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Old 09-24-2013, 09:50 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by shayla84 View Post
I choose to keep a little hair because to me I look like a kid if not and I am not a kid I am a woman, every woman has it, but I do keep mine trimmed and shaped, but I dont see the fun in looking down and thinking your screwing a kid, its gross. BUT alot of girls and my friends shave all off and thats there thing, to each there own I guess.
Very true!! Personal choice. I prefer shaved but a landing strip can be very sexy. Full bush, no way. I've always said that psychologists would have a field day with us guys who want their women fully shaved.
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Old 09-24-2013, 09:52 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
Funny, I don't remember you on our "Jungle Party" guest list.. Most were shaved/bare ...
Been there!!
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Old 09-24-2013, 09:55 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA View Post
I've been shaving and getting waxed well before providing. Started when I was about 17. Went from just being lightly trimmed to bare and back to mostly bare w/ some kind of patch.
Would be interested to know why you decided to go bald at such an early age. Were your peers the same way?
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Old 09-24-2013, 10:22 PM   #49
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I have been with 4 or 5 girls out of the hobby and all of them were shaved. In my opinion, any woman looks better completely shaved; otherwise, it looks unclean. I have only see 2 girls with a bush and I wasn't very comfortable wit that. I usually DATY but in those occasions I decided not to.
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Old 09-24-2013, 10:56 PM   #50
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Influenced by all the porn I was watching probably (I've always been an odd girl lol) .... it was a transition though from hairy but trimmed to very close trim to bald and a slight regression back to a little hair but being mostly bald.

And I was the odd one out amongst most of my female friends .... only one other friend shaved.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Would be interested to know why you decided to go bald at such an early age. Were your peers the same way?
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Old 10-17-2013, 08:57 AM   #51
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You know, this subject comes up occasionally, and there are always the "hate it" and "love it" sides to the issue. The truth is, it's all about trends. Not all that long ago, a woman shaving her legs was considered a "tramp," and no one did it...until everyone did it. now if a woman had unshaved legs, well, the outrage would be everywhere around her.

Same with pubic shaving. Since the dawn of photography, we have recorded proof of the trends. For decades, the trend was full natural. Then about the 40s and 50s, the "bikini shave" became the trend, which meant full bush, but clean around the edges. Up through the 80s, even the porn industry reflected this standard. Who can forget Ginger Lynn, Shauna Grant, and all the incredible young ladies with perfect bush? In fact, the girls in PORN who shaved were considered specialty items. So shaving was considered odd...until it wasn't.

Then came the 90s. The uber-thin look in the media required the models to be shaved shaved shaved! And the TREND began. And so now, shaving is the norm...until it isn't anymore. Which, for me, can't be too soon. And I must add, it's like the tattoo trend/craze: teenagers and college girls today get them like it's the thing to do...which for now it is, until it isn't! It's just a trend, and it will pass.

The funny thing is how people "defend the trend" and even come up with all sorts of reasons why anything other than the trend they currently know and love, or grew up with and loved, is the only way to go. Young guys today (in this thread) post about how they hate a bush; okay, that's cuz the trend you grew up with says so. I grew up under a different trend, so I hate the shave-craze, I believe that way cuz the trend I grew up with says so.

We want to believe we are free-thinkers all the time, but the truth is, we follow societal trends, and pubic shaving is one of them. History proves this. Now, as for which is better hygienically, unshaved is much safer. Pubic hair serves up several health benefits. First, hair is a natural wick for moisture (which is a breeding ground for pathogens) to move away from skin. Second, hair is a "dry lubricant" in that it creates a soft environment for friction (not applicable to stubbly, trimmed bush!). It's like the difference between rubbing your hand on dry leather as opposed to soft fur. Third, shaving leaves tiny nicks and cuts...again, perfect for pathogens.

As for cleanliness and aromas, etc...unwashed is unwashed, and freshly cleaned is freshly cleaned, whether it is shaved or not. So that argument carries no weight. I hope I live to see the day when young girls once again have a 70s style bikini bush, and no ink, and no piercings except the ears! Those are the trends I know (knew) and love(d). Happy hunting guys...and if you know someone who meets my preferences...drop me a msg. Thanks for reading!!!
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Old 10-17-2013, 09:42 AM   #52
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I haven't been with a girl outside the hobby that didn't shave in about 10 years or so but I also haven't dated anyone over the age of 26 in as long either.
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Old 10-17-2013, 10:05 AM   #53
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wixchill I think I love you. It pisses me off to be called unclean because I am natural. it is simply not true. You it the nail on the head with your wise words. I have never been one to follow trends. I am the anti trend setter. I had a full Mohawk in 1979 and a full bush in 2013 and neither was from a trend, it was just me being me. fuck societies' expectations of conformity.
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Old 10-17-2013, 10:29 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by sue_nami View Post
It pisses me off to be called unclean because I am natural. it is simply not true.
There are some things that are holdovers from evolution that we just don't need--pubic hair is one such thing. Being "natural" doesn't make it the right thing to do, even in Austin. After all, naturally, I am almost blind (I wear glasses to see), should I self-debilitate for the sake of being "as I was made;" no.

In a bygone era, prostitutes HAD to shave their pubes because of lice and presumably bathing was also less common. They wore a prosthetic wig over their genitalia called a merkin to give the appearance of being healthy (covering-up their venereal disease).

If providers are reading this and wondering what guys want...
Hair above the vulva is fine, below is not.

Think of it like a canvas; if the art you are making adds to the canvas, paint it--if not, leave it blank. (same goes for tattoos and piercings)
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Old 10-17-2013, 10:31 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by lovelamp View Post
I haven't been with a girl outside the hobby that didn't shave in about 10 years or so but I also haven't dated anyone over the age of 26 in as long either.
The only woman I have been with in the last 25 years that did not shave was my Ex Wife

I thought the current SB was going to be one because she asked the question shortly before meeting and I told her my preferences would be for a small nicely trimmed heart shape.... Seen one gal with it a lifetime ago and it stuck in my mind.

The answer is all around you... Advertisements for waxing and Brazilians are everywhere. I live with a 22yo and a little over a year ago her mom was paying for her to get laser removal with her..... Bonding?... I don't know.

It's talked about on the radio...... you see it on television.....

I see between 3 and 5 new ladies a month entering the hobby world as SBs... Young and not remotely connected to this world of ours before. Never a tuft of hair anywhere but their heads.

What was a trend at one point seems to have become the norm......
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Old 10-17-2013, 11:06 AM   #56
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Speaking for myself... I like to shave my bikini line and underneath. Its my preference because I like how soft the skin feels. Its just like satin. Shaving up top itches when it becomes stubble especially with a little friction. Personal grooming preferences are subjective. The cool thing is you have choices!
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Old 10-17-2013, 01:54 PM   #57
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Indecision is the worst option.

If you do shave.. then PLEASE shave close and often.

Stubble is a buzz kill.
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Old 10-17-2013, 01:57 PM   #58
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I was normal once. I kept the edging clean but didn't mow the lawn or go bare until I started swinging (WAS married and used to swing) and had other men coming over to BBQ.
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Old 10-17-2013, 04:53 PM   #59
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Once again, I posit: we are products of our environment. 3Day, your evolution argument is nonsense, and you don't have your facts straight. You argue from the trendline...see my post #51. Look, I don't care what people prefer, but it is simply a fact that if you grew up in a different era you would argue for a different trend. If we could magically transport this board back to the 70s, just about everyone would be aghast at shaving, and espousing the joy and benefits of natural.
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Old 10-18-2013, 08:13 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Wixchill View Post

The funny thing is how people "defend the trend" and even come up with all sorts of reasons why anything other than the trend they currently know and love, or grew up with and loved, is the only way to go. Young guys today (in this thread) post about how they hate a bush; okay, that's cuz the trend you grew up with says so. I grew up under a different trend, so I hate the shave-craze, I believe that way cuz the triend I grew up with says so.
I grew up when a full bush was the norm and have always preferred bald or a small landing strip. I know the age of some of the respondents in this thread and most of the older guys, like me, prefer bald today. I had my wife shave her pussy in the early 70s. Simply liked the smooth as silk feel and thought it looked sexiwer. Not at all defending why I prefered it, I simply did. Definitely different seeing a full bush these days.

After my divorce I dated and had sex with a handful of women, all in their 50s, and they all trimmed but did not shave. In the swinging lifestyle, I would say 95% or more are fully or mostly shaved, independent of age. And I would dare to say that among "older" non-swinging women there is a good chance that close to a full bush may still be the norm.

In earlier times (60s, 70s, even 80s), I don't think many men would have asked their SOs to shave down under. Now they do.
Sexuality is certainly more open than in days gone by and what used to be taboo simply is not anymore.
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