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Old 06-24-2013, 08:44 PM   #1
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Default Concealed carry to be obsolete? New radar to detect guns on the body.

The next step in the technology race may be this:


Key quote:

Basically, Sarabandi and his team used the Doppler radar—which measures an object's speed—to identify the general pattern of a human walking, or what he calls "the DNA of walking." A computer is programmed to recognize that pattern, focusing on the subject's chest, and then polarimetric radar is used to send out a signal at a particular polarization, and analyze the signal that bounces back. An irregular metal object—like a gun—would change the signal.

So one radar signal identiifes a walking human. The second signal shoots a second beam at the identified person and detects a gun.

Opens up a whole new front in the gun control debate.

Movies theaters, shopping malls, and gas stations can catch you before you even get to the front door and ask you to leave your weapon in your car.
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Old 06-25-2013, 12:24 AM   #2
JD Barleycorn
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Concealed carry is all about perceptions. A skilled policeman may see that you are packing but the average person cannot. If a weapon is out of sight then it is concealed and if you have the paperwork then you are legal. So even if a secret service agent knows you are still legal. How many schools and libraries will buy this tech?
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:40 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
So even if a secret service agent knows you are still legal.
If one is in the presence of a "secret service agent" (OTJ) and the agent asks you to remove yourself and your weapon from the area, then I recommend highly that one refrain from confronting the agent with one's CHL and proclaiming one is "legal" .... just saying.

You people who think a CHL is a "hall pass" .... need to rethink things.
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:27 AM   #4
Jackie S
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In Texas, if you are confronted by a lawful peace officer, such as a traffic stop, the first thing you do is inform him you have a CHL and if you are armed or not.

By the way, I wonder if they are going to use this high tech radar in South Chicago or East LA.
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Old 06-25-2013, 06:16 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
In Texas, if you are confronted by a lawful peace officer, such as a traffic stop, the first thing you do is inform him you have a CHL and if you are armed or not.
With the possible exception of one or two large metro areas in Texas, by the time the officer steps from his unit he should already know if the vehicle is registered to someone with a CHL ... unless it is otherwise registered ... dispatchers will show the vehicle clear and have ownership information available to the officer....which would include CHL. In the initial debates for the original bill on the CHL there was discussion in the Senate about having some sort of decal on vehicles indicating the owner had a CHL ... there was even talk of a lapel pin!

Generally speaking officers want to secure the weapon, but I believe for the most part are concerned about those with a weapon who do not have a CHL ... and probably shouldn't have a weapon.
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Old 06-25-2013, 11:03 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Concealed carry is all about perceptions. A skilled policeman may see that you are packing but the average person cannot. If a weapon is out of sight then it is concealed and if you have the paperwork then you are legal. So even if a secret service agent knows you are still legal. How many schools and libraries will buy this tech?
Depends on how cheap it is.

If it is the price of a radar gun, I imagine a lot of businesses will buy it.
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Old 06-25-2013, 11:53 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Depends on how cheap it is.

If it is the price of a radar gun, I imagine a lot of businesses will buy it.
They still have to hire an operator and a "response" team ....

... Zimmerman will be available soon.... at least if his attorneys quit telling bad jokes.
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Old 06-25-2013, 11:57 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
In Texas, if you are confronted by a lawful peace officer, such as a traffic stop, the first thing you do is inform him you have a CHL and if you are armed or not.

By the way, I wonder if they are going to use this high tech radar in South Chicago or East LA.
Jackie, like me, you've had your CHL a long time and remember what the law used to be. We were required, under the initial versions of the CHL legislation, to immediately disclose to peace officers who were detaining you that you possessed a CHL and that you were armed. No more. Now, you must show your CHL only when asked to produce identification and when you are, in fact, armed. Probably a distinction without a difference since the first thing every cop does is ask you for ID....but, it's a bit different. The law used to be you had to disclose before they asked you anything. Also, back then, if you failed to disclose, you could potentially lose your CHL. Now, the law contains no penalty provision even if the police officer asks you for ID and you fail to show him your CHL and disclose you are armed.

All that having been said, the first thing I have ever said to a cop, on the rare occasions when I interact with one, is "I have a concealed handgun license and I am armed." The 3 or 4 times that has happened, every cop just says "Where is the gun?" and then writes me my ticket or warning and cuts me loose. As someone else stated, they get a flag on their computers as soon as the input your license plate that you are a CHL holder anyway. Most of them know it when they walk up to your car. Frankly, I think it puts them more at ease. They know they are dealing with someone who has undergone an extensive criminal background check and has no significant criminal history.

Also, at least in Texas, just covering your handgun with a shirt isn't necessary lawful. If the weapon is "discernible through ordinary observation" you're in violation. That includes printing through your wife-beater t-shirt.
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Old 06-25-2013, 12:15 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Also, at least in Texas, just covering your handgun with a shirt isn't necessary lawful. If the weapon is "discernible through ordinary observation" you're in violation. That includes printing through your wife-beater t-shirt.
And Texas is finally making statutory sense out of the "saddle bag" rule on handguns, so that those without a CHL can be armed when they travel. Of course a legal shotgun can be awkward in a motor vehicle, it can be a deterrent if handled effectively.
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Old 06-25-2013, 12:38 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
They still have to hire an operator and a "response" team ....
The way I read it, it is fully automated.

The Dopple recognizes a walking person, the second signal zooms in and pings for a chunk of metal.

As for a response team, all they need is someone at the front door of the movie theater or mall to tell you you cannot enter with a weapon.
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Old 06-25-2013, 01:20 PM   #11
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theres all kinds of technology available, or will be available in the future.. question is, will movie theaters, and coffee shops etc etc, spend the $$$ to see who is packing a piece and who isn't ?

IMO, I don't think so
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
theres all kinds of technology available, or will be available in the future.. question is, will movie theaters, and coffee shops etc etc, spend the $$$ to see who is packing a piece and who isn't ?

IMO, I don't think so
Some will, some won't.

But a lot more will if the cost of the system is, say, $500 or less.

And, of course, these systems will become mandatory by default once there is a mass shooting in a store or a movie theater and the property owner loses a $50 million verdict for failing to install such as system.

Once you can become negligent for not having one, everyone will get one.
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:16 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
As for a response team, all they need is someone at the front door of the movie theater or mall to tell you you cannot enter with a weapon.
Yea, and if they don't obey the front door attendant can ...

... bounce that flashlight off their head!

The airport scanners are also ...... "fully automated" ....
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:31 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Some will, some won't.

But a lot more will if the cost of the system is, say, $500 or less.

And, of course, these systems will become mandatory by default once there is a mass shooting in a store or a movie theater and the property owner loses a $50 million verdict for failing to install such as system.

Once you can become negligent for not having one, everyone will get one.
sounds like a good investment ... how much do you plan to pony up?

wait a minute ... maybe you've already invested and now youre a salesman
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:35 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
sounds like a good investment ... how much do you plan to pony up?

wait a minute ... maybe you've already invested and now youre a salesman
My options vest in Q3 of 2014.
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