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Old 04-22-2013, 04:32 PM   #1
Mistress Chanel
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Default Human Trafficking Measure Signed Into Law ~~ Kansas ~~


This is a huge milestone!! I personally feel that if a person hurts/ exploits a child or elderly person they should go straight to jail without protective custody. This is a nice start!!

The studies show that the average age a girl is expoited with human trafficking is 12...
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Old 04-22-2013, 08:46 PM   #2
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Let's see, you can go to prison for life for kidnapping under federal law and decades under most state laws, so how is this better? Fine, if it helps, but trafficing is kidnapping and a host of other things, so it just reminds me of hate crime laws where something is even more illegal even though it was already double secret illegal--like it being illegal bothers the people subject to prosecution anyway.

A sociopath doesn't care. They are too sick for this stuff to matter to them, generally don't have assets that will fund much via forfeiture, and besides we already have state and federal forfeiture laws covering such things. So it will make someone feel like they 'did something', when it just gave the president of Brownbackistan another feather in his turbin. Of course, he's not real big on reading, particularly if you're not a good barefoot Christian women with 10 kids, a big dowry and no health insurance.
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Old 04-23-2013, 03:35 AM   #3
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Bartipero, some very valid points and on many I agree. I don't think it's so much about being double illegal and how that impacts the predator. I see that the most effective parts of these milestones, is that the public if forced to be more educated and to acknowledge a very sad reality that does encompass tragedies beyond just kidnapping.

Th Midwest doesn't have nearly as many girls or foreigners trafficked IN, so I don't think we get the same picture as where the children are being trafficked TO. The Midwest is prime picking grounds to traffic OUT though. Small little towns, like the strip clubs along 70. For whatever reason the girls are stuck there waiting for Mr. Pimp charming to come along and sell them a dream of being a star in California. The girls are small town Midwest girls, not hip to game. Just chance that it's their ticket.

It's a sick subculture where abused children are lured, taken advantage of and exploited for sexual and personal gain. Americans like to play pink elephant in the living room. Public outrage or specific bills that address this at least bring it to the surface.

Now I am not saying this wasn't done for political gain and am not endorsing anything. Just saying that's what I hope to come of it. That and rehabilitative services for the victims as specialized trauma training is a necessity.
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Old 04-23-2013, 07:53 AM   #4
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Well said Ari.
Originally Posted by Ari816 View Post
Bartipero, some very valid points and on many I agree. I don't think it's so much about being double illegal and how that impacts the predator. I see that the most effective parts of these milestones, is that the public if forced to be more educated and to acknowledge a very sad reality that does encompass tragedies beyond just kidnapping.

Th Midwest doesn't have nearly as many girls or foreigners trafficked IN, so I don't think we get the same picture as where the children are being trafficked TO. The Midwest is prime picking grounds to traffic OUT though. Small little towns, like the strip clubs along 70. For whatever reason the girls are stuck there waiting for Mr. Pimp charming to come along and sell them a dream of being a star in California. The girls are small town Midwest girls, not hip to game. Just chance that it's their ticket.

It's a sick subculture where abused children are lured, taken advantage of and exploited for sexual and personal gain. Americans like to play pink elephant in the living room. Public outrage or specific bills that address this at least bring it to the surface.

Now I am not saying this wasn't done for political gain and am not endorsing anything. Just saying that's what I hope to come of it. That and rehabilitative services for the victims as specialized trauma training is a necessity.
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Old 04-23-2013, 08:43 AM   #5
i'va biggen
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Is that like double secret probation ?
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Old 04-29-2013, 08:52 PM   #6
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Default What studies, mistress Chanel?

Nothing personal, but that is absolutely ridiculous. Who do you know that was "trafficked" as a 12 yr old? As a 13yr old? Who on this board or any other would stand for such a thing? And Ari, how many dancers are under 17?

The self-righteous scum passing these laws are out for a cheap vote buzz and to make YOUR life as a provider much harder, and nothing else.

Read Maggie McNeill, "The Honest Courtesan" where the truth behind these "studies" is made clear. And please don't parrot nonsense.

Originally Posted by Mistress Chanel View Post

The studies show that the average age a girl is expoited with human trafficking is 12...
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Old 04-29-2013, 09:28 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by anyfool View Post
Who do you know that was "trafficked" as a 12 yr old? .
God bless the internet and the idiots who take the time to fill it with hilarious shit like this.
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:14 PM   #8
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While I agree that young ladies are trafficked, the numbers are somewhat inflated. This has been discussed before and doesn't really deserve to be rehashed.
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:14 PM   #9
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The 12- and 13-year-old who is trafficked is not showing up on Backpage or ECCIE or Bazooka's. She is in a trailer outside a migrant worker bar near Dodge City. She is in a massage parlor in Chicago's Koreatown. She is in a cheap motel room with her "uncle," who lets guys use her in exchange for drugs or cash.

The numbers may be inflated, and I agree with the argument that making something "extra illegal" is ridiculous, but just because you don't see 12-year-olds offered for sex doesn't mean they aren't there.
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Old 04-30-2013, 04:40 AM   #10
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Ok, perhaps I should clarify what I said, as Questor did a much better job. It is happening like that or she runs away from that, hitchhikes to get our of town and is then pressured into having sex for the ride she was given, shelter she was given, food she was fed. She ends up performing survival sex (ie prostitution) she eventually realizes what is going on and runs off from the situation, often aquiring a fake ID and trying to seek employment at a shady strip club or massage parlor who knows she is underage and often helps her obtain the ID.

I am talking street prostitution and no, I don't think the numbers are skewed. I wish that they were. How many girls have I known personally that started at that age? Do you really want to know the daunting truth? I would estimate in the thirties. Over 10 of them dead before age 30. Why would I just make some sick shit like that up. What is wrong with you people.

I had a very priveledged life. My reasons for being in the hobby and experiences have been nothing like that, but don't think that just because it makes you feel like a better person to cover your ears and say lalala that it doesn't exist. You can read books all day long but I done rolled my sleeves up in the mess of it.
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Old 04-30-2013, 07:03 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by anyfool View Post
Nothing personal, but that is absolutely ridiculous. Who do you know that was "trafficked" as a 12 yr old? As a 13yr old? Who on this board or any other would stand for such a thing? And Ari, how many dancers are under 17?

The self-righteous scum passing these laws are out for a cheap vote buzz and to make YOUR life as a provider much harder, and nothing else.

Read Maggie McNeill, "The Honest Courtesan" where the truth behind these "studies" is made clear. And please don't parrot nonsense.
Actually, I have a very good friend of mine that was kidnapped at 12 and held for over a year in an underground brothel for over a year. Unfortunately, she is still in the industry due to her issues that are associated with her terrible past... I have met 4 girls alone in Kansas City that were pimped out at around the same year, one was actually 9. I am from Portland Or. and per capita there are more strip clubs there then anywhere in the country, and yes I know several girls that have started dancing around 15-16. ((all a person needs is a fake id and they are in there.

You ask for who will stand for it on the board?? The same sick individuals that take advantage of girls that are known for being on drugs and in abusive relationships perhaps. I am quite sure that the underage girls do not tell the guys how young they are... Unfortunately, there are several girls in todays day and age look older than what they are. I generally say that it is up for a person to be able to tell these same girls are not of age from a simple conversation... Lets be real, theres not much conversation that takes place in the ~hobby~ often times...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I don't think these numbers are inflated. I have met 100's of girls er the years and unfortunaately I feel that that age is accurate...Its all very sad!!
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Old 04-30-2013, 08:05 AM   #12
i'va biggen
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If a provider overcharges a old man can they get busted?
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Old 04-30-2013, 12:09 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by KenMonk View Post
While I agree that young ladies are trafficked, the numbers are somewhat inflated. This has been discussed before and doesn't really deserve to be rehashed.
That's true...because after all nothing ever get's "rehashed" on here..especially not heresay rumors..

Originally Posted by KCQuestor View Post
The 12- and 13-year-old who is trafficked is not showing up on Backpage or ECCIE or Bazooka's. She is in a trailer outside a migrant worker bar near Dodge City. She is in a massage parlor in Chicago's Koreatown. She is in a cheap motel room with her "uncle," who lets guys use her in exchange for drugs or cash.

The numbers may be inflated, and I agree with the argument that making something "extra illegal" is ridiculous, but just because you don't see 12-year-olds offered for sex doesn't mean they aren't there.
As usual, Q makes sense..

Originally Posted by Ari816 View Post
Ok, perhaps I should clarify what I said, as Questor did a much better job. It is happening like that or she runs away from that, hitchhikes to get our of town and is then pressured into having sex for the ride she was given, shelter she was given, food she was fed. She ends up performing survival sex (ie prostitution) she eventually realizes what is going on and runs off from the situation, often aquiring a fake ID and trying to seek employment at a shady strip club or massage parlor who knows she is underage and often helps her obtain the ID.

I am talking street prostitution and no, I don't think the numbers are skewed. I wish that they were. How many girls have I known personally that started at that age? Do you really want to know the daunting truth? I would estimate in the thirties. Over 10 of them dead before age 30. Why would I just make some sick shit like that up. What is wrong with you people.

I had a very priveledged life. My reasons for being in the hobby and experiences have been nothing like that, but don't think that just because it makes you feel like a better person to cover your ears and say lalala that it doesn't exist. You can read books all day long but I done rolled my sleeves up in the mess of it.
You say the numbers are "skewed"...I would tend to believe your take and the fact that you have first hand experience further validates IMO...

Of course we do have an expert on here saying that the "numbers are somewhat inflated"...
Not sure where he came up with this stat...er opinion but he certainly seems to be an expert in many fields of the industry...and of course..WTF do we know..?
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Old 04-30-2013, 04:34 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by malwoody View Post
That's true...because after all nothing ever get's "rehashed" on here..especially not heresay rumors..

As usual, Q makes sense..

You say the numbers are "skewed"...I would tend to believe your take and the fact that you have first hand experience further validates IMO...

Of course we do have an expert on here saying that the "numbers are somewhat inflated"...
Not sure where he came up with this stat...er opinion but he certainly seems to be an expert in many fields of the industry...and of course..WTF do we know..?
Yes great one, tell me more, just don't stand too close because your halo of insight is blinding.
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Old 04-30-2013, 05:24 PM   #15
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Ken, I wanted to yell out "burn", but then I realized I wasn't in grade school.
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