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Old 07-11-2013, 06:51 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by JCM800 View Post
yeah, GZ spent a year learning the MMA style of how to get your ass kicked.

Zimmerman was screaming like a little bitch, he should have shot himself.

I still say he will be convicted of manslaughter.
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Old 07-11-2013, 07:09 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post

Zimmerman was screaming like a little bitch, he should have shot himself.

I still say he will be convicted of manslaughter.
The jury might go into the room saying "we need to convict him of something", and not knowing the penalties, just might go for manslaughter, only to find out later that it carries just as stiff of a penalty as murder 2.

But then, maybe that was the plan all along, and these so called "inept prosecutors" turn out to be some pretty crafty dudes.
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Old 07-11-2013, 07:43 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
it only erased the kids dna and not Zims??? lol

what about the other male dna that was found on the weapon but didn't match Zims or the kids ?

your as full of shit as the ticket fixer, in your case, literally.
The real truth is, CBJ7, the best you can claim is that Martin's DNA wasn't found in the area swabbed. BTW, CBJ7, Officer Timothy Smith is "male", and Smith handled the weapon -- after it was fired and after it was surrendered.

It's your version of events that is cockeyed, CBJ7. You're like the prosecutor who convolutedly and ignorantly tried to argue that a weapon fired at a 45º angle upward from a supine position will enter a perpendicular (to the shooter's supine position) target at a 90º angle. Plus, as LL noted above, the prosecutors conceded the fact, via courtroom demonstration, that it was Martin who dominated and straddled Zimmerman in a "ground and pound" position.

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Old 07-11-2013, 08:22 AM   #94
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Whats amazing here is that everybody's a fucking forensics expert.

We ALL know what this trial is about.
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Old 07-11-2013, 08:24 AM   #95
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Obama made it ALL ABOUT RACE !
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Old 07-11-2013, 08:50 AM   #96
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Which is just how you like it!
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Old 07-11-2013, 08:52 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
The jury ... just might go for manslaughter,...
Only if the Judge charges it.

And there will have to be a conditional submission ... that requires them to find no self-defense .. in order to answer the manslaughter question.

How's the government going to argue ...

"well if you think it wasn't intentional even though we told you it was when we started this trial, then at least find that he was negligent" ... " but before you find it was negligence you have to find that it wasn't intentional like the defense told you it was when the trial started."

So the prosecution and the defense say it was an intentional shooting, but the jury decides they are full of shit and it was really negligence?

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Old 07-11-2013, 09:05 AM   #98
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The governments might try to finagle some type of conviction, even one way down the scale, simply because a "not guilty" means it's over, period.

They want to keep Zimmerman in the system. This poor excuse for a Judge knows this too, she could probably care less about being over turned on appeal, or even brought up on misconduct charges. She knows she has to get something of a conviction, so Zimmerman will have to keep spending money on Lawyers, and be under the supervision of the State.

It's sort of a take on the old "you can't beat the ride" scenario. While Zimmerman will never see the inside of a Prison, his life will be turned inside out for years to come.

This is not supposed to be the way our Justice System works, but this is a result of what happens when the system yields to the whims of poverty pimps, race baiters, polititians, and the news media.
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Old 07-11-2013, 09:19 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
The governments might try to finagle some type of conviction, even one way down the scale, simply because a "not guilty" means it's over, period.

They want to keep Zimmerman in the system. This poor excuse for a Judge knows this too, she could probably care less about being over turned on appeal, or even brought up on misconduct charges. She knows she has to get something of a conviction, so Zimmerman will have to keep spending money on Lawyers, and be under the supervision of the State.

It's sort of a take on the old "you can't beat the ride" scenario. While Zimmerman will never see the inside of a Prison, his life will be turned inside out for years to come.

This is not supposed to be the way our Justice System works, but this is a result of what happens when the system yields to the whims of poverty pimps, race baiters, polititians, and the news media.
It is a farce of our justice system no doubt. I guess I'm out of touch with racism in America, I never even knew we had such a problem with the Blacks vs. Hispanics. I knew their gangs fought all the time, but I assumed that was over their selling territory, not that they were racist.
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Old 07-11-2013, 09:24 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
This is not supposed to be the way our Justice System works
I know I should know better by now, but I keep hoping for better. This circus has just reinforced things that have been know for so long.

--The difference in pay between prosecutors and high end defenders results in some really bad prosecutors in high visibility cases. Money spent wisely makes a huge difference, and if the state put their BEST team on this case, then they have some pretty pathetic lawyers in their stable.

--Just because you are a judge doesn't make you sane.

--Politicians pass some pretty stupid laws. Ones that are ill defined, rely upon guessing how much fear was inside a person's head, and sentencing laws that allow almost no way to return a reasonable punishment. If--as we have heard here--it's a minimum of 30 years or nothing then there is no allowable good end game.

--95%+ of the posters on here could have adjudicated this case the day it happened, they have no need of facts.
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Old 07-11-2013, 11:22 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
I know I should know better by now, but I keep hoping for better. This circus has just reinforced things that have been know for so long.

--The difference in pay between prosecutors and high end defenders results in some really bad prosecutors in high visibility cases. Money spent wisely makes a huge difference, and if the state put their BEST team on this case, then they have some pretty pathetic lawyers in their stable.

--Just because you are a judge doesn't make you sane.

--Politicians pass some pretty stupid laws. Ones that are ill defined, rely upon guessing how much fear was inside a person's head, and sentencing laws that allow almost no way to return a reasonable punishment. If--as we have heard here--it's a minimum of 30 years or nothing then there is no allowable good end game.

--95%+ of the posters on here could have adjudicated this case the day it happened, they have no need of facts.

aint that the truth
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Old 07-11-2013, 11:28 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
I know I should know better by now, but I keep hoping for better. This circus has just reinforced things that have been know for so long.

--The difference in pay between prosecutors and high end defenders results in some really bad prosecutors in high visibility cases. Money spent wisely makes a huge difference, and if the state put their BEST team on this case, then they have some pretty pathetic lawyers in their stable.

--Just because you are a judge doesn't make you sane.

--Politicians pass some pretty stupid laws. Ones that are ill defined, rely upon guessing how much fear was inside a person's head, and sentencing laws that allow almost no way to return a reasonable punishment. If--as we have heard here--it's a minimum of 30 years or nothing then there is no allowable good end game.

--95%+ of the posters on here could have adjudicated this case the day it happened, they have no need of facts.
JMO ... judges should closer too the middle ... that way they make better decision
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Old 07-11-2013, 12:13 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Whats amazing here is that everybody's a fucking forensics expert.

We ALL know what this trial is about.

damn the forensic tests done at the lab by the people that do them for a living, morons on a hooker board can find an excuse to offer their expert opinion even though they didn't do the tests, and aren't capable of doing forensic testing
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Old 07-11-2013, 12:37 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
damn the forensic tests done at the lab by the people that do them for a living, morons on a hooker board can find an excuse to offer their expert opinion even though they didn't do the tests, and aren't capable of doing forensic testing
"Morons on a hooker board" did not provide the testimony, CBJ7. It was the men and women -- the so-called "experts" -- who testified, and they testified that their work, for the most part, was cursory and perfunctory. Some of them further testified that they had no control over how the evidence was collected and delivered to them, e.g., the swab rubbings taken from the weapon. Similarly, Kristen Bentsen testified weather was a major factor impacting the gathering of evidence and evidence quality and availability.

Even though you're a "moron posting on a hooker board", CBJ7, you can minimize how moronic you appear by becoming more familiar with the facts before you post like a "moron on a hooker board".
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Old 07-11-2013, 01:09 PM   #105
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