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Old 09-25-2013, 12:49 AM   #1
JD Barleycorn
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Default Okay, we have about five days, how will Walt end?

Give us your best guess of how Walt will end on Breaking Bad.

Walt returns (we know that already) and he is going after the Arayan Brotherhood. He finds Jesse still alive and together they wreak vengeance on Todd and his little friends. Walt doesn't make it though. What about the ladies? Lydia exposed and she is being done by Todd by now. Marie stays an unsatisfied widow and Skyler gets a package of money.

Saul? As predicted Saul is running a Cinnabun near the Canadian border.
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Old 09-25-2013, 05:38 AM   #2
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This belongs in the Sandbox...
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Old 09-25-2013, 05:39 AM   #3
Doc Savage
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Agree with the arayan brotherhood part. But what got walt out of that bar in New Hampshire was his original business partner saying Walt did nothing other than providing half the name to the company. That got his Heisenberg ego going. I think that ricin capsule he got from his house is for his old partner (or he commits suicide with it).
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Old 09-25-2013, 07:50 AM   #4
R. Stone Jr.
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Default Cancer

Here's my guess:

Uncle Jack threatens Lydia. This enrages Todd and so he kill him. Lydia is shocked and then realizes Todd has a crush on her. She spurns him and he shoots her. Todd must now run so he's not killed by the remaining Aryans.

Walt tracks down the Aryan hideout. Uses the M60 to find out where his money is. He takes his money and goes back into hiding.

Walt uses the ricin to kill Elliott and Gretchen.

Walt makes contact with Skylar. He convinces her to 'disappear' with the money. He does not go with them because Walt Jr. will not go if Walt goes.

Walt dies alone from cancer.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Give us your best guess of how Walt will end on Breaking Bad.

Walt returns (we know that already) and he is going after the Arayan Brotherhood. He finds Jesse still alive and together they wreak vengeance on Todd and his little friends. Walt doesn't make it though. What about the ladies? Lydia exposed and she is being done by Todd by now. Marie stays an unsatisfied widow and Skyler gets a package of money.

Saul? As predicted Saul is running a Cinnabun near the Canadian border.
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Old 09-25-2013, 08:53 AM   #5
JD Barleycorn
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Yes, I forgot about his former friends and business partners. I have disagree with the ricin. It is not fast acting like cynanide, it would take a few days but it is lethal. He is already looking at death shortly and I don't think he would take that way out. He either goes out quickly or he will hang on to the bitter end. Every actor wants a death scene so I think he goes quickly. Interesting thought on Todd and Lydia. Have to think about that one.
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Old 09-25-2013, 10:16 AM   #6
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Walt will find a way to poison the Aryan Brotherhood. But before the Ricin takes effect they will execute Walt. Walt wants to die as Heisenberg anyway so that actually is part of his plan. The M-60 will be used as a distraction to hide his true intent. Afterall when has Heisenberg been Rambo? His true legacy will be that of a man no one should have messed with.

Walt may put the ricin in tea that the brotherhood has prepared for Lydia, which they all share thus killing all of them, or he may take tea with them.
Jessie survives. I think Todd will die from the Ricin during a cook and Jessie will take the keys from him, get the money and head for parts unknown, perhaps helping Skyler, but probably not. Jessie doesn't know that Lady MacBeth, I mean Skyler thought Walt should have him killed ("What's one more?").

Skyler will go to prison unless Jessie helps her with $ somehow. If she does her son and Holly will ironically be left with Hank's wife who wanted them anyway (well at least Holly).
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Old 09-25-2013, 04:31 PM   #7
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IDK but I can't wait!!! I think Walter will die in the desert somewhere.. idk his hat on the ground just kinda makes me think that. Skylar is a stupid bitch. If she couldn't deal with the problems, or getting caught then she shouldn't have BEGGED Walter to let her help.
Walter Jr. is an idiot.. when big walt and skylar had that incident in the living room why did he call the cops and say my dad tried to stab my mom, he didnt try to stab her he was just getting the knife away from her when skyler tried to stab him.
Idk maybe walt will try to save Jessie again, and give him the poison to kill all those white men that took walts money
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Old 09-25-2013, 04:48 PM   #8
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Hope it ends better than Dexter did.
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Old 09-25-2013, 05:20 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by DestinyInKC View Post
Walter Jr. is an idiot.. when big walt and skylar had that incident in the living room why did he call the cops and say my dad tried to stab my mom, he didnt try to stab her he was just getting the knife away from her when skyler tried to stab him.
I don't know...Walt Jr. is one of the few characters in the show that isn't just a complete piece of shit. If I found out my dad killed my uncle, and then my mom had to use a butcher knife to protect my sister and me from him, I'd call the cops too.
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Old 09-25-2013, 05:41 PM   #10
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Well true I forgot he found out about hank, but i just thought it was messed up he said his dad attacked his mom with a knife when he didn't, I actually do like walt jr though. I think they should give him the car wash LOL
I have actually always liked skylar too until this episode but I guess its the same thing, walt DID just kill hank so I guess I can see where she is coming from.
I don't think Skylar will get in any type of trouble because of the phone call Walt made so that will be good for her and the kids.
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Old 09-25-2013, 08:01 PM   #11
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I was wondering after the 911 call if he deliberately misrepresented what happened, or if that was his honest perception of what happened. Either way, I think he felt Walt's betrayal the most keenly of everyone given that both parents lied to him about so many things for so long.

I also feel some sympathy for Skylar, but she made compromises too. She willingly laundered the drug money, looked the other way as Walt kept cooking meth, suggested that Walt kill Jessie and a while back she even fucked Ted (that probably being the least of her sins). But unlike Walt, I think she actually regrets what she did, not that she got caught. Whenever Walt Jr asked Skylar why she did what she did, she said that she'd be asking herself that for the rest of her life.

Back to the original question of how Walt ends, I'm thinking suicide by cop. I'm sure he'll take a few people with him, but I think he gets gunned down before the cancer kills him.
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Old 09-26-2013, 02:21 PM   #12
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Sort of looks like Heisenberg.
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Old 09-26-2013, 03:25 PM   #13
Smoking Monkey
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I think it would be fitting if he died alone and ostracized hooked up to an IV drip...but I have a feeling he'll go out in a blaze of glory!
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Old 09-28-2013, 12:12 AM   #14
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OK here's my first post after refusing to ever comment or review for all this time:

Walter Jr. is beaten and killed for being a total dimwitted idiot (maybe the Aryans kill him by accident when they were really going after Skyler for Lydia). Walt saves Jesse's life from the Aryans and gives him a ton of cash, Jesse then has an uneasy final parting with Walt, but goes peacefully taking the kid along with him now that his mother is dead.

In a final twist, Walt pins the entire operarion on Skyler and Marie, having both of them go to prison for life or be shot to death by the cops/DEA. Lydia in turn goes down but in a more off-screen way.

As a way of making up to Mike, Walt starts banging his daughter, gets cancer-free once and for all, and lives happily ever after with her and Mike's granddaughter in a super awesome cartel hideout in Mexico. However Walt sneaks Carmen (the really hot HS principal) away with him and does her on the side just because he's Walter White and can do what he wants.

To me it is very unfortunate that this show is heading towards a standard Hollywood "crime doesn't pay" ending. Dammit I don't want a Hollywood ending, I love this show because it DOESN'T HAVE common theme endings!

I want Heisenberg to go down in a super bad-ass but happily ever after way showing that becoming a drug lord is an awesome life choice that pays off in the end. As Tuco told him, Walt doesn't need his family, he can buy a new one in Mexico!

Now THAT would be an appropriate ending to this awesome show.
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Old 09-28-2013, 12:20 AM   #15
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Oh and Walt proves that he was the brains of the company publically, causing Gray Matter to go belly-up followed by Gretchen and Elliot becoming homeless after they took Walter's work and made a fortune stealing from him.

Walt needs to win this and take vengance all the way around.
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