Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Leave it up to a bunch of guys to hijack even a simple Mother's Day thread!
To all the ladies here who are mothers:
and never let a good crisis go to waste
you suave and debonair animal!! 
I look at it this way
many guys believe and are into
"we pay providers to go away"
me not so much,yet looking at the way things are now days one would have ta think that some not all but some go by
"we providers give them what they want so they will leave"
but yet may want mmmm another(or a first)
So JB and I are in competition offering a no strings service that seems ta upset you.

or is it your upset you do not have time offer the same service.
After all, sometimes it take many shots ta kill a rabbit.
mmmm I'm older than JB, so it may take even more tries. Dang it all I have ta work harder. Its a not easy getting older.