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Old 09-23-2013, 06:22 PM   #91
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I think at this point the best thing you could do is tell what happened, truthfully, stand by it and own it. If it turns out to be true then you take the lesson and go from there. If it is not then things just get worse and go in a hole different direction. Really all the community wants to know is the truth, unfortunately that will never happen either way IJS.

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Old 09-23-2013, 06:27 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by 19Trees View Post
Before becoming a mod, Whispers seemed to know the nod had been made. Immediately upon becoming a mod, Whispers informed Trees (in writing) that he will provide oversight functions and could be a best friend or worst enemy.

Trees had pleasure to meet Whispers once who is a very large man who makes a very large presence wherever he may happen to sit. And has decided (either upon his own initiative and.or on behalf of his fellow shareholders/masters?). Whispers made it clear that it is sensible to share information with him and potentially fatal (as mod) to not do so.

Trees elected NOT to report regularly to Whispers. Whether or not he is an owner or affiliated with our masters, Trees can only suspect not confirm. Trees did not care and elected not to feed his Whisper's voracious appetite and this appears to have contributed to the way things unraveled for Austin's Leafy Mod.

Trees takes full responsibility for all of his actions and omissions and remains honored to have served the community, but the masters and their fetches increasingly are looking petty and vituperative.

Ho well. Hope peeps chill the fuck out. Unlikely they will but ain't no crime in being hopeful (holding nose).


WOW! Now THAT is an INCREDIBLE Story!.....

So anyone that has a problem with you is a shareholder/owner of ECCIE..... Where do I get my check?

I'm stunned.....

OK.. My secret is out now!.....

So I'm a Super Secret Owner of ECCIE that wanted all the secrets shared and not one time while you WERE a Mod did I raise any issues surrounding you (other than when you posted IRL pictures and links in a forum) EVEN THOUGH you were refusing to bow before me and do my bidding??????.....


AFTER you are dismissed as a MOD and I can influence NOTHING........... NOW I have an agenda!???

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Old 09-23-2013, 06:29 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by JJones View Post
This is of interest to me. Mods have control over what we post, how we post, and can hand out points without out explanation. I am always interested in this topic.
This is only partially true. Yes we can edit or move posts to the archives, but everything and I mean everything that any Staff member does here is recorded and subject to review. When we edit, hand out points, warnings, etc, each part is stored in a staff area for review. If our actions are not held to be within the vision of the owners, then we are questioned and guided to do things the way they would have them done. In terms of direct actions taking place with regards to posts, edits, warnings, or points, there is significant scrutiny on these actions. There are many times when we are asked to explain out actions.

Furthermore ECCIE is about Information Exchange, usually it is related to provider/hobbyist but now I would like to see some Information Exchange about how mods can be toppled by someone so powerful on this board but we don't know who it is.
Any thing that takes place in the "Staff Areas" of the Board stays there and is not discussed outside of those areas. There is no "Information Exchange" from Staff areas. The information exchange takes place between members where all other members can see and partake.

None of this has anything to do with the subject of this thread, I just though some clarity on Moderator's actions without explanation was in order.

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Old 09-23-2013, 06:53 PM   #94
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Someone please PM me when and if they ever get to the facts. Until then I'll be perusing Provider ads.
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Old 09-23-2013, 06:54 PM   #95
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I'm confused Trees.....

I've stuck with the original theme, refused to provide any additional details, accepted your offer to meet although you pushed it several days down the line.....

in the beginning I felt there was some other story here and as I said would have aligned myself against the idea of someone powerful torpedoing you over some chick.

You take tongue and cheek comments and try to turn them into conspiracy?

I don't know man...

I really don't....
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Old 09-23-2013, 07:32 PM   #96
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I really don't care...I was just hoping something would jolt him out of the 3rd person...really irritating.
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Old 09-23-2013, 07:48 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by JJones View Post
I still prefer Sixx, I thought he was fair.

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Old 09-23-2013, 07:51 PM   #98
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Look what the cat drug in ? Howdy stranger .
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Old 09-23-2013, 07:58 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by riday View Post
I really don't care...I was just hoping something would jolt him out of the 3rd person...really irritating.

NOT SURE If I Have Told You This Before OR Not,

BUT Darlin Your Avatar Is SEXY AS HELL!!!!

It Makes Me A Little WET EVERY TIME

I See It!!!!!


SORRY.....OK Back To The Inquisition!!!!!

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Old 09-23-2013, 08:42 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post


Hey Buddy....... What do ya think? Wanna put the old gang together for 1 more adventure?
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Old 09-23-2013, 08:58 PM   #101
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Default .. Ain't no crime being hopeful!


Trees can only: 1) process known facts; and 2) make reasonable assumptions and "best guess" judgments when enough facts are not known or present.

Trees has no idea whether, or not, you are affiliated with our masters or not. But Community knows bit about your history, and any Member can see your pages of "strip club" reviews where you were boss. (See, http://eccie.net/member.php?u=995&ta..._reviews&pp=10).

Some in the community also know about how strip-club owners have cooperated, collaborated and competed over the years and decades. Peeps also remember the ASPD days who knew who. You were a player. Now you are not? Trees could care less. But when it turned into witch hunt where you appoint yourself as lead investigator, Trees (and Community) fair to assume you are affiliated, or obsessed? How to figure out Whispers and why an adult behaves this way?

Presumably you maintain relationships (of some kind) with your former associates from time when you were a player, the bygone days. Its not far fetched to make best-guess judgments about you and with whom you maintain relationships.

If Whispers not in any way affiliated with or friends with our masters, then Whispers: 1) has far too much time on hands and might consider getting some exercise outdoors; or 2) are obsessed. If the former, cool. If the latter then … uh… stalk away. Yawn. Community and Trees would benefit of Whispers elects to get blow job instead of ranting here.

Trees has withheld NO information that can be shared. Info from Staff Forums will stay there. It could be leaked (by someone other than Trees) but its unlikely to burst any bubbles if/when it comes out. Whatever the ending to this, it will be anticlimactic. Like a small fender bender that causes traffic.

Issue raised in Trees Staff Forum thread was one that, in Trees view should be of interest to the local eccie community. Whether or not Whispers knows its content, or not, Trees does not know, and cares less.

Trees no cop. Trees had fun. Trees will never spill beans from Staff, nor and RW info on any individual. Never. Trees moving onward upward and wishes Whispers and every other member well.

Also hope that individuals who might be caught in self-imposed obsessions might consider gulping a zanny + a blue pill, grab a hundred singles and hit a familiar strip club?

Happy if Whisper’s is on someone elses ass than Trees. There are a lot of hotties out there go get em!!! Unlikely, but ain't no crime being hopeful.

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Old 09-23-2013, 09:04 PM   #102
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Is it just me or does anybody else think Trees speaks/writes like a WWII Japanese soldier or American Indian outta tha movies?
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Old 09-23-2013, 09:05 PM   #103
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Tonto mixed with Arnold Schwarzenegger .
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Old 09-23-2013, 09:30 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by 19Trees View Post

Trees can only: 1) process known facts; and 2) make reasonable assumptions and "best guess" judgments when enough facts are not known or present.

Trees has no idea whether, or not, you are affiliated with our masters or not. But Community knows bit about your history, and any Member can see your pages of "strip club" reviews where you were boss. (See, http://eccie.net/member.php?u=995&ta..._reviews&pp=10).

I've been a "player" in the arena of fucking strippers for 25 years.... whether or not I post reviews you can bet that it's still something I do on occasion....

But "Boss"...???? There has been more than once that you tied "former strip club owner" into the Masters of ECCIE Scenario..... Are you trying to suggest that i USED to own Strip Clubs?

I owned and managed clubs for a little over 8 years but not strip clubs....

Some in the community also know about how strip-club owners have cooperated, collaborated and competed over the years and decades. Peeps also remember the ASPD days who knew who. You were a player. Now you are not?

I guess I would need to understand what you mean by a Player?... I've built a LOT of relationships with people I've met here and ASPD and other sites over the years and I strongly practice "networking"....

IMO Wealth is not measured by money in the bank but by the quality and number of a man's friends.... I consider myself very wealthy in that regard.

Trees could care less. But when it turned into witch hunt where you appoint yourself as lead investigator, Trees (and Community) fair to assume you are affiliated, or obsessed? How to figure out Whispers and why an adult behaves this way?

Well.... It's kind of simple...... Go back 13 years and you will find a VERY consistant pattern of my belief that actions that affect more than a handful of members on the boards should be KNOWN by the people on the board and when something ugly is lurking and no one else brings it up people tell me becase I'm not afraid to bring it up....

Remember the Life Television Commercial with Mikey?

Well "Whispers" is Mikey..... Give it to Whisper to post... He'll post it... He will post anything...

Well.. When I hit the boards one of the threads said... I'm back... tell me what has been going on..... That lead to curiosity...

In the beginning I thought you were possibly railroaded....

Turns out that was not the case...

Presumably you maintain relationships (of some kind) with your former associates from time when you were a player, the bygone days. Its not far fetched to make best-guess judgments about you and with whom you maintain relationships.

"by gone days"...... LOL! .... I quit reviewing a long time ago for a reason...... I pop them as needed to maintain PA status.... I thought about serving as a MOD years ago for the lifetime PA that came with the gig...... but there is a level of people that do not trust the Mods for a variety of reasons.... I said it then and now as well.... I can hear more and do more from just being a member.... Yes... I maintain relationships.....
But there is a difference between "friends", "associates" and "casual acquaintances."

I'm not sure what you think has changed where I was concerned except for the break from the boards for 6 months...

Is it not normal to maintain friendships over the years?.

If Whispers not in any way affiliated with or friends with our masters, then Whispers: 1) has far too much time on hands and might consider getting some exercise outdoors; or 2) are obsessed. If the former, cool. If the latter then … uh… stalk away. Yawn. Community and Trees would benefit of Whispers elects to get blow job instead of ranting here.

I can admit to having a little time on my hands and getting caught up in the whole Marvel Super Hero righting all the wrongs mode in the last few days.... I was bored.... When I looked for something to write about the only really good controversy seemed to be you getting canned. It came together in a different way than expected. In the beginning I thought I would be championing your reinstatement instead of carrying a torch to burning man....

Trees has withheld NO information that can be shared. Info from Staff Forums will stay there. It could be leaked (by someone other than Trees) but its unlikely to burst any bubbles if/when it comes out. Whatever the ending to this, it will be anticlimactic. Like a small fender bender that causes traffic.

Issue raised in Trees Staff Forum thread was one that, in Trees view should be of interest to the local eccie community. Whether or not Whispers knows its content, or not, Trees does not know, and cares less.

Trees no cop. Trees had fun. Trees will never spill beans from Staff, nor and RW info on any individual. Never. Trees moving onward upward and wishes Whispers and every other member well.

Also hope that individuals who might be caught in self-imposed obsessions might consider gulping a zanny + a blue pill, grab a hundred singles and hit a familiar strip club?

You don't know me that well... I hardly ever tip...

Happy if Whisper’s is on someone elses ass than Trees.

Got a better story? Tell me all about it. This one hasn't gone to the presses yet!

There are a lot of hotties out there go get em!!! Unlikely, but ain't no crime being hopeful.

I haven't let this slow me down none...... Got my morning BJ and one ride out of the way today... some strange yesterday and scheduled for tomorrow....
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Old 09-23-2013, 10:40 PM   #105
Austintatious Lilly
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Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst View Post
Is it just me or does anybody else think Trees speaks/writes like a WWII Japanese soldier or American Indian outta tha movies?


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