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Old 10-02-2013, 06:00 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Passerby View Post
What does it have to do with the government shutting down? The ACA is already funded. This shutdown doesn't stop the ACA from being funded. The program started today. The House tried to repeal the ACA 42 times. It didn't work. Even if they had the votes to pass a bill, the Pres. wouldn't sign it into law and they don't have the votes to override a veto.

They lost the White House. They lost the Senate. The ONLY reason they didn't lose the House was because of gerrymandering. WTF is the end game on this? Maintaining the shutdown until the middle of the month and then defaulting on the debt? NOBODY thinks that is a viable solution except members of the Tea Party, or so it seems.

As to your point about gov. pouring millions into projects...no shit sherlock. That is what governments do. I know its all trendy on the far right to believe we don't need a strong federal gov. but we tried that before. It didn't work. Is there room to cut some spending, to make things more efficient? Sure of course. But the first step is to be reasonable. Or maybe the first step is to ADMIT you fucked up. I get the butthurt. I really do. But the facts are that the Republicans fucked up sooooooo bad that a black man got elected president. You deal with it. You man up and take your lumps. You don't come out on the guys first day on the job and say you will do everything in your power to make sure he fails.

The ACA is the Republican model for healthcare. It is the law and it is constitutional. Get over it.
Apparently you have been living in a cave, it has everything to do with funding the ACA, the republicans want to defund it and dismantle it long term, but for now they are just asking for a 1 year delay on implementation. Since the other side wont come out and play with regards to the ACA the only way to bring them to the game is to hold up the money to run the government. This also has to do with the budget ceiling but that may be to complicated for you since you want to bring race into this discussion. Jesus Christ, a white person cant disagree with a direction or decision without it always being about fucking race. The use of the race card just shows a limited capacity to discuss complicated issues, and also goes to reinforce whats my original point was regarding closed minds. I now am done discussing this, I am going to take my white ass, and get my bi racial kids ready for school, wait if I disagree with liberal ideology does that mean I hate my "nigger" kids.

"The aca is the republican model", well maybe, but whats dumber blaming the republicans, or modeling your program after a program that is already proven to be failed.

Well in a socialist society governments pour their resources into these programs, but when you are sold a bill of goods that says this program will be self supporting and its not, then I as a tax paying American have a problem with it. I am now done comrade Sherlock.

"get over it" spoken like a true liberal, like I said, closed minds. "we won, were in charge", got us exactly where we are now.
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Old 10-02-2013, 06:34 AM   #32
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Did you hear the one about the members of the Greatest Generation who broke down the barricade to view the World War II Memorial? The same men who came ashore at Iwo Jima, Normandy, Anzio, and Saipan are used to jumping hurdles. It didn't matter that the youngest is over 80 years old they showed why they are the greatest. The park police said that this will not be allowed again. What will they do, shoot them?

I saw that on the news last nite.WTF it is a open air memorial .Why would they put up a barricade to keep people out.They truly are the Greatest Generation
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Old 10-02-2013, 07:10 AM   #33
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You are obtuse.
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Old 10-02-2013, 07:45 AM   #34
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For those of you who simply regurgitate what you heard on the news, YOU are part of the problem. The politicians have discovered that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. Perception is reality.

Personally I'm ready to take my money, pension, SS (LOL) and retire on a beach in Belize.
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Old 10-02-2013, 10:54 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Passerby View Post
You are obtuse.
Yeap as usual, when the regurgitated party line is exhausted the simple minded liberal resorts to name called, twice in this thread, I must really be getting under your skin.
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Old 10-02-2013, 12:34 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
In 1967 LBJ and the democratic Congress passed a law opening the Social Security funds to the general fund to hide the cost of the Vietnam War. That is when SS was robbed.

The military is getting it's paychecks, grandma is getting her check, the VA is giving out the checks, and 85 % of government is working. I don't see a problem. In fact the stock market went up today.

Did you hear the one about the members of the Greatest Generation who broke down the barricade to view the World War II Memorial? The same men who came ashore at Iwo Jima, Normandy, Anzio, and Saipan are used to jumping hurdles. It didn't matter that the youngest is over 80 years old they showed why they are the greatest. The park police said that this will not be allowed again. What will they do, shoot them?

Thanks for your myopic view.
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Old 10-02-2013, 03:57 PM   #37
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Default Sauce for the goose?

The House has passed bills on repealing the medical equipment tax along with bills to fund parts of the government but Harry Reid won't let it come up for a vote. Who is the real shithead here? This is a no brainer, the democrats in the Senate want to get rid of that tax as well.

Originally Posted by Passerby View Post
There are enough Republicans in the HOUSE who would join the Democrats in voting for a clean bill to fund the government, but Boehner won't call a vote.

That is the bottom line.
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:26 PM   #38
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I agree with the Republicans wanting to delay Obamacare for a year - but I have no reason to think that the gubmint could get its act together in another year, either. This thing is already a goat-fuck supreme.
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Old 10-02-2013, 04:29 PM   #39
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And whose fault is it again? This is the negotiations room. As usual, Republicans show up for work and Dems don't.

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Old 10-02-2013, 07:09 PM   #40
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If your party can be held hostage by a small number of people you are in deep do do ..
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Old 10-02-2013, 07:18 PM   #41
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Lol Since when is this the Time to Vote on Bills? Didn't The healthcare act already go through The House, The Senate, The President's Office, And the Supreme Court? You want to hold the government Hostage because you don't like something that was voted in Legally? I applaud what Obama said about he has no reason to negotiate since paying for bills that have passed is a basic function of government. IMO the republicans are making themselves to look like whiny babies that are saying we wont play with you cause we don't like you. The funny part is Like it or not Agree with it or not It is a Legal Bill that has passed. The Majority of the people have spoken when they reelected Obama to Office (Obamacare was a Republican running point) So time to just shut up and do your job.
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Old 10-02-2013, 08:22 PM   #42
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With all these old guys on here waiting for their Government checks, some providers might go broke, can an Escort claim unemployment?
This might take months like last time they shut down.
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Old 10-16-2013, 01:08 PM   #43
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One positive through all this political BS is watching the hot anchors, reporters, correspondents, etc...Brooke Baldwin, Erin Burnett, S E Cupp, Betty Nguyen, etc.
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Old 10-16-2013, 02:27 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
In 1967 LBJ and the democratic Congress passed a law opening the Social Security funds to the general fund to hide the cost of....
Kennedy was going to make some real changes and he had to be stopped - involved a number of elements in this country who stll manipulate this part of the world. And not just the war was involved. In my memory store, that was when the "welfare state" began and politicians began BUYING VOTES with the money put in by individuals to retire on. And it goes on today. Illegals kids going to school free, free groceries, and more? And if you have ever gone to Dallas and seen that street, well better stop there on that topic.

Originally Posted by Whizman View Post
Did you hear the one about the members of the Greatest Generation who broke down the barricade to view the World War II Memorial? The same men who came ashore at Iwo Jima, Normandy, Anzio, and Saipan are used to jumping hurdles. It didn't matter that the youngest is over 80 years old they showed why they are the greatest. The park police said that this will not be allowed again. What will they do, shoot them?
Not sure but the guys I saw were more like Viet Nam and later age. But they were all trained by us to shoot guns and I am sure they have 1 or 2 somewhere and a round or two of ammo somewhere if needed? So let's hope they don't have to return fire!

Originally Posted by love2fishfork View Post
....Personally I'm ready to take my money, pension, SS (LOL) and retire on a beach in Belize.
Well...not sure what the price of anything there is but it might be an interest trip? Anyone been there?
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Old 10-17-2013, 11:40 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by ss4699 View Post
Well...not sure what the price of anything there is but it might be an interest trip? Anyone been there?
Actually I just got back! It's a very beautiful English speaking country (used to be British ruled until just recently). The cost of living is very low, and they are trying very hard to attract Americans to retire there. Building nice retirement communities (ocean front), and allowing SS, and Pension money into the country tax free. Also just a short flight from the US. I think I'd rather be on the beach sipping a glass of red wine than listening to idiots on the news telling us what to think.
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