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Old 05-06-2013, 12:25 AM   #31
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+100 to Staci..

Noah -- shame on you.
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Old 05-06-2013, 08:37 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by NoahScape View Post
It's pretty awful to be on the receiving end of a suicide.

OTOH, oversharing for commercial purposes is probably even worse.

You, sir, are a skidmark on the underwear of society!!!
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Old 05-06-2013, 10:18 AM   #33
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Noah.........We get your need to feel superior at the expense of others, but is your soul so empty that you're incapable of compassion,empathy, understanding? A quote for you............ "No matter how cleverly you sneak up on a mirror, your reflection always looks you straight in the eye."

Originally Posted by NoahScape View Post
It's pretty awful to be on the receiving end of a suicide.

OTOH, oversharing for commercial purposes is probably even worse.
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Old 05-06-2013, 01:40 PM   #34
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staci, my condolences to you and her family & friends on her death.

kind of like bailey, i've known many folks who have died, either natural causes, AIDS, wrecks, etc. but never knew anyone who committed suicide. i'm not sure i can even imagine how you feel about it.

but it sounds like you've got good family & friends to support each other as you move thru this and come out the other side w/ more strength, understanding, willingness to help, and LOVE!! ["If you love/care about someone, TELL THEM, and do it often, before it's too late." - absolutely!!! as well as be there for them.]

peace be with you!!
hugs and kisses!!

p.s. wrt the "certain someone around who keeps telling us how we all failed her", if you wanted to dialogue w/ her/him, you could ask "and where were you in all this???" but since you believe that she/he is "just a drunken idiot", prolly best to let sleeping dogs lie.

pps. i'm just ignoring noescape. suggest others do so publicly and just fill his pm inbox w/ "how so unclassy and uncompassionate!!!"
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Old 05-06-2013, 04:47 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
staci, my condolences to you and her family & friends on her death.

kind of like bailey, i've known many folks who have died, either natural causes, AIDS, wrecks, etc. but never knew anyone who committed suicide. i'm not sure i can even imagine how you feel about it.

but it sounds like you've got good family & friends to support each other as you move thru this and come out the other side w/ more strength, understanding, willingness to help, and LOVE!! ["If you love/care about someone, TELL THEM, and do it often, before it's too late." - absolutely!!! as well as be there for them.]

peace be with you!!
hugs and kisses!!

p.s. wrt the "certain someone around who keeps telling us how we all failed her", if you wanted to dialogue w/ her/him, you could ask "and where were you in all this???" but since you believe that she/he is "just a drunken idiot", prolly best to let sleeping dogs lie.

pps. i'm just ignoring noescape. suggest others do so publicly and just fill his pm inbox w/ "how so unclassy and uncompassionate!!!"
Thank you, PM! Your kind words are much appreciated!

To have someone accuse me of posting this just to "drum up" business is SO disrespectful to me, and to the memory of my loved one! Lucky for me, I don't give a damn about Noah's opinion. I shared my story simply because it was something affecting me, personally and deeply, and I wanted others to know why I'd been MIA, that's all. Those with half a brain and all of their heart understood, and that's what matters to me.
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Old 05-07-2013, 07:38 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Staci Stacked View Post
Shame on you. But then again, I would expect nothing less from someone with your level of class.
Shame on me?

I can accept that.

Before you plant your flag on the moral high ground, you might think about your eclectic mix of excuse-making (and oversharing) posts about your lack of availability, your threADs and your brags about how your house is paid for, along with your retirement fund.

Are you trying to convince the ECCIE faithful, or are you trying to convince yourself?

Recall the story of Narcissus and Nemesis.
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Old 05-07-2013, 07:42 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by stimulatethemind View Post
You, sir, are a skidmark on the underwear of society!!!
Keep working that prefrontal cortex and you might not have to rely on multiple exclamation points to drive your point home, whatever it was.
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Old 05-08-2013, 12:43 AM   #38
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Default All I have to say on the matter is...

Originally Posted by NoahScape View Post
Shame on me?

I can accept that.

Before you plant your flag on the moral high ground, you might think about your eclectic mix of excuse-making (and oversharing) posts about your lack of availability, your threADs and your brags about how your house is paid for, along with your retirement fund.

Are you trying to convince the ECCIE faithful, or are you trying to convince yourself?

Recall the story of Narcissus and Nemesis.
Make up your mind. Am I advertising I'm available, or constantly saying why I'm not? You can't have it both ways, darling.

Do you even know who you're talking to, or what you're talking about, for that matter?! You have no idea the struggles I've been through the past 6 months alone. I don't expect you to be sympathetic, because I know you don't have it in you. You want over-sharing? Fine. My best friend of 20 years died. My mom committed suicide. My dad had his leg cut off. The love of my life left me. Need I go on? Point is, life is rough, and sometimes we gotta step away and handle our REAL business. If that's an excuse to you, well, here's my reply: TOO FUCKING BAD. I'm a real person, with real feelings, so stop being a dick to me on a simple post that was made to inform my friends and colleagues why I haven't been answering their emails/phone calls, etc... THAT'S IT. Get over it.

How do I know others, except you, give a damn about me? Because they tell me, and it touches me that they give a fuck. I'm not going to be sorry that I actually have real conversations and interactions with these people. I care about them, too.

Not that it's any of your business, but since you know me so well, you should know that I posted a while back that I was only renting my home, not buying, because I found out there was damage to the foundation, and that I had actually decided to NOT buy anything at this time, just rent, so that I don't have to be responsible for repairs. (But I have a question...if a provider had chosen to buy a home, why would that be a bad thing or make her a bad person? You're just not happy unless you are insulting someone. Sorry, but I just laugh you off.)

I also shared in another post that I was looking at a career change at some point soon because this chapter of my life was ending, so why would I need to do that if I had a retirement fund set up?! Please show me where I stated that. Go on, I'll wait....

If you're going to be a stalker know-it-all ass, at least have your facts straight before you come on here and try to make someone look foolish! Hate to tell ya, but it backfired on you.

(Sorry to lay on that on you fellow ECCIE members...but I've had enough of this person trying to damage my good reputation. I don't need threADS. When I'm available, I'll post an ad, trust me.)

~ Staci
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Old 05-08-2013, 01:19 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by NoahScape View Post
Keep working that prefrontal cortex and you might not have to rely on multiple exclamation points to drive your point home, whatever it was.
I believe any intelligent person understood my point.....you are an asshole!!!!

One extra exclamation point just for you.
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Old 05-08-2013, 01:25 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by stimulatethemind View Post
I believe any intelligent person understood my point.....you are an asshole!!!!

One extra exclamation point just for you.

LOL I may not know you, but I love you already! LOL
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Old 05-08-2013, 01:34 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Staci Stacked View Post
Make up your mind. Am I advertising I'm available, or constantly saying why I'm not? You can't have it both ways, darling.

Do you even know who you're talking to, or what you're talking about, for that matter?! You have no idea the strug
-My best friend of 20 years died.
- My mom committed suicide.
-My dad had his leg cut off.
- The love of my life left me.
-I was only renting my home, not buying,

I also shared in another post that I was looking at a career change at some point soon because this chapter of my life was ending, so why would I need to do that if I had a retirement fund set up?! Please show me where I stated that. Go on, I'll wait....

If you're going to be a stalker know-it-all ass, at least have your facts straight before you come on here and try to make someone look foolish! Hate to tell ya, but it backfired on you.

(Sorry to lay on that on you fellow ECCIE members...but I've had enough of this person trying to damage my good reputation. I don't need threADS. When I'm available, I'll post an ad, trust me.)

~ Staci
I don't know what happened, I think instead of apologizing for all that, you could have handled that with a PM.

See, you can't control it when someone insults you/throws a brick at you, but you can control how you react to that brick/insult.

You damaged your own reputation.

besides..... dontca know the cliche, right?
Don't tell anyone about your troubles. Half of them don't care, and the other half are glad it happened to you

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Old 05-08-2013, 01:42 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
but never knew anyone who committed suicide. i'm not sure i can even imagine how you feel about it.
I'd respect them for doing what they want to do
I see people slowly killing themselves daily, especially at walmart/mcdonalds. Just cause they dont eat a gun doesnt mean they dont have problems and are doing they've always done, take the easy way out and fill themselves up with cheap fats and sugars then bitch how "no one likes them for being a fatty"

the world isnt so complex about somethings.
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Old 05-08-2013, 01:42 AM   #43
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Thanks Staci. While I don't know you, I have admired your posting for quite a while now. You strike me as a very intelligent, savvy, nice lady. I'm getting extremely frustrated with the increasing number of trolls on here; those who never seem to have anything to say unless it's derogatory or mean spirited. I just don't understand that mentality. Certainly, if someone has done something unethical, or something that wasted your time or money (ncns, as an example), feel free to call them out, but to just look for the negative possibilities in every single post and then respond with a nasty or desrespectful comment is beyond my comprehension. I just don't get it. Hang in there girl, you seem to have many friends and admirers here.
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Old 05-08-2013, 11:00 AM   #44
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The point I was trying to make has been made. Those who I wanted to receive this message already got it, without me having to make a hundred calls to explain. Mods, please close this thread. Thank you
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Old 05-08-2013, 11:06 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by stimulatethemind View Post
Thanks Staci. While I don't know you, I have admired your posting for quite a while now. You strike me as a very intelligent, savvy, nice lady. I'm getting extremely frustrated with the increasing number of trolls on here; those who never seem to have anything to say unless it's derogatory or mean spirited. I just don't understand that mentality. Certainly, if someone has done something unethical, or something that wasted your time or money (ncns, as an example), feel free to call them out, but to just look for the negative possibilities in every single post and then respond with a nasty or desrespectful comment is beyond my comprehension. I just don't get it. Hang in there girl, you seem to have many friends and admirers here.
Careful Stim, you are classing up the joint. Couldn't agree more.
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