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Old 04-26-2013, 06:04 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I think so.

Until you are identified to their satisfaction, keeping your hands up and visible to the investigating officers is what is going to happen. Whether you realize it or not ... it's safer for you in that context.

Of course, if you want them to rip your house key from your cold, stiff hand, (or kick down your front door) ... exercise your "constitutional rights" and "ignore" their commands ... stick you hands in your pockets and yell ..

I'm not a liberal, nor am I a conservative. I'm just someone who takes violations of our civil liberties quite seriously. The rights granted to us by the Constitution are not just helpful suggestions to law enforcement and the government, despite efforts to treat them as such. The Constitution is the law of the land.

The cops knew who they wanted. They didn't have to terrorize innocents to find him. The aforementioned rights, along with limits on police authority, do not simply go away when they become inconvenient for law enforcement. We're not yet living in a fascist state.
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Old 04-26-2013, 06:23 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by SpinShooter View Post
I'm just someone who takes violations of our civil liberties quite seriously.
Me too!

Whether in Boston or New York.


You prove to me that LE knew anyone required to come out of a house in Waterford was "an innocent" BEFORE they were ordered out of the house with their hands up ...

... and I would agree with you. But you can't, so I don't.

I have been stopped & searched many times. I'm not a terrorist. So what?

After this ...

.. the reality of our world changed. It had actually changed before that ... the rank and file just wouldn't accept the reality.

Everyone who died on that day and those who died afterwards ... including on the Boston Marathon finish line .... lost their "constitutional rights" FOREVER!

You are merely being asked to temporarily "suspend" them for the sake of all! I do it every time I get on a plane or enter a government building with security ... it's a small price to pay to be able to go home at night .... or at least give me the best chance of doing so ...

.. like I said .. if people don't want to take it to them, we get it at home.
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Old 04-26-2013, 06:33 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Me too!

Whether in Boston or New York.


You prove to me that LE knew anyone required to come out of a house in Waterford was "an innocent" BEFORE they were ordered out of the house with their hands up ...

... and I would agree with you. But you can't, so I don't.

I have been stopped & searched many times. I'm not a terrorist. So what?
So, you're one of those "you have nothing to hide if you've done nothing wrong" types? The point is that one guy was confirmed dead by the time that they did this, and they knew who the other guy was and exactly what he looked like, so there was no need to treat everyone like a suspect. That's not the way that this country is supposed to work. This was not a drug sweep. This was not a riot. This was a search for ONE MAN. The extent of the police action and the involvement of uniformed military troops, National Guard or not, was inexcusable.

Just to add to this since you edited your post while I was typing the above response, terrorist attacks do NOT justify the suspension of civil liberties, regardless of the death toll. It's apologists like you who are the greatest threat to our nation, not terrorists.
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Old 04-26-2013, 06:37 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by SpinShooter View Post
So, you're one of those "you have nothing to hide if you've done nothing wrong" types? The point is that one guy was confirmed dead by the time that they did this, and they knew who the other guy was and exactly what he looked like, so there was no need to treat everyone like a suspect. That's not the way that this country is supposed to work. This was not a drug sweep. This was not a riot. This was a search for ONE MAN. The extent of the police action and the involvement of uniformed military troops, National Guard or not was inexcusable.
I've probably forgotten more about "your" constituional rights than you will ever know. I'm one of those "types" .... so you are one of those types who ...

.... accelerate through a green light at an intersection, because the light is "green"?

Have you ever heard the phrase ... "dead right"?

"The extent of the police action and the involvement of uniformed military troops, National Guard or not was inexcusable." ....

... now you complain because AFTER THE FACT there was too much LE presence!!!

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Old 04-26-2013, 06:45 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I've probably forgotten more about "your" constituional rights than you will ever know. I'm one of those "types" .... so you are one of those types who ...

.... accelerate through a green light at an intersection, because the light is "green"?

Have you ever heard the phrase ... "dead right"?
No, I have never heard the phrase "dead right", and I don't get the traffic light reference.

"The extent of the police action and the involvement of uniformed military troops, National Guard or not was inexcusable." ....

... now you complain because AFTER THE FACT there was too much LE presence!!!

I've been complaining since I first heard about it. How would YOU feel if you and your family were dragged out of your house at gunpoint by several cops wearing heavy body armor and pointing AR-15s at you, and you knew that none of you were guilty of anything? I'm going to guess that you wouldn't be smiling and saying, "Guys, I think that you're doing an awesome job." You're a part of the problem if you are.
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Old 04-26-2013, 06:57 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by SpinShooter View Post
#1: No, I have never heard the phrase "dead right", and I don't get the traffic light reference.

#2 How would YOU feel if you and your family were dragged out of your house at gunpoint by several cops wearing heavy body armor and pointing AR-15s at you, and you knew that none of you were guilty of anything?
Based on #1, I can see why you would ask #2.

As for #2 .... show one article relating THE FACT that ANYONE was ...

.... "dragged out of their house at gunpoint by several cops wearing heavy body armor and pointing AR-15s at them" ....

.. go ahead do it.

Like I said ... you sound like Obaminable defending his professor friend.

As for a final point ... it doesn't matter what's in your mind ... at that point ...

... and it really doesn't matter if you proclaim you are "innocent" ....

It is ludicrous that you would use that as some "stay out of jail free pass"!!!

Every crook in the world would say: "I didn't do it" ... and most of them do!!!

And by the way "dead right" has nothing to do with political persuasions ...

... it should be "dead correct" ... but since you asked and don't understand, it does seem that you are the type of guy who speeds up to get through the intersection while the light is green irrespective of the FACT that someone might be coming to the intersection in the cross traffic not seeing the red light .... like talking or texting! Your grave marker: "He had Green!"
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Old 04-26-2013, 07:13 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Yeah right dumb ass Armed Robbers always run into people's houses in an effort to evade the police. Happens all the time doesn't it. I suppose you also believe it's common for the Police to go door to door looking for Felony suspects, and have the right to gain entry without consent or probable cause. You are such a fucking dupe, it's pathetic.

Have a big cup of fuck you . Why are the right wingers on this board so damn dumb? Ever watch the news??
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Old 04-26-2013, 07:28 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Why are the right wingers on this board so damn dumb? Ever watch the news??
... any self-respecting "right wingers" would want LE to go door-to-door ...

... to get the bad guy ... even a terrorist who just blew up some people, killed a cop, kidnapped someone, and then through "grenades" and engaged in a shoot out with more cops, who was also planning to go to another large city and set off another bomb!!!

It's only a sniffling, whining libtard who would object.
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Old 04-26-2013, 07:41 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

COG you're the kinda guy who screams first and loudest when the cops don't show!

So have YOU decide HOW MUCH more Med/Dzug(cause clog artery) UP or DOWN?

How about cum and not collect evidence? Badge # 6226

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Old 04-26-2013, 07:48 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Based on #1, I can see why you would ask #2.

As for #2 .... show one article relating THE FACT that ANYONE was ...

.... "dragged out of their house at gunpoint by several cops wearing heavy body armor and pointing AR-15s at them" ....

.. go ahead do it.
I was using that as an example. However there IS video of people being ordered out at gunpoint, and I'm sure that there would have been video of them being dragged out if they'd refused.

As for a final point ... it doesn't matter what's in your mind ... at that point ...

... and it really doesn't matter if you proclaim you are "innocent" ....

It is ludicrous that you would use that as some "stay out of jail free pass"!!!

Every crook in the world would say: "I didn't do it" ... and most of them do!!!
I'm not and that's irrelevant in this case as they were looking for ONE MAN, as I seem to have to keep reminding you.

And by the way "dead right" has nothing to do with political persuasions ...

... it should be "dead correct" ... but since you asked and don't understand, it does seem that you are the type of guy who speeds up to get through the intersection while the light is green irrespective of the FACT that someone might be coming to the intersection in the cross traffic not seeing the red light .... like talking or texting! Your grave marker: "He had Green!"
Nope. I'm actually a pretty cautious driver. I'd rather stay alive and not have to file an insurance claim. One of the most important things that I learned many years ago is that you should drive as if other drivers don't know what they're doing.
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Old 04-26-2013, 08:12 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

COG you're the kinda guy who screams first and loudest when the cops don't show!
Med/Dzug the excuse used at restaurant for dzugging?
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Old 04-26-2013, 09:08 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by SpinShooter View Post
That's different. I was talking about what happened in Watertown, where they treated an entire neighborhood as criminals, and locked down an entire city to find just ONE man.

I'd like to add that the scenes of troops and armored military vehicles on the streets in that area was incredibly disturbing. All for one man.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
I feel you are totally wrong. The entire neighborhood was NOT treated like criminals.

I will agree witht he inference that troops and armored vehicles on the streets was a show of force; however, I believe it was VERY reassuring to a frightened public. It is also (I believe) the correct way to deal with unknown threats from unknown numbers of terroroists who have just used weapons of mass destruction to kill and maime.

Old Ben would have the intelligence to realize NO ONE gave up any freedom in Boston. That is your spin and the biggest falsehood of your position. I am certain given the dame situation (God forbid), Bostonians would rect and cooperate the same way.

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Old 04-26-2013, 09:17 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by SpinShooter View Post
I've been complaining since I first heard about it. How would YOU feel if you and your family were dragged out of your house at gunpoint by several cops wearing heavy body armor and pointing AR-15s at you....
Who the hell got dragged out into the street?


Which civilians had AR-15s pointed at them? Every photo or film I saw had the weapons pointed up or down.


Do you even consider what you write?

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Old 04-26-2013, 09:25 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by SpinShooter View Post
#1: and I'm sure that there would have been video of them being dragged out if they'd refused.

#2: ....as they were looking for ONE MAN, as I seem to have to keep reminding you.

#3: One of the most important things that I learned many years ago is that you should drive as if other drivers don't know what they're doing.
#1: you are "sure" .... on what basis ... your desire to prevail in a discussion?
#2: how do you know that .... did you directly ask any of them?
#3: Let me modify your statement to fit the thread topic:

"One of the most important things that I learned many years ago is that you should search for a fugitive-suspect as if citizens in the community don't know what they're doing."

If LE was looking for just "ONE MAN" why did they take so many into custody? Neither one of us know the answer to that question, because both of us can only speculate as to what LE "knew" and "did not know" .... because of the inaccurate media reporting ..... and the fluid situation ....

example .. they just pulled the body of a "suspect" for the bombing out of the river ...!
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Old 04-26-2013, 09:32 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by CJOHN View Post
Med/Dzug the excuse used at restaurant for dzugging?
What does your medical condition have to do with the thread topic? just asking.
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