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Old 05-14-2013, 07:15 AM   #1
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Obama’s claim he called Benghazi an ‘act of terrorism’
“The day after it happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.”
— President Obama, remarks at a news conference, May 13, 2013

A Whopper of a lie.........................Fa ct Jack !

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Old 05-14-2013, 08:38 AM   #2
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Thanks for this informative thread. I mean, without this valuable new information, who would have known?

If you have time this morning, Whirlaway, why don't you start about a dozen new Benghazi-related threads? I'm sure I speak for many others when I say that I very much enjoy being kept abreast of events by the forum's smartest political commentator.
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Old 05-14-2013, 09:29 AM   #3
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You are welcome CM; your not that good at sarcasm...............what would you like me to post,,,,tell me your wish list,,,,your do's and don't's..............

Your such a whiny cry baby................you don't like my posts, then my advice is to stop bumping them....it is that simple ! Follow my lead. I completely ignore your ignoramus posts on insects and such.....

But thanks for the opportunity to keep my thread at the top of the Sandbox board....

Keep up the good work...........
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Old 05-14-2013, 09:39 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You are welcome CM; your [sic] not that good at sarcasm...............what would you like me to post,,,,tell me your wish list,,,,your do's and don't's..............

Your [sic] such a whiny cry baby................you don't like my posts, then my advice is to stop bumping them....it is that simple !

But thanks for the opportunity to keep my thread at the top of the Sandbox board....

Keep up the good work...........
Thanks, and you're (not "your") welcome!

What I would like best is for you to give us some of your insightful forecasts right before the 2014 and 2016 elections. I've never bet on an election's outcome, but would consider doing so if I had virtually a sure thing. Your predictions last November were, of course, spot on in every regard!

At the same time, a lot of people actually paid attention to the analysis done by that fool Nate Silver. Wow, can you believe that?
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Old 05-14-2013, 10:03 AM   #5
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How is that "Insect For Dinner" thread working out for ya ?

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Old 05-14-2013, 10:13 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
How is that "Insect For Dinner" thread working out for ya ?

As far as I'm concerned, it's "working out for me" just fine! I think it's the sort of interesting little tidbit that this forum's intended for. Read the forum description at the top of the page! It's obviously not a topic people are going to debate, so whether anyone responds is immaterial.

Now how about giving us some more of your expert political predictions?
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Old 05-14-2013, 10:41 AM   #7
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And while you're there, please try and explain what laws were violated by POTUS; anything nearly as agregious as your invasion of my privacy and various anti-noise ordinances?

And YOU correcting ANYBODY'S spelling is a fucking exercise in irony! But your to stoopid two figure tht out!
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Old 05-14-2013, 11:05 AM   #8
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Thanks AU and CM; you might want to check out this Cheney video, he knows what everyone else knows (yourselves excluded).............Obama lied !
"If they told the truth about Benghazi that it was a terrorist attack by an al Qaeda-affiliated group, it would have destroyed the false image of competence that was the basis of his campaign for re-election. They lied.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/14/ch...#ixzz2THt7AkL6
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Old 05-14-2013, 11:27 AM   #9
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Your rabid thirst for a scandal - any scandal, no matter how strained the connection - does nothing but undermine the legitimate allegations of impropriety made by sane individuals who are unavoidably tainted by association with you.

This board increasingly sucks because of the plethora of obsessive, Obama-hating threads you post with your idiotic attention-craving CAPITALIZED titles (just to make sure we don't get lucky and miss one of your screeds).
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Old 05-14-2013, 11:33 AM   #10
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Benghazi isn't a "strained" scandal; either is the IRS profiling.............

Anything else idiot ?

The "Ignore" button works fine for me.....feel free to make use of it you fucking moron...

You are the admitted attention hound; that is why you are pissed off, you want your own threads to reign on top !

You admitted as much in your prior rants.......

Have a great day.
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Old 05-14-2013, 11:42 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Benghazi isn't a "strained" scandal; either is the IRS profiling...
Insisting that Obama's failure to immediately label Benghazi a "terrorist act" is somehow a scandal IS strained.

Insisting Obama MUST be behind the IRS audits because they were directed at conservatives IS strained.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Anything else idiot ?
Yes, you're an attention-craving shit-for-brains.
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Old 05-14-2013, 11:46 AM   #12
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You are the one who called it a scandal you idiot..................I repeated your own words back to you...............

I called it a "LIE"............

You obviously don't know how to read...................much less interpret and critically analyze.

BTW, where did I "insist Obama was behind the IRS" profiling..............he may or may not be, time will tell,,,but he definitely green lighted the IRS profiling actions...his words, his comments, his war on the Tea Party and conservative Americans.....we had his own DHS telling Americans to be afraid of patriotic groups because they represented a bigger terrorist threat than Islam.

If you had any balls, you would provide a link to support your stupid claim...again, you can't read, you can't analyze....................you are a dummy.
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Old 05-14-2013, 12:06 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You are the one who called it a scandal you idiot..................I repeated your own words back to you...............

I called it a "LIE"............

You obviously don't know how to read...................much less interpret and critically analyze.

BTW, where did I "insist Obama was behind the IRS" profiling..............he may or may not be, time will tell,,,but he definitely green lighted the IRS profiling actions...his words, his comments, his war on the Tea Party and conservative Americans.....we had his own DHS telling Americans to be afraid of patriotic groups because they represented a bigger terrorist threat than Islam.

If you had any balls, you would provide a link to support your stupid claim...again, you can't read, you can't analyze....................you are a dummy.
ExNYer did not call this a scandal. He said that you have a thirst for a scandal. If you're suffering while stranded in the desert, you will almost certainly have a thirst for water. That doesn't mean there's a bottle of water in front of you, now, does it?

Are you really too stupid to understand that?

Yes, you certainly are an attention craving shit-for-brains.

And you're hectoring the rest of us on our ability to read and comprehend? LOL!
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Old 05-14-2013, 12:12 PM   #14
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Here is what he said; it is clear he labeled it a scandal..............

Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Insisting that Obama's failure to immediately label Benghazi a "terrorist act" is somehow a scandal IS strained.
I never called called it a scandal; I called it a LIE ! But no doubt it is one of many Obama lies wrapped up in the Benghazi scandal !

I have you dawgs well trained; you jump at every bone I toss...it is now at the point that you think "scandal" whenever you read the word Obama............you are good doggies..............

Now roll over doggie, roll over.........

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Old 05-14-2013, 12:24 PM   #15
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BTW; it wasn't me who gave Obama 4 Pinocchio's for his Benghazi lie; that was the WAPO...the very same Fact Check site you liberals loved to quote thru the election !

But just so it is clear, here is the summary of the Washington Post write up on the Obama lie:

The Pinocchio Test

During the campaign, the president could just get away with claiming he said “act of terror,” since he did use those words — though not in the way he often claimed. It seemed like a bit of after-the-fact spin, but those were his actual words — to the surprise of Mitt Romney in the debate.

But the president’s claim that he said “act of terrorism” is taking revisionist history too far, given that he repeatedly refused to commit to that phrase when asked directly by reporters in the weeks after the attack. He appears to have gone out of his way to avoid saying it was a terrorist attack, so he has little standing to make that claim now.

Indeed, the initial unedited talking points did not call it an act of terrorism. Instead of pretending the right words were uttered, it would be far better to acknowledge that he was echoing what the intelligence community believed at the time--and that the administration’s phrasing could have been clearer and more forthright from the start.

Four Pinocchios
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