"It's ok to dream BiGGER dawwwling"
and Spellchecker? Who THE F*CK uses spell checker these days? What is this, 1998? and It's called AutoCorrect, and I might just BE the MEDUSA in the bunch...in fact when I came in to the boards, I decided on one THING. I'd ALWAYS speak my mind.
DogLegg, I don't mind your honesty. I also don't mind you are counting down to MY retirement....it's something I am VERY proud of. I'm also VERY proud to have met such amazing gentlemen who have shown nothing BUT support on what I'm working on. Women like Ginger LoveLace have been "misunderstood" on forums like this bc we are expected to stfu and do what we are TOLD in order to get by in this biz.
Let me tell you a little secret. Or rather a few, and I'll keep my vernacular to the just. 1.) If you were to run into me in public, unless you have a 3rd eye, a 12 inch c*ck, or 6 hundred dollar bills glued to your back then I'd do a double take, you on the other hand, seem like someone who NEEDS to retire from the board themselves. YOU DON"T FIT IN WITH THE TOP GENTS THAT BELONG ON THIS FORUM. 2.) You are fighting with a girl. Enough said. 3.) Realize that YOUR comments do NOT ain anyway affect my biz. They entertain me and make me realize that YUP, it's about that time to cheeze it outta here. Poor Rover, no wonder MOST of these amazing guys are leaving. DRAMA!
I have always been one too look from afar BUT speak my mind when I hear things said about my fellow ladies that MANY "gents" on here have NO room to even open that orfice slapped on by the abomination of an ameobas excrement you call a "mouth."
CHECK yourself.
When we (providers) communicate with each other, asking about other clients all I gotta do and I do, is send the "links" such as this one, and say..."you go figure" MOST of em, if they are not hard up for $$$$$$ or drugs, will laugh as say "eff that guy" the rest wont mind and gladly pass you some VD.
BE CAREFUL what you say, some vengeful providers out there that will give you a taste (or an Rx) literally of your own meds...it's NOT wise to piss off your "servers" at a restraunt. Same here.
Other than that, more power to you if you FEEL better about yourself having "the last word" or "bashing" or whatnot" I'M SET! Going somewhere that YOU CAN ONLY IMAGINE!

But NEVER will I FORGET where I came from and WHO sat there and took the time to "congradulate" me and what not. You, well, you do what you like with what and who you like... your choice on when, how, how bad, ect Karma decides to screw with you SOONER OR LATER. And BELIEVE ME. Sooner or later. BTW. 80 days. Dont get your panties in a bunch.
Ginger. No need to defend me BUT I'll make out with you just for fun hopefully tonight for that one
Mokoa. One of the men of both of my worlds I call FUN, naughty and an escape...I can't apologize for my thoughts...you KNOW how I am...and I also know that rules are meant to be broken...BUT, we won't go there...at least NOT here.

Till later darling.. Ciao' <3