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Old 07-02-2013, 07:50 PM   #1
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Default 4 days of blue balls with holly4u2013

I have been trying to have a little fun with holly for over a week now. She didn't read my first message but I expect that to happen on this site and didn't worry about it. On Saturday I hit her up again we had almost agreed to a time when I got called into work for 6 hours. She hasn't booked the room yet and I stopped responding for a while. She went ahead and booked the room. After I got work calmed down enough where I could communicate again (maybe an hour or two) I let her know my problem and that I didn't know how long I would be and that is when she told me she went ahead and booked the room. I finished up around 9pm and asked if we could still meet up especially since I saw the post she had saying she was had a room until noon the next day. She said she had a personal visitor coming at 10 so we could try to play quick, but unfortunately I'm not a quick guy. I felt guilty because it wasn't unreasonable for her to think to book the room so I offered to give her 100 for the room which was all I had on me. She accepted that so I drove to her hotel and gave it too her and she said she would probably be free later that night. For the record she looks like her pics and maybe even slightly better. See texted late into the night and she never freed up. This became a pattern

Day 2. I tried to contact her early in the morning and did not get any response. It sent probably 4-5 texts and one pm between 8 am and 8 pm when she finally responded to my pm. I had noticed that she had logged into eccie a couple hours before though. She said she would be free around 9 and she would get back with me. Shortly after 9 she told me to hit her up so I sent a text and she responded quickly. She told me that she just had to wait until her friends ride showed up and then I could come by. About once an hour I would check in to find the ride status and it was always the same that the ride didn't show up yet but she needed money etc etc. I finally fell asleep and she sent me a text at 2 am saying the ride finally showed up. The text woke me up and got my junior ready to go so I asked if I could come over and she said she was too tired at that point. I'm not sure why she bothered to send me the text at that point since I told her I was going to sleep.

Day 3. I was tired Monday morning because I had stayed up late trying to get laid. Around 10 am I texted her asking to see her sometime that day. She said she wanted too but she needed a different hotel room and a ride. She asked if I would get the room for her and I told her I wouldn't get it in my name but would give her the cash ( didn't end up having to give it to her). So I told her to let me know when she and the other provider that I learned that morning was staying with her were ready. She texted me a little later saying they were ready so I took my lunch break and drove to her hotel. I texted her when I pulled up and she said they would be right down. Then texted me that they still needed 20 min. Eventually she texted me asking for help with the bags and sent me the room number. I got up there, carried down two large bags for them and was told I would have to hold onto them and the bags they carried until I saw her after work. They needed to be dropped off to get their nails done at that time. So I packed their bags into my car and drove them to the nail place. I told her when I got off work, but I had to stop home first before meeting up with her so I could leave to meet her an hour after I got off work. When I got off work I sent a text letting her know I was off work. She then told me she could only do an hour and I could come back later for the rest of the time. It didn't help that she misread my text thinking that I was going to meet her at the time I told her I could leave so it turned out it would have only been a half hour available. I told her I would rather wait to drive up their until I could she her for the amount of time she knew I wanted which was two hours. She told me she was pissed and that if I didn't bring her stuff she would come get it (even though she didn't know were I was). I said fine and that I wanted to play quick when I got up there since was already blue balled. She then told me she couldn't because her brother was there. So I don't know how her original offer to do less time could have even happened. So I drove to her hotel, met her out front and handed all of her bags to her brother for her to take up to her room. She said she would be free later. So I drove home, and asked if she knew when. She said she would get back to me. An hour or so she told me the person that got the room wanted the money and she had to deal with that. I checked in an hour or so later and she said she was still dealing with it. I offered several ways for to earn the money but somehow it was more complicated even though the guy would have to pick it up from her. This went on until fairly late. The whole time it was obvious that something else was going on since the guy wasn't there, he wanted money, but she couldn't do anything to earn it. So I gave up.

Day 4. She texted me in the morning saying she got it resolved. She then ask me to get her a room, which I told her again that I wouldn't put it in my name but would give her the money for the room and a ride for a quick session but I had I only had until a certain time to do it. I texted her several times with some responses reminding her I only had until a certain time to help and finally I had to tell her I couldn't help until after work. She complained until I reminded her that I was trying to push her along and then she appologized. An hour before I got off work I asked her if she had her room taken care of and she said she did and that she could see me for an hour when I got off work. I said that was fine and that when I would start on my way I would send her a text. So when I got off work at the time I told her I would I sent her a text saying I was on my way. As I started my drive she texted me back saying she had a personal issue (something she should have known about an hour before when she agreed to meet me) and that she couldnt meet me until tonight. I said I would think about it. A while later she sent me a text saying we could meet at a certain time and that she needed 250 to pay someone the next day but I had to pick her up. I asked how long she could stay and she told me it had to be quick and I had to take her back right afterwards. I pointed out that she wanted me to pay her more then her hourly rate, drive to her hotel twice, and be rushed. I then pointed out that I had given her 100 for me being delayed the first night, drove her around, held onto her and her friends bags, delivered the bags, and didn't ask for any extra treatment. She then told me if that wasn't cool, fuck it.

Some other guys seemed to have a great time with her, but I have to share my experience because I have a hard time thinking it could be isolated. I rarely hold grudges and even though I gave the 100, several gallons of gas, a fair amount of time and feelings in my but sack (four days of blue balls will do that to a guy) I would lime to think this is a completely fair representation of what happened. I hope I'm the only one that had this problem, but I figured you guys should know of the possibility of wasting a bunch of time. I know this is long and a dry read, but I tried to keep it fair and accurate. Plus it was typed from a mobile device so cut me some more slack
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:08 PM   #2
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Sorry bro no pussy is worth that much trouble when there are so many others beautiful women who would have seen you. You should have gave up the minute she started "needing" help.
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:14 PM   #3
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I would say the first two days were not unreasonable. I should have said fuck it half way through day 3 and I didn't expect day 4 to work out, Two of the best sessions I have had came after going far out of my way. This is also the first time I have really lost money like this, but she had two good reviews and I did delay the session for 6 hours so i without knowing what would happen later I think it is hard to fault NY decision there, I did make sure that I protected my cash the rest of the way minus the gas.
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:48 PM   #4
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I don't know who she is, but she must be gorgeous and having amazing reviews to go through all that trouble. She doesn't sound very appreciate of you or your time, and sure has a lot of demands and excuses...

Why would you be willing to put up with all that?

Not to mention, you had no idea what was in her bags...it could have gotten you into a lot of trouble if you found yourself in the wrong situation. That's mere speculation, on my part, but I wouldn't be willing to take the risk, personally.
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:52 PM   #5
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There aren't enough hands for all the face palms this is worthy of.

First mistake, don't ever pay for a girl's room, even if it isn't in your name. She wasn't playing tiddlywinks while you were at work. She made enough to pay for a hotel and then some. That's why she kept putting you off and telling you she'd be free later on.

Wow, I've read some doozies but this one takes the cake.

I am a little confused though. Hasn't she been lonely all week?
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:10 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post
There aren't enough hands for all the face palms this is worthy of.

First mistake, don't ever pay for a girl's room, even if it isn't in your name. She wasn't playing tiddlywinks while you were at work. She made enough to pay for a hotel and then some. That's why she kept putting you off and telling you she'd be free later on.

Wow, I've read some doozies but this one takes the cake.

I am a little confused though. Hasn't she been lonely all week?
Aside from the first night, I was only going to give the money to her as part of the start of a session. I would have already been there and I wasnt going to leave. She wanted me to book it for them or give the money to her to go get it and meet up later which I wasnt going to do.

Like I said, I caused a long delay the first night so I was extra generous in my mind to try to make up for it. The second night I could pass off as shit happens because everyone has issues and everyone makes mistakes including you and me. The third day started off promising, but was where the obvious pattern was. The fourth day I had no expectations so if it happened great, if it didnt it is what I expected.

I have time to waste right now which doesnt always happen. So if it would have happened a month ago I would not have gone above and beyond mainly because I couldnt. I tend to give the benifit of the doubt unless their is a clear pattern. Holly had a few great reviews and a few no's which were explained away as someone stealing her phone and showing up as her. The review said they thought it was a bait and switch. The girl I met was definitely the one in the pictures so the excuse seemd plausible and as far as I know could be true.
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:30 PM   #7
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I have see her Twice.
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:41 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Staci Stacked View Post
I don't know who she is, but she must be gorgeous and having amazing reviews to go through all that trouble. She doesn't sound very appreciate of you or your time, and sure has a lot of demands and excuses...

Why would you be willing to put up with all that?

Not to mention, you had no idea what was in her bags...it could have gotten you into a lot of trouble if you found yourself in the wrong situation. That's mere speculation, on my part, but I wouldn't be willing to take the risk, personally.

The bag comment is very valid. I was caught off guard by the request. The two big bags that zipped up were open in the room when I got in there. The rest were bags with two straps on them where the flip flops and such were already visible. Obviously there is still plenty of risk, but I do know ways of cutting it down such as where I parked and how I drove.

I am a very laid back guy in general and most communication was through text which means that I didnt have to stop doing what I was doing such as messing around on the internet, have fun at a party, watch tv, etc. so it didnt get irritating for a while.
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:45 PM   #9
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Wow that sucks. That is way too much to do! And I agree, don't ever pay for a girls room. If she needs the money she should book a session before her room is expired!
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:51 PM   #10
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FYI, the ways I was going to pay for the room was a visit before she switched rooms or a visit to my outcall locations. So I was going to pay for a service for her then to get the room. It was clear that at no point I was going to give money before hand.
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:52 PM   #11
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Omg sounds like a mess really sucks you got dragged along like that
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Old 07-02-2013, 10:00 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol View Post
Omg sounds like a mess really sucks you got dragged along like that
Yeah, it happens when you want to try some relatively uncharted waters. I didnt post this for sympathy, just to make sure others knew what might be coming.
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Old 07-02-2013, 10:53 PM   #13
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Wew....I'm worn out just reading this thread. As a wise buddy of mine says, "it's your dime...play it your way"

First off, it sucks, you had to put up with all the nonsense. You sound like a decent guy....unfortunately when your Johnson is in the picture, you apparently have the patience of Job.

But IMO, no date...especially with a relative new gal, who has a tad bit of drama and unkown surrounding her....is worth anything beyond that first day.

Hopefully she can get her act together, but no way would I be one of the guinea pigs. Way too many other solid choices that got their, you know what together.

Everyone has the right to play the game, the way they choose. But, letting a gal play all those
angles on ya...and the women in this thread have painted just part of that picture...makes us guys not only look desperate. But also leaves the door open for future craziness to continue.

Thanks for taking the time to post. I would venture to say, few other guys would have spent the same amount of effort & time into this one. And even fewer now that you have told your story
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Old 07-02-2013, 11:28 PM   #14
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Wow, that does suck..... I would have tapped out way earlier than that
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Old 07-02-2013, 11:40 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by bigryan222 View Post
Yeah, it happens when you want to try some relatively uncharted waters. I didnt post this for sympathy, just to make sure others knew what might be coming.
I diddnt mean to say the wrong thing if I did..... I just hate to see girls try to play games with a clearly nice guy
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