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Old 08-02-2013, 04:29 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by bojulay View Post
He was offered this stuff by a dapper stranger to take on board, but he declined.

ha ha ha ha
that's a good call ....could lead to possession
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Old 08-02-2013, 05:59 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Shit for brains, thank you for weighing in.

But you are wrong. As usual. Plants that are destroyed in a flood or a fire NEVER come back.

instead, seeds that were protected in the ground or seeds from plants that were NOT destroyed take hold in the ground and grow in the place of the destroyed vegetation. So, those are different plants, trees and grasses.

But in the case of Noah's Ark, the entire earth was covered for months of time by water. So, everything died. So there was nothing to start over from.

Also, even if a few seeds did survive, it would take months for small plants and shrubs to grow back and it would take years for trees to grow back. So what would all those millions of animals on the Ark eat while they were waiting for the plants to grow back.

Forget the impossibility of getting two of every animal on the Ark. Where would you put all the food?

The earth was covered in water for months. And when the waters finally receded, it would take months more for vegetation to grow back. So Noah would need about a years worth of food for every animal. Most animals can eat several times more than their own weight in food in a single year.

If a 170 pound man ate only two pounds of food a day, then he would would eat over 700 pounds of food in one year.

Do the math WE1911. Where did Noah put all the food? Why don't you just admit the Ark story was just a fable?

Please watch some NAT GEO episodes- in Africa's safari- they have several months of scorching heat - where plants dry up and/or they have wildfires that destroy plants and when the rain comes- it replenishes. Have you not seen or heard of Wildfires in the USA??? we get them every year- do you thin those places are now barren? They replenish you idiot. Saddam Hussein personally would flood rivers to destroy vegetation of people he didn't like- and he had to do it once a year- hence once a year meaning every time he flooded the river the vegetation would grow back: http://www.spiegel.de/international/...-a-709866.html

Are you really that dumb to believe that flooding, scorching, or freezing crops destroys it forever? Do you think when weather is too cold in florida and it destroys oranges that the crop is destroyed forever?

You asking me where did Noah put all the food is absurd as me asking you when the first living creatures appeared was it in the infancy or adult stage. Let's say an infant Lion- how did it survive? Lion cubs can't digest meat until it's at least 6 months old- what was it eating? When did it decide to hunt for meat versus plant food? How did snakes learn their bite is venomous? Did the Python and Anaconda just not want to "evolve" venom and decide that instead of biting and killing their prey with venom- they would just suffocate it? Noah' ark is no more of a fable than the fact you can't answer the question.

Also, if Noah's ark was told as is- and he was instructed by a higher being to do what he was asked than there's your answer.
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Old 08-02-2013, 07:14 PM   #63
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The burned plants could be coming back from the roots. But more than likely the scorched earth has thinned the foliage allowing seeds to germinate.
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Old 08-02-2013, 07:31 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
The burned plants could be coming back from the roots. But more than likely the scorched earth has thinned the foliage allowing seeds to germinate.
Exactly so Ex-Nyer is 100% wrong in stating that if there were a flood the plants would be destroyed forever- which is untrue. Flooding happens in farming areas all around the world and for that particular crop and/or season they will have bad results- but the seeds will germinate again-
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Old 08-02-2013, 09:59 PM   #65
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I think the question is ...is what did they eat until the plants/vegetation grew back?

which would be many months or longer until that happened.
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Old 08-02-2013, 11:57 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by JCM800 View Post
I think the question is ...is what did they eat until the plants/vegetation grew back?

which would be many months or longer until that happened.
I don't know nor does anyone else- the same question could arise as I just mentioned- if evolution were true what did the first species eat and how did they know what to eat. For evolution to be true- every animal must have appeared in it's adult form- most animals in the wild could not possibly survive without their parents protection or nourishment. So again what did the first lion eat? Did evolve as a lion cub- if it did it wouldn't last long- did it evolve as a full grown lion? If so how did it know it was suppose to hunt and eat other animals to survive? How did the giraffe and antelope know it was suppose to eat branches and grass? It's far more logical that these creatures were designed. In Zoologist will admit that all animals are not designed equally. A lion can't survive by eating grass- where as a cow or antelope can- hyenas and alligators intestines are so acidic it can easily dissolve bones.
Also, speaking of eating- elephants in the wild typically have to eat up to 600lbs a day- A Brontosaurus is 10 times the size of an elephant- can you imagine how much food it would have to eat- how was it able to keep up that pace?

I laugh when people ask absurd questions like Ex-Nyer when in reality if you believe 100% in the evolution theory it has far more holes than the bible. Ex-Nyer can't even tell me which came first the male or female of the species? And how does an "accident" amazingly is able to create so many species in pairs that amazingly have the right tools and chemicals to reproduce?
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Old 08-03-2013, 04:31 AM   #67
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Dinosaurs were not around when modern mammals were established.
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Old 08-03-2013, 01:00 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by ruthless robbie View Post
they also found remains from bones of soldiers, weaponry, armor, chariots, and horse bones from one end of the red sea to the other in a line. the only reasonable explanation of this is the story in the bible of Moses parting the Red Sea and crossing it in time to get away from the attacking army.

no other explanation makes sense as to how an army is at the bottom of the sea from one end of it to the other, they must have all been in position while the sea closed back up on them as the story in the bible goes

It's obvious the God of the Bible places a heavy emphasis on faith. Letting the people of this world believe what they choose to. If this God of the Bible exists, he certainly shows a consistent string of hints and clues of his existence through many biblical studies from scientists, almost to the point of overwhelming evidence, but always seems to stop right before even the most ardent critic would accept it as fact. There's that faith thing again. This video I found fascinating and whether a non believer can sit down, have patience with an open mind, it might cause the person to think that maybe, just maybe, this God of the Bible isn't a myth.
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Old 08-03-2013, 02:16 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Dinosaurs were not around when modern mammals were established.
That's not my point- where did these huge dinosaurs get all the food it needed to survive? You can assume the meat eaters ate other dinosaurs, but what of the herbivores that just ate plants? Just imagine how much each one would have to assume per day just to get it's caloric intake- or how much water it would have to drink to survive.
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Old 08-03-2013, 03:05 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Please watch some NAT GEO episodes- in Africa's safari- they have several months of scorching heat - where plants dry up and/or they have wildfires that destroy plants and when the rain comes- it replenishes. Have you not seen or heard of Wildfires in the USA??? we get them every year- do you thin those places are now barren? They replenish you idiot. Saddam Hussein personally would flood rivers to destroy vegetation of people he didn't like- and he had to do it once a year- hence once a year meaning every time he flooded the river the vegetation would grow back:

Are you really that dumb to believe that flooding, scorching, or freezing crops destroys it forever? Do you think when weather is too cold in florida and it destroys oranges that the crop is destroyed forever?

You asking me where did Noah put all the food is absurd as me asking you when the first living creatures appeared was it in the infancy or adult stage. Let's say an infant Lion- how did it survive? Lion cubs can't digest meat until it's at least 6 months old- what was it eating? When did it decide to hunt for meat versus plant food? How did snakes learn their bite is venomous? Did the Python and Anaconda just not want to "evolve" venom and decide that instead of biting and killing their prey with venom- they would just suffocate it? Noah' ark is no more of a fable than the fact you can't answer the question.

Also, if Noah's ark was told as is- and he was instructed by a higher being to do what he was asked than there's your answer.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Exactly so Ex-Nyer is 100% wrong in stating that if there were a flood the plants would be destroyed forever- which is untrue. Flooding happens in farming areas all around the world and for that particular crop and/or season they will have bad results- but the seeds will germinate again-
You're an ass. You always have been an ass. You always will be an ass.

Fire and floods are two entirely different things. So naturally, you confuse them.

Seeds and that are in the ground are naturally protected by the insulation properties of the dirt. That is how plants and trees in a region recover after a fire. Also, the wind blow seeds into the area and bird shit containing seeds also drop into the burned area.

That doesn't work with flood. Noah's flood covered the earth so many thousands of feet of water, that the Ark supposedly landed on the top of Mount Ararat (over 13,000 feet). And it covered the earth for many months.

It you are under thousands of feet of water, it is pitch black dark. Sunlight can barely reach to 100 feet deep. So in addition to being deprived of the air needed to breath, all the vegetation would have been deprived of sunlight for months. This means EVERYTHING would be dead.

Also, the soil would have been waterlogged. And since the water covered the earth, that means it was mixed with sea water. So the ground would have been soaked with salty water, not fresh water.

Salting the ground KILLS vegetation. That's how the Romans permanently destroyed Carthage - they salted the crop fields around Carthage.

So, again, I point out that it would have taken YEARS for the earth to recover. Where did all the food come from?

And don't tell me about "baby" animals. First, the bible doesn't mention anything about all the animals being infants. You just made that up.

Second, even if they ARE infants, that doesn't change the food problem. You can squeeze more species of animals into the Ark, but they STILL eat a multiple of their weight each year. In fact, since they are growing, infant an adolescent animals probably eat a larger multiple of their body weight than an adult.

So, if you replace four adult animals having a combined weight of 600 pounds with 20 small animals having a combined weight of 600 pounds, you will still need 1200 pounds or MORE of food to feed them.

So, your trick of trying to substitute little animals for big ones doesn't work, you biblically correct idiot.

The whole fable is ridiculous. There are MlLLIONS of species of animals in the world. If you had two of every species, you would need dozens of ships larger then aircraft carriers to house them and their food for a year or more.

Your stupid ark is about the size of a midsized freighter. Explain that.
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Old 08-03-2013, 03:11 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
That's not my point- where did these huge dinosaurs get all the food it needed to survive? You can assume the meat eaters ate other dinosaurs, but what of the herbivores that just ate plants? Just imagine how much each one would have to assume per day just to get it's caloric intake- or how much water it would have to drink to survive.
Dinosaurs got their food from the forests and grasslands where they lived. Where else would they get it?

If their population got too large, they starved until the population again became small enough to inhabit the region.

This is widely covered in all the science text books. Did you ever read one?

Also, you can observe the same phenomenon today. You don't have to look at dinosaurs. Deer populations often grow to large for a region and the deer starve. Th prevent such starvation, the government will often "thin the herd" by allowing an extra long hunting season. A bullet is more humane that starving to death.

Have you NEVER heard of this? Are you really that poorly educated by your bible school?
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Old 08-03-2013, 03:14 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Exactly so Ex-Nyer is 100% wrong in stating that if there were a flood the plants would be destroyed forever- which is untrue. Flooding happens in farming areas all around the world and for that particular crop and/or season they will have bad results- but the seeds will germinate again-
That's because farmers buy new seeds from elsewhere and replant, you idiot.

But if the whole world was flooded and 99.99% of all plants and seeds were destroyed, where would the farmers get the new seeds to replant?
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Old 08-03-2013, 03:44 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I don't know nor does anyone else- the same question could arise as I just mentioned- if evolution were true what did the first species eat and how did they know what to eat.
Another inaccurate question decide to fool others.

The first species of what? Animal? Plants need only soil, air, water, and sunlight to thrive. So vegetation came first. The first bacteria feed on plants. Eventually single celled organisms became more complex multicell organisms and continued to eat plants. Nearly all of the early life was ocean-based. Eventually small species like snails and small sea creatures evolved and feed on the abundant plant life in the water and on the shore. And so the progression continued until vegetation covred the earth and larger animals evolved.

For evolution to be true- every animal must have appeared in it's adult form- most animals in the wild could not possibly survive without their parents protection or nourishment.
Please explain that stupid statement. All animals first appeared as adults? No, sorry, that is what the Bible says, NOT science. Read what I wrote above about how life evolved. Once again, you make a patently false statement and build you arguments on that.

So again what did the first lion eat? There was no 'FIRST" lion. Lions evolved slowly from other feline species that were similar to lions. They ate whatever animals their predecessor felines ate.

Did evolve as a lion cub- if it did it wouldn't last long- did it evolve as a full grown lion?
Single animals don't evolve, shit-for-brains. Evolution occurs between generations. Each generation is born as an infant, grow to an adult, and has offspring. The offspring may have small genetic mutations that make them slightly different from their parents. Good mutations that make the animal better able to adapt to certain conditions are successfully passed on to the next generation more often than bad mutations. It is amazing how ignorant you are of evolution and yet you presume to lecture the rest of us on why it is false and the bible is right.

If so how did it know it was suppose to hunt and eat other animals to survive? How did the giraffe and antelope know it was suppose to eat branches and grass?
See above. They were not born as adults. There was no first animal of any species. Each infant knew what to eat the same way an infant lion or infant giraffe today knows what to eat. Instinct combined with watching its parents hunt or forage.

It's far more logical that these creatures were designed.
No, its not. "Designed" is what you fall back on when you have given up trying to figure out the scientific explanation.

In Zoologist will admit that all animals are not designed equally. A lion can't survive by eating grass- where as a cow or antelope can- hyenas and alligators intestines are so acidic it can easily dissolve bones.
Yes, those animals all evolved differently. That is how you explain that.

Also, speaking of eating- elephants in the wild typically have to eat up to 600lbs a day- A Brontosaurus is 10 times the size of an elephant- can you imagine how much food it would have to eat- how was it able to keep up that pace?
Have you seen this size of the forests and grasslands that cover the earth? It takes hours just to fly across the Amazon rain forest. And they were even bigger before mankind came on the scene. There was plenty of vegetation on the earth to support dinosaurs, just like there is plenty of vegetatio to support elephants today. You seem to forget the other sides of the equation. It isn't just the size of an individual animal that counts. It is the size of the population that counts. If the herds of brontosauruses are only in the tens of thousands (not trillions, like ants), then it doesn't matter if each one eats a ton of vegetation each day.

I laugh when people ask absurd questions like Ex-Nyer when in reality if you believe 100% in the evolution theory it has far more holes than the bible. Ex-Nyer can't even tell me which came first the male or female of the species? Neither. Read above. And how does an "accident" amazingly is able to create so many species in pairs that amazingly have the right tools and chemicals to reproduce? False statement. Read above.
The only thing "absurd" around here are the false premises that all of your arguments rest upon.
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Old 08-03-2013, 03:47 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
That's because farmers buy new seeds from elsewhere and replant, you idiot.

But if the whole world was flooded and 99.99% of all plants and seeds were destroyed, where would the farmers get the new seeds to replant?
Here's proof you are dumb and wrong: http://ceres.ca.gov/ceres/calweb/DU/...Habitats7.html

Clearly plants will re-grow after a flood- it floods somewhere in the world daily and that vegetation regrows. Heck do you own a yard? You ever use weed killer or pesticides? Doesn't the weed still come back? If it was simply to just flood gardens instead of using pesticides- don't you think more gardners would do that instead of buying pesticides?
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Old 08-03-2013, 03:57 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I don't know nor does anyone else- the same question could arise as I just mentioned- if evolution were true what did the first species eat and how did they know what to eat.
Another inaccurate question decide to fool others.

The first species of what? Animal? Plants need only soil, air, water, and sunlight to thrive. So vegetation came first. The first bacteria feed on plants. Eventually single celled organisms became more complex multicell organisms and continued to eat plants. Nearly all of the early life was ocean-based. Eventually small species like snails and small sea creatures evolved and feed on the abundant plant life in the water and on the shore. And so the progression continued until vegetation covred the earth and larger animals evolved.
For evolution to be true- every animal must have appeared in it's adult form- most animals in the wild could not possibly survive without their parents protection or nourishment.
Please explain that stupid statement. All animals first appeared as adults? No, sorry, that is what the Bible says, NOT science. Read what I wrote above about how life evolved. Once again, you make a patently false statement and build you arguments on that.
You are no expert so I am not reading shit you said- or do you mean shit you copied and pasted from your atheist websites? So they appeared as adults-huh- so if Chickens hatch from eggs- how does it appear as a full grown adult overnight? So if t weren't created did it just magically come together like a transformer or was there nothing on the ground and than all of sudden particles started coming together? If you believe that than you are dumber than dirt. How long did that process take place? Was it a leg first- than the body forms- then the heart forms- please explain how the first adult species formed? Also if it formed as an adult- what part does the sperm and egg play? I thought living species could only form from the result of a sperm and egg- but you said it just formed out of nowhere?????

So again what did the first lion eat? There was no 'FIRST" lion. Lions evolved slowly from other feline species that were similar to lions. They ate whatever animals their predecessor felines ate.

Ok- what did it evolve from- the Saber tooth tiger? How does it slowly evolve? Tell me point blank what predecessor it came from and get your head out of your ass and tell me what predecessor it came from. So I assume the Cheetah, tiger, leopard, cougar, and jaguar came from the same predecessor-?

Did evolve as a lion cub- if it did it wouldn't last long- did it evolve as a full grown lion?
Single animals don't evolve, shit-for-brains. Evolution occurs between generations. Each generation is born as an infant, grow to an adult, and has offspring. The offspring may have small genetic mutations that make them slightly different from their parents. Good mutations that make the animal better able to adapt to certain conditions are successfully passed on to the next generation more often than bad mutations. It is amazing how ignorant you are of evolution and yet you presume to lecture the rest of us on why it is false and the bible is right.

If so how did it know it was suppose to hunt and eat other animals to survive? How did the giraffe and antelope know it was suppose to eat branches and grass?
See above. They were not born as adults. There was no first animal of any species. Each infant knew what to eat the same way an infant lion or infant giraffe today knows what to eat. Instinct combined with watching its parents hunt or forage.

It's far more logical that these creatures were designed.
No, its not. "Designed" is what you fall back on when you have given up trying to figure out the scientific explanation.

In Zoologist will admit that all animals are not designed equally. A lion can't survive by eating grass- where as a cow or antelope can- hyenas and alligators intestines are so acidic it can easily dissolve bones.
Yes, those animals all evolved differently. That is how you explain that.

Also, speaking of eating- elephants in the wild typically have to eat up to 600lbs a day- A Brontosaurus is 10 times the size of an elephant- can you imagine how much food it would have to eat- how was it able to keep up that pace?
Have you seen this size of the forests and grasslands that cover the earth? It takes hours just to fly across the Amazon rain forest. And they were even bigger before mankind came on the scene. There was plenty of vegetation on the earth to support dinosaurs, just like there is plenty of vegetatio to support elephants today. You seem to forget the other sides of the equation. It isn't just the size of an individual animal that counts. It is the size of the population that counts. If the herds of brontosauruses are only in the tens of thousands (not trillions, like ants), then it doesn't matter if each one eats a ton of vegetation each day.

I laugh when people ask absurd questions like Ex-Nyer when in reality if you believe 100% in the evolution theory it has far more holes than the bible. Ex-Nyer can't even tell me which came first the male or female of the species? Neither. Read above. And how does an "accident" amazingly is able to create so many species in pairs that amazingly have the right tools and chemicals to reproduce? False statement. Read above.
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