Chrissy, I have been in this business for many years.
I say business, because we providers need to always remember this is a business 1st and pleasure 2nd.
Marketing is an essential and probably the most important aspect of any business; especially when starting.
Now, take a minute to look at this business issue (the Bad Review).
Your Review has over 2700 views & 53 replies.
The negative Title of the review is what prompts the views (unfortunately humans are attracted to negative gossip) You have to also keep in mind that there are
a lot more Lurkers viewing your review than members. Lurkers cannot see the ROS but the majority of the $, business, comes from
lurkers/non members.
So, about 70% of your future clients only read a short negative physical description of you. They
did not read the ROS and majority of lurkers will not read coed threads.
Lurkers (the majority) read
40 positive replies about you. The other 13 were from the jackass OP.
Ok, now that I have confused everybody..... My point is.....
Put your feelings aside and look at this as a business.
You just received the
best free advertising possible with a negative review.
Smile Girl!!! You Won!!!!!
If you ever need anything feel free to contact me. or 512-348-6172