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Old 09-27-2013, 08:50 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
The reason people hate Obama Care is because they hate Obama.

It is really that simple.

Give the law a chance. True, our rates are going up, but, crap, they go up every year anyway.

In politics, you fight the fights that you have a chance to win. Despite as many as 35 to 40 percent of the Country being against it, ObamaCare passed and is the law. The best thing for conservatives to do is concentrate on the 2014 mid terms and get a bigger majority in the house, and perhaps get the Senate.

You still will not be able to get rid of ObamaCare. President Obama will veto any bill attempting that, and there will never be enough of a majority to over ride that veto. But what you can do is amend the law to where there there are no waivers or opt outs.

Even President Clinton recently said that the only way the law will work is if EVERYBODY is enrolled.
President Obama is not always going to be in office and he has clearly shown that the president has the power to exempt anyone he wants to with this law or tell the IRS not to enforce it.. The next Republican president will simply exempt everyone or delay all the fines, maybe the next Dem will fire it up again, but the law is DOA day one of a Repub getting in office, you can be assured of that.
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Old 09-27-2013, 08:58 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
President Obama is not always going to be in office and he has clearly shown that the president has the power to exempt anyone he wants to with this law or delay the IRS from collecting taxes for it. The next Republican president will simply exempt everyone or delay all the fines, maybe the next Dem will fire it up again, but the law is DOA day one of a Repub getting in office, you can be assured of that.
So who are the Republicans going to run against the Hildabeast.

Right now, we are looking at 6 more years of the Dems controlling the Whitehouse, maybe 10. Hell, I will be 67 in a few months, I will probably be dead by the time we get another Republican in.

Concentrate on the House, and Senate.
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Old 09-27-2013, 09:03 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
So who are the Republicans going to run against the Hildabeast.

Right now, we are looking at 6 more years of the Dems controlling the Whitehouse, maybe 10. Hell, I will be 67 in a few months, I will probably be dead by the time we get another Republican in.

Concentrate on the House, and Senate.
Notice I didn't say when. I'm with you on Hilary being the next prez, not because that is what I want, but there is no doubt in my mind the Repubs will try to run some religious weirdo that wants to imprison half of the country or someone dying to hit the nuke button. Never claimed they were smart at politics, just that Obamacare is dead when one of them gets in.
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Old 09-27-2013, 09:11 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
Never claimed they were smart at politics, just that Obamacare is dead when one of them gets in.
That's what the Repubs said about Social Security, way back when!
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Old 09-27-2013, 09:15 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
That's what the Repubs said about Social Security, way back when!
Again, I have never said they were smart, but Obie actually showed them how to do it in this case.
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Old 09-27-2013, 09:37 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
Again, I have never said they were smart, but Obie actually showed them how to do it in this case.
We might as well come to grips with the fact that Obamacare is now the law of the land! For the next 75 years, Repubs will try every legislative trick possible to cut funding. Does that remind you of Social Security?

If not, it should!

Quite frankly, the Repubs have no one to blame but themselves. They could and should have engaged the Dems in meaningful healthcare dialogue. Had they done so, they could have left their imprint on the final healthcare bill. Yet throughout the entire debate, they failed to come to the bargaining table with a viable plan.

Their only plan was to oppose!

Call it what you want, but the Repubs missed a golden opportunity. As a result, they lost their ticket to the dance.

As for me, I don't feel sorry for them. The Repubs got what they bargaining for.

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Old 09-27-2013, 10:14 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
We might as well come to grips with the fact that Obamacare is now the law of the land! For the next 75 years, Repubs will try every legislative trick possible to cut funding. Does that remind you of Social Security?

If not, it should!

Quite frankly, the Repubs have no one to blame but themselves. They could have engaged the Dems and left their imprint on the final healthcare bill. Yet throughout the entire debate, they failed to come to the bargaining table with a viable plan.

Their only plan was to oppose.

Call it what you want, but the Repubs missed a golden opportunity. As a result, they lost their ticket to the dance.
I guess you haven't actually been keeping up with this law? Or, are you trying to say that there is something in this law that states only a Democratic president can grant exemptions or tell the IRS not to enforce it without legislative approval? There are no such provisions in Social Security.

Why would you think Obama can do these things and a Republican president could not?
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Old 09-27-2013, 10:20 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
Why would you think Obama can do these things and a Republican president could not?
It is one thing to stop major legislative initiatives before they actually become law. It is quite another to stop it after it is picking up momentum on the downhill side. You need look no further than Social Security to recognize the obstacles now confronting the Republican Party.

To further complicate matters, the Supreme Court issued their historic, landmark decision last year. As a result, the Repubs have now lost their ticket to the dance. But you can take comfort in knowing that you can still peek through the windows!

Speaking of the Supremes, have you given any thought as to what the make up of the Court will be at the end of a 2nd Hillary term, should she win. If that is the case, I suspect the Court will be as progressive 20 years from now, as it is conservative today.

Fuel for thought: The Repubs were unable to win the landmark, Obamacare SC decision, despite having a conservative Court.

A really big OOPS!
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Old 09-27-2013, 10:21 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
I guess you haven't actually been keeping up with this law? Or, are you trying to say that there is something in this law that states only a Democratic president can grant exemptions or tell the IRS not to enforce it without legislative approval? There are no such provisions in Social Security.

Why would you think Obama can do these things and a Republican president could not?

because when a republican president FINALLY reaches the WH he would be taking health care away from millions of people who have actually been fortunate enough to get medical care that made their life better???

just a guess, like SS is today
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Old 09-27-2013, 10:53 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
because when a republican president FINALLY reaches the WH he would be taking health care away from millions of people who have actually been fortunate enough to get medical care that made their life better???

just a guess, like SS is today
Where did that come from? The prez only has the power to exempt everyone and tell the IRS not to enforce it (through the Treasury dept of course). He doesn't have the power to repeal it or prevent anyone from purchasing health insurance as you and Perry are suggesting.

If it indeed is such a great deal for all of Americans, removing the requirement to purchase insurance or facing penalties for not doing so should not be needed in the law anyway, right?

I don't know a single person that likes SS, including me, but I haven't seen a poll lately so I can't speak for the rest of the country.
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Old 09-27-2013, 10:56 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
Gibbs rule # 36

Never bet with an idiot willing to cut off his dick.
Who is Gibbs?
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Old 09-27-2013, 11:04 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
I don't know a single person that likes SS
I like SS!

And I am going to like it even more when my long anticipated retirement date finally arrives.

It's just around the corner!
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Old 09-27-2013, 11:14 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Who is Gibbs?
He is the former Head Coach of the Washington Redskins!
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Old 09-27-2013, 11:18 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
It is one thing to stop major legislative initiatives before they actually become law. It is quite another to stop it after it is picking up momentum on the downhill side. You need look no further than Social Security to recognize the obstacles now confronting the Republican Party.

To further complicate matters, the Supreme Court issued their historic, landmark decision last year. As a result, the Repubs have now lost their ticket to the dance. But you can take comfort in knowing that you can still peek through the windows!

Speaking of the Supremes, have you given any thought as to what the make up of the Court will be at the end of a 2nd Hillary term, should she win. If that is the case, I suspect the Court will be as progressive 20 years from now as it is conservative today.

Fuel for thought: The Repubs were unable to win the landmark, Obamacare SC decision, despite having a conservative Court.

A really big OOPS!
Okay, I'll be real clear, I agree 100% that the legislative branch has no power under Obamacare to grant exemptions or tell the IRS not to enforce it. I also agree that there is a near zero chance that they have the combined intelligence to pass anything that will do so either. The same being for SS way back when, and the Supreme Court had a landmark ruling.

But none of that has anything to do with what I was talking about so I'm not sure if you just didn't get the question or you don't want to answer it and want to talk about congress? I was talking about the Executive branch and what the prez has the power to do under this law.
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Old 09-27-2013, 11:25 PM   #75
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didn't you also claim that the doctors under your employ would be told not to treat patients with policies obtained through an exchange?

If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance...If not, then refresh our memories, please.
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