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Old 08-20-2013, 11:55 PM   #1
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Default Your thoughts on Pimps/Managers/BF

I had a session recently, and the provider was traveling with another girl. So, today I reach out to the other girl and see if she could meet up. We agreed on 3:30. Her incall is pretty close to me (I already knew where it was at since I had been there previously with the first girl). On my way there, she asks if we can push to 4:00. I replied that I would try and wait, but I was on a time crunch myself. I get there at 3:30, but she's not there.

While sitting there, I was watching the activity. I noticed a black dude standing in an open door way (next to the room I had used with the other provider). He was just standing around looking and scanning. I then see the provider who I was supposed to meet, come walking from across the street, up to her room. Previous to her getting there, there was another woman I had not recognized, come from that room to the room below. After she walks in the room, I see a Hispanic dude look out in the parking lot. I then get a text from her saying to give her 15 more minutes.

At this point, it was off for me. Seeing the dude in the room canceled my plans, and I didn't want any part of that scenario. I thought these were independent girls, but looks like they had a PIMP/Manager/BF with them.

It's a shame, because I really wanted to see the provider. So I'm asking the group what their thoughts on the situation are. If you find out the girls is working for someone, do you proceed, or back out? Is a pimp to be expected?
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:25 AM   #2
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Managers are a sucky part of the equation with some providers. A few of the managers are even on here as posters and give prolific reviews of their gals etc.

I'm still not sure what drives some of the providers to have them (pimps) around as I don't really see any value add to them other than being lecherous mooches.

I guess it's just a part of the lifestyle for some. I generally don't care for or go for the "managed" providers.
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:37 AM   #3
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I don't really care if a girl is managed or not. Some providers just can't handle the business end and some are just too lazy. I spend my money on her; what she spends it on is her business.
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Old 08-21-2013, 06:32 AM   #4
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I'm with daty/o. Some girls have to be managed to make it. However, there's nothing worse than a showy pimp. The best ones stay in the background and you never see them.
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Old 08-21-2013, 06:39 AM   #5
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So what percentage are pimped?
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Old 08-21-2013, 06:51 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by HDnTX View Post
So what percentage are pimped?
The majority under 21. Percentages go down with age.
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Old 08-21-2013, 08:57 AM   #7
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Ok something needs to be clarified. A provider having a BOYFRIEND is so different from her having a pimp or management. We are real women that are entitled to a personal life. Some of us are lucky enough to find guys that love us regardless of our profession. I hate it when you guys make them out to be the same thing.

Everyone thinks that pimps are the worst thing on earth and the dark, scary nightmare of the hobby. I feel like I should school you guys on this too. Almost everyone in every
profession has a boss. That is because most people are not capable, or don't care to run their own business. In my time, I have met some pimps that are very effective business managers and their girls seemed happy. A person that has to answer to someone does a lot less fucking up on the TCB. I am just saying.

The real problem is these providers that are hooking up with morons that know nothing about the business and get to thinking they are Super Fly all of the sudden. Those are the ones that are telling girls to rob you guys and bringing violence and seediness onto the board. I think the girls do not think they can do any better, which is sad because some are very pretty and full of potential (not just hooker potential either).

Really, I think that, unless the man in a girl's life causes you direct harm, you guys should stay the hell out of our business. Like I said, WE ARE ENTITLED TO A PERSONAL LIFE! A lot of you guys do not know what you are talking about on this one and I think you should stop concerning yourselves with it.
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Old 08-21-2013, 09:02 AM   #8
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and no my pimp did not tell me to write that. i am and always have been capable of handling my own business.
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Old 08-21-2013, 09:03 AM   #9
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I'm not concerned about this at all. I will offer this advice though: out of sight out of mind. I don't care per se, but it does dampen the fantasy aspects.

Honestly if my SO and I ever split, I could be the boyfriend and not care. I'm over being prude. I don't want to watch or hang out though. And I would demand safety.
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Old 08-21-2013, 09:15 AM   #10
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My thoughts in no particular order:
1. Pimps/Managers/BFs exist in many forms
3. They have existed since homo sapiens realized sex could be sold
4. Some are straightforward business operators
5. Some operate at the opposite end of that spectrum
6. If I couldn't compartmentalize the differences and vote with my hobby funds I would take up a different hobby.
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Old 08-21-2013, 10:17 AM   #11
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They really there for protection of the female as long as they are out of sight you should stay at ease. Sure the new young pimps think get as much as you can from session ex: up-sells,can i get a tip, and down right stealing from john but a good pimp/manager knows the value of his girl and want jeopardize his girl rep with the bullshit they have better marketing schemes. But just assume every girl as a situation like this even when they say they don't just be a gentleman it'll work out for both parties best that way.
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Old 08-21-2013, 10:20 AM   #12
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"Superfly".... lol

I hadn't heard that one in awhile!

All good comments/perspective. I guess there is no right answer. It's the gals choice to have a manager and the hobbyist choice (to see or not see those with the showy Superfly pimps). I agree, management is best left behind the scenes.
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Old 08-21-2013, 10:36 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan View Post
Ok something needs to be clarified. A provider having a BOYFRIEND is so different from her having a pimp or management. We are real women that are entitled to a personal life. Some of us are lucky enough to find guys that love us regardless of our profession. I hate it when you guys make them out to be the same thing.

Everyone thinks that pimps are the worst thing on earth and the dark, scary nightmare of the hobby. I feel like I should school you guys on this too. Almost everyone in every
profession has a boss. That is because most people are not capable, or don't care to run their own business. In my time, I have met some pimps that are very effective business managers and their girls seemed happy. A person that has to answer to someone does a lot less fucking up on the TCB. I am just saying.

The real problem is these providers that are hooking up with morons that know nothing about the business and get to thinking they are Super Fly all of the sudden. Those are the ones that are telling girls to rob you guys and bringing violence and seediness onto the board. I think the girls do not think they can do any better, which is sad because some are very pretty and full of potential (not just hooker potential either).

Really, I think that, unless the man in a girl's life causes you direct harm, you guys should stay the hell out of our business. Like I said, WE ARE ENTITLED TO A PERSONAL LIFE! A lot of you guys do not know what you are talking about on this one and I think you should stop concerning yourselves with it.
Is there a reason for such hostility and defensiveness to a simple question?
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Old 08-21-2013, 10:38 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by SD2011 View Post
"Superfly".... lol

I hadn't heard that one in awhile!

All good comments/perspective. I guess there is no right answer. It's the gals choice to have a manager and the hobbyist choice (to see or not see those with the showy Superfly pimps). I agree, management is best left behind the scenes.
If i know a girl is pimped, i wont't see her. i cannot bear the thought that i'm an instrument of a woman's exploitation. may be there are pimps out there that won't exploit women, but i'm not going to try to find out if he is part of that tiny minority.
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Old 08-21-2013, 11:07 AM   #15
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Default Arrived to early

You arrived to early you are not supposed to see behind the curtain. It is the same as the saying about sausage you don't want to see how it is made. My largest complaint is when a lady says she was in a car wreck to cover her bruises. I have had problems with drivers/SOs/ pimps in the past and don't want to go there again.
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