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Old 07-14-2013, 08:49 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by ZedX79 View Post
Killing another human is murder. Self defense, offensive at war, it's murder. Zimmerman's murder was justifiable.
No killing another person is homicide, which is sometimes - murder, manslaughter - a criminal act. If a homicide is justifiable, then it cannot be murder.
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Old 07-14-2013, 10:11 PM   #167
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cb is correct. English terms and legal terms often have different meanings...though sometimes very slight. I might suggest Blacks Law Dictionary....pretty much the bible of legal meaning.


For instance in the national thread about the verdict of not guilty.

"A verdict declaring the case is not proven against the defendant. It does not mean he is innocent".

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Old 07-16-2013, 04:13 AM   #168
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It doesn't matter what race you are if you're walking around on somebody else's private property in the middle of the night with a hoodie on what do you expect people to think? You obviously look like somebody who is up to no good, in other words A THREAT. In my neighborhood that alone will get you shot, regardless of your race. I thought that's the way it's supposed to be.
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Old 07-16-2013, 05:26 AM   #169
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A 17 year old kid died over nothing and no one went to jail. He was walking home from the store being a kid talking to his girlfriend. Everyone can come up with all their logic on why it was legit for him to die or how he caused his own death but I have not heard one single reply that has any teeth in it. Zimmerman killed someone after confronting them and getting his ass kicked. It is like , I go pick a fight with someone I think I can take and he starts whipping my ass, I pull a gun and shoot him, and I was just standing my ground.

I have also ran into many overzealous security guards that wannabe cops, they can't into the academy because they are nuts. I had 2 friends that tried to become cops in the 80's, one passed the polygraph and the other did not. The one that passed got into the academy, the other did not become a cop. He was nuts. My point is Zimmerman was not a cop because he could not get on the force, he probably could not get by the psych test. I have had a few run in's with over zealous security guards. They have been pushy and try to act like real cops, it is often why they cant get on the force.

No matter what they tell you on Fox News, Treyvon should not have been murdered for defending himself against a wannabe cop or vigilante or whatever you want to call that fat piece of shit. Zimmerman picked a fight and got his ass kicked and then shot the boy. Painting this kid as a thug and all this other shit is just Fox News crap, when they don't like something , just assassinate the victim's character. My 17 year old kid, could beat up that fat ass, until he pulled a gun. Juries do stupid shit all of the time. This deal has turned into a black and white issue. The Fox News crowd pulling for Zimmerman and most of the others are outraged that a young man got killed over nothing. You can rationalize anything. I think the verdict is in, and we should accept it.
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Old 07-16-2013, 06:06 AM   #170
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Wow, Coolaid , what an appropriate handle. " Walking around on someone else/s private property.....". where did that come from? TM was staying with his father ......and common areas in residential areas are not ""private property" in the sense you are using term. He was a RESIDENT. He was living there! IDIOTS....sorry....I take that back. It's amazing the mischaracterizations people are willing to make to justify TM's death.
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Old 07-16-2013, 06:14 AM   #171
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People are idiots...it doesn't matter how the fight started, or who started it, or why...what matters is that he felt his life was in danger during the fight, and he acted within the law and his rights when he used deadly force to defend his life. The jury agreed.

The rest of your bullshit is irrelevant...this same thing will happen tomorrow and the next day, but because Nancy Grace won't cover it you all won't give a fuck...go away and live in your sheep pens till we tell you what to think next time...
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Old 07-16-2013, 06:23 AM   #172
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Babyboy, some of us don't need others to tell us what to think. And while my reasons for giving a shit will remain personal on a publc board, your rantings will not stop me from expressing my feelings.
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Old 07-16-2013, 07:08 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
it doesn't matter how the fight started, or who started it, or why...what matters is that he felt his life was in danger during the fight, and he acted within the law and his rights when he used deadly force to defend his life. The jury agreed
Unfortunately, the law as applied to this case is the problem. The Florida self-defense law (or any state's) is defective when it allows a person armed with a concealed weapon to pursue an unarmed law-abiding citizen, to get in a confrontation, to shoot the unarmed person, and then later to assert self-defense. While the jury decision has to be accepted, there was no justice served in this verdict. Exept for a possible civil suit, there appears to be no way to penalize Zimmerman for his stupid ass deadly behavior.
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Old 07-16-2013, 07:43 AM   #174
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Your opinion of the law is irrelevant...
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Old 07-16-2013, 07:53 AM   #175
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If dumbass wasn't guilty, then there'd be no reason to go into hiding. If he TRULY believes he's innocent, then he'd confront the public and declare it.

He knows he's not. Bin Laden's caves are vacant now. They even have the internet in them (apparently).
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Old 07-16-2013, 07:56 AM   #176
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The jury's bullshit doesn't have to be accepted. Same thought for them. If they believe their decision with conviction, why aren't they openly speaking or availing themselves to the public? They know they fucked up. They displayed sympathy for the killer, after the fact, and stopped thinking about a dead kid laying on the ground, or his parents and relatives.

One of them have the nerve to want to write a book about it. Bitch, fuck you!! I hope you choke on the book.
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Old 07-16-2013, 08:03 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
Your opinion of the law is irrelevant...
No, it will not change the outcome in this case. However, the public's opinion as to whether the laws they are governed by as citizens are just or not is relevant. If they believe they are unjust, they can seek to change them.
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Old 07-16-2013, 08:16 AM   #178
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The prosecution had a tough case to prove based on the available evidence. Fundamentally, there were only two witnesses to what actually happened - one is dead, the other was the accused.

Regardless of the truth of what happened, the only remaining witness has no incentive to do anything except put himself in the best light possible.
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Old 07-16-2013, 09:37 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by jbravo_123 View Post
The prosecution had a tough case to prove based on the available evidence. Fundamentally, there were only two witnesses to what actually happened - one is dead, the other was the accused.

Regardless of the truth of what happened, the only remaining witness has no incentive to do anything except put himself in the best light possible.
What he said.

Apparently some of you have never served on a jury and probably never will. You are supposed to base your decision on the evidence submitted during the trial not your emotions or personal beliefs.
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Old 07-16-2013, 10:17 AM   #180
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Blacks kill dozens of blacks every week. If Zimmerman had been black we would have never even heard of this.

If the idiot black leaders want to make an actual difference they should be talking to their own youth since they kill each other at a hugely disproportional rate. They won't do that, though, because they care more about stirring the race pot than preventing young black men from getting killed.
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