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Old 09-26-2013, 11:57 AM   #16
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Exaggeration is always the last desperate grasp of a loser..............
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:01 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Exaggeration is always the last desperate grasp of a loser..............

don't be so hard on yourself
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:21 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
And the Democrats voted with the Republicans................
And can you remind me who you voted for again in 2008 please?
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:32 PM   #19
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I never said who I voted for; I did say (and it is still true), I did not vote for Obama or McCain.................

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
And can you remind me who you voted for again in 2008 please?
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:58 PM   #20
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[QUOTE=Whirlaway;1054066453]I never said who I voted for; I did say (and it is still true), I did not vote for Obama or McCain.................[/QUOTE

So you admit you are a RINO? The election is 2008 it's done and over 5 years ago- are you embarrassed of who you voted for? Why not just reveal the name?

Are you going to defend your comment about if you voted or gave money to either Romney or Obama that you are part of the problem? That was strange since you were so pro- Romney.
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Old 09-26-2013, 01:05 PM   #21
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Your logic is twisted; I didn't vote for Republican Presidential Candidates in 2000, 2004 and 2008 and I grudgingly voted for Romney in 2012 - as a stand against Obama and I am a Republican ?

Your either nuts or stupid....you pick which one.

Do you even know what RINO stands for ?

Can you not grasp the concept that I thought Romney was the better of 2 terrible choices ?
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Old 09-26-2013, 01:10 PM   #22
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Can you not grasp the concept that I thought Romney was the better of 2 terrible choices ?

based on his campaign platform aka refusing to answer questions, yes I can believe you consider Willard the best man for the job
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Old 09-26-2013, 02:11 PM   #23
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This has been explained frequently on Fox News and talk radio. I'm sure that they never said a word about it on MSNBC. It is complicated so CJ had better get his mother to explain it to him.

The Houses passed a bill that funds all of government except for Obamacare. All spending bills originate in the House. So any bill that comes out of the House is the default or norm. This is not a budget bill.

Now the House sent the bill to the Senate where the Evil Fockair Harry Reid publicly said that he would open up the house bill and put one single amendment (his) into it. This single amendment would refund Obamacare and then Reid would use a procedural rural to prevent any other amendments by anyone else. Reid has made this a practice in his time as Senate Leader.

Before the bill falls into the hands of Reid it has to be voted into consideration. This is where Cruz steps up. He filibustered (no matter what the Evil Fockair Harry Reid says) the bill from being accepted into consideration, thus keeping it intact (with the defunding of Obamacare). As expected the filibuster failed to stop the bill from being ruled into consideration and the scapel of Harry Reid. The bill was brought up for consideration and Cruz voted for it along with many of the GOP senators. They can't stop it so they want to move it along.

Harry Reid got the bill and has now inserted his pigs heart of an amendment or that is what is about to happen. The time factor is important because the bill could be brought up for a vote anytime now and people like CJ don't own watches or understand time.

Now do you understand CJ? The GOP wants to pass the house bill but that is not going to happen with a corrupt person like Harry Reid running the senate. Cruz raised the profile of the bill and Obamacare which was the intent. Defeating it at this time was a forlorn hope. So now the bill will be disembowled by Reid and then the Frankenbill will be brought back out on the floor for a vote. Cruz will vote against it then unless the House has some plan and needs it back quickly. A filibuster won't work because Reid will use a procedural rule that only needs 51 votes to pass the Frankenbill.

Now is all that clear.....probably not for CJ. Someone explain it to him.
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Old 09-26-2013, 02:23 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
This has been explained frequently on Fox News and talk radio. I'm sure that they never said a word about it on MSNBC. It is complicated so CJ had better get his mother to explain it to him.

The Houses passed a bill that funds all of government except for Obamacare. All spending bills originate in the House. So any bill that comes out of the House is the default or norm. This is not a budget bill.

Now the House sent the bill to the Senate where the Evil Fockair Harry Reid publicly said that he would open up the house bill and put one single amendment (his) into it. This single amendment would refund Obamacare and then Reid would use a procedural rural to prevent any other amendments by anyone else. Reid has made this a practice in his time as Senate Leader.

Before the bill falls into the hands of Reid it has to be voted into consideration. This is where Cruz steps up. He filibustered (no matter what the Evil Fockair Harry Reid says) the bill from being accepted into consideration, thus keeping it intact (with the defunding of Obamacare). As expected the filibuster failed to stop the bill from being ruled into consideration and the scapel of Harry Reid. The bill was brought up for consideration and Cruz voted for it along with many of the GOP senators. They can't stop it so they want to move it along.

Harry Reid got the bill and has now inserted his pigs heart of an amendment or that is what is about to happen. The time factor is important because the bill could be brought up for a vote anytime now and people like CJ don't own watches or understand time.

Now do you understand CJ? The GOP wants to pass the house bill but that is not going to happen with a corrupt person like Harry Reid running the senate. Cruz raised the profile of the bill and Obamacare which was the intent. Defeating it at this time was a forlorn hope. So now the bill will be disembowled by Reid and then the Frankenbill will be brought back out on the floor for a vote. Cruz will vote against it then unless the House has some plan and needs it back quickly. A filibuster won't work because Reid will use a procedural rule that only needs 51 votes to pass the Frankenbill.

Now is all that clear.....probably not for CJ. Someone explain it to him.

someone explain to JD there was NO filibuster from Cruz ... his mother won't even talk to him.
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Old 09-26-2013, 03:19 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Regardless of how wadded up the Teawipes get their Kotexes, one thing is clear - they can't even give a simple answer to a simple, straightforward question. Must be the National Socialist Noise Network disease kicking in.

BTW, in case you geniuses haven't noticed, Ted Cruz is on Ted Cruz's side and that side alone. I hope he raises a boatload of cash over this little stunt so he can fool himself into thinking that he's got a shot at being elected President. The sooner this Canadian rat-bastard's political career is disposed of the better.
Only in your mind; a mind that is fixated on dicks, shit, piss and other body parts and functions could such dumb crap emerge...
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Old 09-26-2013, 03:52 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
someone explain to JD there was NO filibuster from Cruz ... his mother won't even talk to him.
JD just explained how it wasn't a filibuster after telling us it was....what a retard!

Be like bringing out a mule painted like a zebra and then proceeding to explain how he painted it to look like a Zebra and now JD and Tea Party are the only one's that think it is a God Damn Zebra

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Old 09-26-2013, 06:47 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Your logic is twisted; I didn't vote for Republican Presidential Candidates in 2000, 2004 and 2008 and I grudgingly voted for Romney in 2012 - as a stand against Obama and I am a Republican ?

Your either nuts or stupid....you pick which one.

Do you even know what RINO stands for ?

Can you not grasp the concept that I thought Romney was the better of 2 terrible choices ?
Ok- have you ever voted for a democrat? If you are Libertarian like you want us to believe than why are their not more Pro- Ron or Rand Paul or Gary Johnson threads from you? Yes you are a RINO because you support all of their agendas even though many libertarians don't see eye to eye with the GOP platform on many issues.
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Old 09-26-2013, 07:15 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You make no sense; a "No" vote would mean he doesn't want the the House bill (to defund) be considered by the Senate............

You are a political idiot........
Is that what the House bill did? Links please. I think you're drinking a lot of Kool aid! Whirlyturd.

Cruz voted with everybody else who wanted him to STFU.


He's an idiot, as are you.
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Old 09-26-2013, 07:16 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Only in your mind; a mind that is fixated on dicks, shit, piss and other body parts and functions could such dumb crap emerge...
awesome post, Kayla!
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:08 PM   #30
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Let's just say he didn't know what the fuck he was doing. But his tiny base did...
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