative atmosphere that relieves suffering and improves quality of life. Unfortunately, Obamacare is pushing our country in the wrong direction."

End of quoted material.

YR, and along with other fantasies and believing advertisements and publicity (propaganda):

You took the bait ... you idiot .... hook, line, and sinker ..... thanks dumbshit!


YR, do you see "West Lynn"? Do you see the pink? That's Austin's official record as per the National Register of Historic Districts, which is consistent with the City of Austin Rezoning in 1976.

"Here's your sign"Bye, bye, fool.

Hopefully you will at least be honest next year when your coverage is reduced ...

.... and your premiums are increased. It'll be tough for you, but I have faith in you.
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Old 10-29-2013, 12:40 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
That's not the only error recently ...
[/LIST]8. Loss of ownership of your medical records.

Your doctors, hospitals, and other health professionals are being pressured to adopt electronic medical record systems and send patient information to the federal government's medical database by 2015. If they don't comply, they'll be penalized with reduced payments for services.

Utter bullshit, LLIdiot. Amazing that you'd pick this one up from Queen Crazy herself, Michelle Bachmann.

Here's Politifact's findings of this BS claim which so many of you are spewing:

4. The IRS is going to be "in charge" of "a huge national database" on health care that will include Americans’ "personal, intimate, most close-to-the-vest-secrets." Pants on Fire.

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., May 15, 2013, in an interview on Fox News

The Internal Revenue Service does have a role to play as part of the health care law, but it’s not the role suggested here. If you buy insurance on the marketplace and you get a subsidy, officials will check tax records to make sure you qualify. That communication with the IRS happens via a data hub that’s also connected to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It’s important to note, though, that the hub isn’t a database. The IRS isn’t running it. And it doesn’t include "intimate" health data. The hub is for signing up for health insurance, not for storing medical records. We rated the claim Pants on Fire.

Might be helpful for all of you chicken littles to read the entire story.
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Old 10-29-2013, 12:48 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
That's not the only error recently ...
6. Many people cannot keep their doctors.

Candidate Obama promised, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." But many patients who like their doctors are being forced to find new ones due to changes in physician networks, as well as doctors leaving insurance plans to start fee-for-service or "concierge" practices.

Sadly, when a patient is pushed out of a long-standing relationship with a physician who understands their medical history, medical outcomes often deteriorate. This is especially true for special-needs patients, who often fall between the cracks when doctors are pressured to see 40 or 50 patients a day in five-minute visits.
Are you saying LLIdiot, that THIS isn't the case already? That physicians haven't been dropped from networks since the advent of managed care in the 1980s? Or that doctors aren't overcrowded now?

There's nothing new here. And it's got nothing to do with the new law and everything to do with the way insurance companies run their business.
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Old 10-29-2013, 12:58 PM   #40
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I think we can all agree that FuckZup chose a lame ass poll that was designed to grab a headline and not say anything new. The methodology was weak and compared to history wasn't worth the money. Your usual standards FuckZup.
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Old 10-29-2013, 01:14 PM   #41
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They be replaced by 1980 style Republicans. Aka Tea Party
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Old 10-29-2013, 04:50 PM   #42
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Another successful jobs program ... made in the U.S....

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Old 10-29-2013, 05:00 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
This poll has an incredible margin of error of 8.3% rather than the typical 3-5%.

he poll was conducted for CNN by ORC International October 18-20, with 841 adults nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

ok, you're an idiot ... nothing new.
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Old 10-29-2013, 05:02 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Are you saying LLIdiot, that THIS isn't the case already? That physicians haven't been dropped from networks since the advent of managed care in the 1980s?
Nope. And prior to Obamacare, premiums never increased either.
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Old 10-29-2013, 05:49 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You continue to argue this. Naus is in Clarksville.

You're not.

I bought new insurance. You're a government leech on Medicare (or most likely permanent disability.)

Sucks to be wrong all the time, doesn't it LLIdiot?
Aren't you the one that said you took a government subsidy on your new ObamaCare policy? Makes you a government leech me thinks...
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