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Old 10-24-2013, 07:07 AM   #1
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hey internet buddies. I just go my Tonsils taken out a couple of days ago and I feel like crap. hurts like a MOFO. So I'm pretty much out of commission for the next 2weeks I'm using a dry erase board to communicate 'cause it hurt too much to talk atm. sad cause I was hoping to supply some happy endings so I can have Birthday money next month. the meds make me sleepy all the time but I can't go to sleep without waking up feeling like I've been throat raped. they cut away some of the tissue in my nose too, so I have a buildup of dried up blood and white blood cells clogging up my nose. When I fall asleep, I breathe through my mouth which of course irritates it.

anyone have any advice on what I can do? Ice cream has too much milk in it for me to enjoy it. not sure what to do about my nose, I need to be able to breathe through it while I sleep.

I'm on Bed rest orders at least till monday, definitely not allowed any oral activity for the next 10-12days which IMO is where I shine.

what can I possibly provide during this time of restricted activity and how do I get my body to heal?

Help fellow peers?
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Old 10-24-2013, 07:12 AM   #2
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Popcicles! They cool the throat without all the fat. It will subside in 7-10 days, it will seem much longer than it really is. Get well
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Old 10-24-2013, 08:51 AM   #3
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I was thinking popsicles as well, usually works for me. Hope you get to feeling better!
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Old 10-24-2013, 10:43 AM   #4
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Popsicles or maybe sherbet? Pudding?
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Old 10-24-2013, 10:55 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Claire She Blows View Post
Popsicles or maybe sherbet? Pudding?
Sorbet. Kinda like flavored ice, If you don't mind the high fructose corn syrup.
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Old 10-24-2013, 11:09 AM   #6
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Sorry to hear about that. I wish I had the panacea that would make you feel better. I agree he Popsicles are probably your best bet. For you nose try some of the breath right strips. They may open up your nasal passages and allow you to breath better. Get well soon!
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Old 10-24-2013, 12:52 PM   #7
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It takes more like four weeks for an adult to recover from tonsil removal.
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Old 10-24-2013, 01:21 PM   #8
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Old 10-26-2013, 10:48 AM   #9
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dregges self up from sickly paniful grave....uggggg heeeeeeelp I missed One day of antibiotics and now i'm choking/coughing up this mucus...yellow gunk and blooood build up. I feel like craaaaap. I feel nauseous. my body HATES me. Save meeeee! and my hair makes me look like a friggin troll doll!

cowboy take me away - Dixie Chicks

Originally Posted by unagi View Post
It takes more like four weeks for an adult to recover from tonsil removal.
the human body doesn't reach full adulthood till age 25. I'm not 25.
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Old 10-26-2013, 12:16 PM   #10
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awww sweetie, I am so sorry you are suffering. I can offer no advice or cures but just warm words and hugs and best wishes to get well soon. I wish I could help somehow. Popsicle delivery services?
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Old 10-26-2013, 12:38 PM   #11
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A cooled tea made from burdock root, chamomile, and marshmallow root, mixed with chilled aloe Vera juice. A little honey to coat the throat works in that mixture as well, but not too much. Gargle the mixture first, then swallow. Actually, that works pretty good for me in a lot of situations... lol.
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Old 11-11-2013, 03:41 AM   #12
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So I'm FINALLY feeling much better and alot more recovered (not fully). It's good to feel like I'm actually on the mend and not just suffering with no end in sight. thanks for all the well wishes and Advice.

I had a bit of a bloody set back about 2weeks ago. I was staying with my grandmother while recovering and 2am Day 8 (post op) rolls around I'm chilling in bed awake just finished watching that Stephen King movie Carrie (convinced that movie cursed me for) I went to the bathroom combed my hair and I start bleeding, in my mouth, at first it was like a drippy faucet then the damn broke and the wound (apparently my left tonsil space) started spewing. soon I was puking blood because apparently the taste of all that blood incited my gag reflex (good to know it still works! NOT). I spent about 5 minutes freaking out and trying to stem the blood flow and puking before common sense caught up with me and I woke my grandmother up for help. unfortunately it's about a quarter past 2 in the morning and I'm shaking my elderly grandmother awake while my mouth is still overflowing with blood. I'm sure that was such a wonderful thing to be woken up to, I'm just glad she didn't catch a scare at the site of me have a heart attack and croak on me. Not like I could call 911. anyways she gets up and what's the first thing she does? calls my mother >_> I'm t the sink puking and spewing blood out of my mouth and she calls my mom first! I wanted to be like WOMAN! Call 911! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ \(>o<)/what the heck is my mother gonna do???? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) I grab my dry erase board I've been using to communicate and wrote call 911. No she says She can drive me to the hospital....this coming from the same woman who won't see shows with me that start after 4 or 5pm cause driving in the dark is difficult for her >_> at this point i'm exasperated like whatever. she tells me to put on clothes. as I'm still gushing blood therefore unable to speak I just look at her like oh yea...how am I suppose to do that while trying NOT to spew blood all over the bedroom? she helps me put pants and a jacket on luckily i wear zip up boots easy to put on. i grab a cup for the road to continue gushing blood into.

upon reaching the hospital were my torment does not ease....some woman who clearly sees me gushing/spewing/puking up blood has me and my grandmother fill out form and asks me questions as if I can talk whilelist blood gushes from me. The Wench! arrrgh. (yea I went a bit pirate-y when I'm really mad I get british, anyways) all the while I'm gushing and running back and forth to the sink puking I look at her like you seriously gonna keep asking me nonsense questions like how much do I WEIGH? When was my last period? I'm clearly trying not to choke on my own blood right in front of you. Wench! anyways after passing through the 2nd layer of hell (the first being when I started bleeding back at the house) down the elevator to the 3 level. there I do find some relief from my Dear Agony which happens to be a favorite song my Breaking Benjamin and my theme song for the evening. a male nurse comes in tells me some stuff actually bother to help me FINALLY Thank God and asks me questions which I answer via small dry erase board. I'm convinced portable dry erase boards best thing ever invented. i get this like spit sucky thing like you see at dentist office to minimize your drool and it is my Savior. eventually the doctor comes in asks me questions and when he sees me writing my answers has the nerve to tell me, you can talk, just talk. Bitch I know I can talk!
1.) it hurts my throat to do so, so why strain it?
2.) I'm STILL Bleeding Here!
I just glare at him and continue writing while using the blood sucker. anyways after he finally leave as if on cue my body decides it need to kick it up and notch so I start puking even worse now blood sucker be damn my body was determined to bring me down to levels 4 and 5. I felt sorry for the nurse. poor nurse (different one then earlier) she comes in and tries to give me and IV mind you body still hates me and I'm still making a bloody mess in the sink. I stick my right arm out and try to hold still while convulsing over the sink so she can draw blood and set the drip apparently the plenty of samples i was kindly donating to the sink weren't acceptable. she sticks me once but missed the vain cause I moved, she had to try again. I just kept thinking I could never be a nurse if I had to come in while someone was puking up blood and try sticking them with a needle for more blood...I couldn't do it. eventually i held myself still long enough for her to succeed. ugg eventually they were ready to take me into surgery. By then i was silently begging for them to knock me out so I didn't have to up chuck anymore and they could do what they had to do. then when i woke up i had to struggle with my doctor cause apparently I wasn't in enough pain to justify receiving morphine for the pain. >_> needless to say I did Not like my doctor. good thing like ALL doctors he took Forever to come and see me. Honestly If I could have, I would have fixed myself up. screw hospital care. Not to mention can't wait for those bills to start rollin in note to self do NOT watch Carrie if you've recently had surgery that woman will get you from Beyond the grave! Also Avoid that hospital and doctors who don't think you're suffering enough to merit narcotic pain killers for a couple of hours before they give you the boot. they didn't even keep me over night for observation. the Dr. said that the bleeding I experienced post op happens to only 4/1000 people (so of course it would happen to me T_T)

and from then on it was 2weeks of painful recovery with not even the prescription I ask for that worked best on my throat pain. I had to ask my Hematologist about a week later for something stronger at least she's not evil and recognized I'm not an addict cause I want my throat to stop hurting. Alas I'm on the mend and no more bloody horror movies for me.

Now all I need is a T-Shirt that says I Survived CARRIE.

and that's where I've been the past couple of week incase any of you were wondering about my progress and recovery.
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Old 11-11-2013, 01:56 PM   #13
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welcome back to the land of the living hun. what a nightmare story. glad you survived. feel better soon. I would have freaked out, sounds scary
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Old 11-11-2013, 05:00 PM   #14
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Geez, sorry you had to go through this.

Don't blame the doctor too much about the pain killers. Our beloved scumbag Congress has decided it's more important to stop drug abuse of painkillers than to prevent suffering. They've been tightening the rules lately, and there's more and more meddling, auditing, and punishment of doctors who prescribe "too much" pain medicine.

To give you an idea of how bad it is, they make the drug companies mix acetaminophen with hydrocodone painkillers. The reason they do this is that acetaminophen is toxic and will destroy your liver if you take too much. Think about this.

"We want to protect you from the evils of getting high, so we're going to add poison to your painkillers so that it will damage your liver if you try to get high."

We all need to pressure our politicians to relax the bullshit with painkillers. With the current rules, those who really need painkillers can't get them, but the drug addicts can always find what they want on the streetcorner.
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Old 11-11-2013, 06:48 PM   #15
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Just wait, if you thought that was bad...

Starting Jan1st, 2014...the sequel to your movie and hospital experience, "Revenge of ObamaCarrie"
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