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Old 07-09-2013, 06:10 PM   #16
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negativity always wins because positivity is dumb.
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Old 07-09-2013, 06:38 PM   #17
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omg! it's like the end of "one flew over the cuckoo's nest"

Originally Posted by malwoody View Post
I am probably one of those you refer to and that notwithstanding, your points are well taken and you have taken the time to share them in a well thought out post.

Going foward the one problem I see is that sometimes...well sometimes it's hard not to be sarcastic...

I'll endeavor to be more positive and I must agree that Sex is still FUN......!!!!!!!!
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Old 07-09-2013, 07:38 PM   #18
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Did someone throw a sink through a window?
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Old 07-09-2013, 07:51 PM   #19
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This is from the geniuses over at Penny Arcade...just substitute ECCIE for Unreal Tournament 2004.
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Old 07-09-2013, 08:50 PM   #20
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I agree with the OP. Just in the time that I have been a member here, the board has become a much more negative place. I'm not saying we should all agree on everything, just that we can disagree without being disagreeable. I do enjoy some of the banter, but dislike the personal attacks.

Can we all just try to play a little nicer in the sandbox??
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Old 07-09-2013, 09:25 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by ElumEno View Post
Personally I think it is the 'fight club' mentality spewing out onto the open board.

When I first joined this would never had been tolerated by Mods like Bubba, Omaha and a few others in my opinion.
Bubba and Omahan are irreplaceable in my opinion. It's gone downhill since they aren't mods anymore.
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Old 07-10-2013, 01:41 AM   #22
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Bubba and Omahan were great. I don't want to disrespect the current mods, as they may be reacting to changes in the management's attitudes or policies that we aren't aware of. But there are at least 10 threads going on right now that a year ago would have been either closed or had warnings posted. Rambling nonsense in the Coed chat, non-stop insulting and whining, and outright nastiness is all over the place.

One thing is for sure, it makes it real easy to read the board when I can skip half of the threads.
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Old 07-10-2013, 04:44 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by KCQuestor View Post
One thing is for sure, it makes it real easy to read the board when I can skip half of the threads.
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Old 07-10-2013, 11:21 AM   #24
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Default WIINER!!!!

Originally Posted by KCQuestor View Post

One thing is for sure, it makes it real easy to read the board when I can skip half of the threads.
First off, how can any reasonable person have a problem with OP's post. Basically be decent to each other and fun with this site.

However...playing the devil's advocate, a couple of thoughts

There have been a couple of cases of extreme behavior in terms of postings getting out of hand...I would use the "Doubles" thread as an example. I have always felt, unless things truly get out of hand...let the board flow freely...and references to St Chris desires to let this happen.

Less moderating vs constant moderating was not only the way St C wanted it...but this was also the most effective way to let this board flow.
I mean come on...this is an adult board, not the weekly Church bulletin board.
BTW, just to be clear, I don't believe that the OP was advocating for a Church bulletin board style of posting.

I never felt that "no moderating" was an effective way either.

There is a very large grey area between the over the top (OTP) postings and "being decent".

There are certainly a lot of members...perhaps even majority...that do not like or care for what they perceive as drama, childish postings and the downright hateful stuff. And despite the fact that I sometimes enjoy stirring things up occasionally, I totally respect those that find this type of "Facebook" type posting as being very unappealing.

So to those that feel that way, I respectfully throw out a few thoughts

a) I see Modda is back. I feel he has done a great job of demonstrating the "less moderating" technique. Not the "No moderating" technique. Things got a little carry away while he was gone. Hopefully any back lash that has occur, will not cause him to become heavy handed, but that he will continue his style of Moderating.

Personally I have full confidence, that with his continue past style, he will quickly nip the OTP stuff...without killing the flow of postings in Eccie. Some of that non-OTP postings will continue to rub some members the wrong way. But here's some ideas

b) This site has an ignore function...when you encounter someone's postings that you don't care for...it is your friend! I'm guessing that I have been put on a few's ignore function. I would love for them to shout out....but since I'm on their ignore list, they won't see this,lol.

If I don't like a member's posting style, I don't use the ignore function...I just skip on by their posts. But ignore function helps those that don't find this style to be helpful.

c) Now here comes the devil's advocate.

First off, the obvious OTP stuff has no place in Eccie. Outing folks, racist remarks, hateful name calling spewing, threatening someone personal harm, etc, etc. I know that with Modda being back, that stuff will now be quickly dealt with.

To the folks that find all the other drama and games distasteful...they totally have the right to feel that way. Things such as the ignore function and effective Mod actions, help
ensure they get to not have to play in that end of the pool.

But those of us who enjoy stirring things up...within Eccie guidelines... have just as much right to do what we want to do.
Now sometimes stirring the pot up....is just that. But many times, people get so hung up on "being nice" that they miss the real point, in certain situations. Step back, a lot
of the times, this stirring is actually sending out either valuable info or calling out things that are either incorrect behavior or highlighting a possible problem.
There are many ways to contribute to this board...way beyond reviews that states "Mary sucks a mean dick" (sorry about that example ladies).

Face it, although there are those who despise the drama....look at the threads that contain them. They have a significant posting numbers....but even more they have high view counts. Real simple.....

There are folks who enjoy stirring things up...and there are significant amount of folks who enjoy sitting on the sidelines and watching.

d) For gosh sakes, except for the OTP postings...way to many people get mad or hurt over stuff that is typed by faceless people on a keyboard. I mean, come on.
If that is consistently your problem...well, I hope folks understand the point I'm trying to make here. Enough said here??

Both the "non-drama" folks and the drama folks have equal rights to make their postings on Eccie. Neither side should feel compel to take shots at each other. There is room for both sides....let the Mod determine when things get out of hand.

So that's why I chose KCQ post as a winner. KCQ has a very high post count, but I honestly can remember only a very few times when he got involve in what others would consider drama.

His solution....skipping half of the threads. Now that's a classic solution. For those that wish to be more selective in reading this board...what a great and simple solution
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Old 07-10-2013, 11:46 AM   #25
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As a provider, I wish that I could skip over some threads. Unfortunately all threads have to be read so that I can keep a list of all the mentally unstable people to avoid like the plague.

I'll also add that I am rarely entertained and some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

But wth... I knew the job was going to be hard when I took it.
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Old 07-10-2013, 12:17 PM   #26
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with so many active hobbyist and providers.. you are bound to run into some drama because of all the strong personalities involved... I don't really post a lot in the KC because of it but I do like to lurk to see whats going on...
The way I look at it, if you give a person enough rope to hang themselves they usually will. They usually only end up hurting nobody but themselves anyway. I mean if you are a provider and are ALWAYS involved in drama and negativity you could be losing potential business because of it and if you're a guy , you might be excluding yourself from seeing some really great ladies if they don't want to be involved in the drama that you may bring.
Unless its a valid safety concern, I usually avoid fighting with words on my computer screen... it never ends up being productive as you think it would be LOL
That being said I love the KC board, despite of all the drama in between you guys are really active and post good info to keep everybody safe, more so than other areas I travel too and that's awesome.. all the extraness you just have to take it for what its worth and move on.
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Old 07-14-2013, 11:42 AM   #27
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You are correct Kay-- drama is going to happen because we all have different personalities and just like in the real world you do not get along with each other. It's fine to discuss our differences within the forum rules and that can be done without as much of the negative criticism and slamming.

The hobby is supposed to be fun. So should the discussion of it.
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Old 07-14-2013, 10:47 PM   #28
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Many a post begs for and deserves the vituperativeness, sarcasm or whatever it might be. Some are challenges--call it vivid debate, if you will. Beyond that, more providers involved would help balance out points of view. A number of those involved before simply have moved on to other things and didn't leave based upon negativity, so I don't think it's accurate to say it has permeated the board to the point people have left per se. Sure, a few have as that is typical if anything. So what.
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Old 07-15-2013, 12:03 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by bartipero View Post
Many a post begs for and deserves the vituperativeness, sarcasm or whatever it might be. Some are challenges--call it vivid debate, if you will. Beyond that, more providers involved would help balance out points of view. A number of those involved before simply have moved on to other things and didn't leave based upon negativity, so I don't think it's accurate to say it has permeated the board to the point people have left per se. Sure, a few have as that is typical if anything. So what.
I have been told by over 5 providers they do not post any more because of the way we are talked to on here by more than a few men. I don't think it's ruined anything when it comes to finding providers as I'm sure they still check their pm's just don't post
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Old 07-15-2013, 04:52 PM   #30
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amplify positivity.
dissipate hate.

appreciate self.
boost others.
create positivity.

so now that we "know" there is excess negativity on this board,
post more positive/fun threads to increase the positive/negative ratio!!!!!
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