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Old 06-24-2013, 10:46 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
When will you clowns realize that government NEVER does anything FOR you. They do what they do to CONTROL you. Mindless idiots.
Horseshit. Did you even think before you wrote that?

When the government puts out fires, are they not doing something FOR you?

What about when the government builds roads that enable you to move about the country freely and that also promote commerce and increased wealth? Isn't government doing something FOR you then?

What about the FAA? Food inspections? The CDC? Weather satellites? Coast Guard? Dredging shipping channels?

Anyone who thinks all that can be done by charities or private businesses is a mindless idiot who needs to pull his nose out of Ayn Rand's ass.
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:50 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
There is no real case against vaccination. The case is against GOVERNMENT FORCED vaccination. I'd encourage anyone to get vaccinated. I wouldn't FORCE them too.
So, what is the libertarian perspective on quarantines?

What happens when the day inevitably comes when we get a massive and highly lethal flu pandemic like the one that occurred in 1918?

What would C.S. Lewis think?

Do you think the sick should be allowed to go on public transportation and show up for work like it is just another day? Of should they be compelled to stay home until either their symptoms clear up or they die?

Or do they have some kind of right to expose others to danger?

Do we rely on charities and the free market system to come up with solutions to the pandemic?
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Old 06-24-2013, 12:03 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Horseshit. Did you even think before you wrote that?

When the government puts out fires, are they not doing something FOR you?

What about when the government builds roads that enable you to move about the country freely and that also promote commerce and increased wealth? Isn't government doing something FOR you then?

What about the FAA? Food inspections? The CDC? Weather satellites? Coast Guard? Dredging shipping channels?

Anyone who thinks all that can be done by charities or private businesses is a mindless idiot who needs to pull his nose out of Ayn Rand's ass.
COF is the typical Libertarian ... bitches about government power and control BUT wants a Libertarian in office so they can have the power to control the government
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Old 06-24-2013, 12:30 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
COF is the typical Libertarian ... bitches about government power and control BUT wants a Libertarian in office so they can have the power to control the government
I'm not siding with COG, but that is not really an argument against Libertarians.

Advocates of small government cannot simply refuse to participate in government. That will simply leave a wide-open field for big government types. It's not like the Democrats will leave Libertarians alone (and not require them to pay taxes) if Libertarians don't run for office.

Government is like the lottery - you have to be in it to win it. So, if you want smaller government, you have to win elective office and then vote to at least partially dismantle the government.
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Old 06-24-2013, 04:55 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post

Government is like the lottery - you have to be in it to win it. So, if you want smaller government, you have to win elective office and then vote to at least partially dismantle the government.
A Catch-22 if there ever was one.

To win office you have to pander...to stay in office you have to deliver.

That is why Congress has low approvals and high re election.

Our founding fathers set up a fucked up system and we have tried to convince ourselves how freaking good it is.....despite actions that speak otherwise.
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Old 06-24-2013, 05:37 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Our founding fathers set up a fucked up system...
How so? Is there another democratic system that doesn't have these problems?

The problem isn't the structure of our government.

The problem is a lazy citizenry that wants something for nothing, because it is convinced that everybody else is getting something for nothing.

"Work hard, save more, retire later in life" is a great ethic for prosperity, but it just does not have a constituency.

On the other hand, government handouts/subsidies have a HUGE constituency.

They have the same problems in Greece, France, Spain, and Italy. Arguably they have it much worse.
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Old 06-24-2013, 08:28 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
How so? Is there another democratic system that doesn't have these problems?

The problem isn't the structure of our government.

The problem is a lazy citizenry that wants something for nothing, because it is convinced that everybody else is getting something for nothing.

"Work hard, save more, retire later in life" is a great ethic for prosperity, but it just does not have a constituency.

On the other hand, government handouts/subsidies have a HUGE constituency.

They have the same problems in Greece, France, Spain, and Italy. Arguably they have it much worse.
I didn't say there were any better systems, I said ours is overrated. How else would you explain a approval rating in the low teen's for congress and an over 90% reelection rate?
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Old 06-24-2013, 08:46 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I didn't say there were any better systems, I said ours is overrated. How else would you explain a approval rating in the low teen's for congress and an over 90% reelection rate?
Everyone gives Congress low grades except for their OWN Congressman. They think the problem is other representatives, rarely their own.
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Old 06-24-2013, 11:06 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Horseshit. Did you even think before you wrote that?

When the government puts out fires, are they not doing something FOR you?

What about when the government builds roads that enable you to move about the country freely and that also promote commerce and increased wealth? Isn't government doing something FOR you then?

What about the FAA? Food inspections? The CDC? Weather satellites? Coast Guard? Dredging shipping channels?

Anyone who thinks all that can be done by charities or private businesses is a mindless idiot who needs to pull his nose out of Ayn Rand's ass.
Of course, none of that would ever get done, if it weren't for government. Fires would not be put out, roads wouldn't be built, planes would crash everywhere, food would be poisonous (by the way, isn't it nice how the FDA lets Monsanto control the food supply?), no one would think of weather satellites. Nothing would ever get done without the government FORCING their will upon us. We are much better off with as much government as possible. Everytime there is a good idea, government MUST force us to comply. That's the only way to preserve our freedom and way of life. Thank you God, for government!

[Note to Big Louie: That was sarcasm.]

Fucking moron. Enjoy your police state.

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Old 06-25-2013, 10:55 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Of course, none of that would ever get done, if it weren't for government. Fires would not be put out, roads wouldn't be built, planes would crash everywhere, food would be poisonous (by the way, isn't it nice how the FDA lets Monsanto control the food supply?), no one would think of weather satellites. Nothing would ever get done without the government FORCING their will upon us. We are much better off with as much government as possible. Everytime there is a good idea, government MUST force us to comply. That's the only way to preserve our freedom and way of life. Thank you God, for government!
You completely distort my argument. Don't put words in my mouth. I never said nothing would get done without government. But there are undoubtedly things that ONLY government can do, or government does best.

There are plenty of place in this world where they don't have much in the way of government inspections, especially of food and water. And look how many people DIE as a result. Would you care to try the food of the water in a small village in Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or New Guinea?

If the free market could solve everything then the food and water in those places would be safe even without government. But clearly that's not true. And that is because there is no profit in food and water inspections. Or, to put it more precisely, inspecting food and water adds cost and cuts into the profits of suppliers. So they don't do it. They just lie and say their food is safe.

And whether or not someone would think of weather satellites is not the point. The point is who would be willing to pay for them and how would they get their money back. You can't charge for the weather warnings because only a small number of people would pay for a subscription and everyone else would just get the forecast relayed to them for free. How are you going to stop someone from alerting others that there is going to be a hurricane tomorrow?

But, hey, if you want to get rid of all those government functions, you go right ahead. Good luck living in Somalia. Because that is what you would turn the country into.

Fucking moron. Enjoy your state of anarchy.
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Old 06-25-2013, 02:41 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post

. Enjoy your state of anarchy.
I'm the one that wants anarchy....COG just wants to bitch and moan and then won't even go out and have a proper drink afterwaed because he is to scared!
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