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Old 04-19-2013, 01:55 PM   #31
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I wish they had got the jerk alive. It is critical to find out whether there is a wider plot and more co-conspirators. Hope they at least get the other guy alive.
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Old 04-19-2013, 03:14 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by JohnnyKash View Post
One down...One to go....


I'm gonna guess the large open gash on his side did him in

Yeah I hope the get the next guy and he just barely lives to tell the tale.
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Old 04-19-2013, 03:43 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Mr. B View Post
"white folks", not only were you wrong trey, but why would you make a statement like that?
Depends how you look at it I guess, they sure look white to me. Yeah I know they claim Arab sand jockey heritage. But still that a honky
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Old 04-19-2013, 04:03 PM   #34
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I am pretty sure he is back home(where he is from) laughing if he haven't committed suicide already
Originally Posted by trey View Post
I'm gonna guess the large open gash on his side did him in

Yeah I hope the get the next guy and he just barely lives to tell the tale.
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Old 04-19-2013, 05:59 PM   #35
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Ok so ricin was domestic. Boston was a little if both. Chechen "kids" that have been in the US for 10 years. Would like to hear their rationale for the Boston Marathon, of all things.
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Old 04-19-2013, 06:37 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by trey View Post
Depends how you look at it I guess, they sure look white to me. Yeah I know they claim Arab sand jockey heritage. But still that a honky
Chechen......the other white meat...LOL
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Old 04-19-2013, 06:44 PM   #37
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Remember, white meat originated from Persia in the olden days... Lol
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Old 04-19-2013, 07:14 PM   #38
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Update. Bomber #2 is now in custody, after hiding several hours in a boat. Thank god we got this fucker.
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Old 04-19-2013, 08:23 PM   #39
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Yaaaaaayyy I cant wait to hear y he did it and why he chose the marathon

Originally Posted by er48665 View Post
Update. Bomber #2 is now in custody, after hiding several hours in a boat. Thank god we got this fucker.
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Old 04-19-2013, 08:46 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded View Post
Remember, white meat originated from Persia in the olden days... Lol
and Chechnya is in the Caucasus region.
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Old 04-19-2013, 09:18 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Super Head 713 View Post
Yaaaaaayyy I cant wait to hear y he did it and why he chose the marathon
That is pretty straightforward like I suggested in my earlier post (I am presuming this is somehow Al Qaeda related which is not yet confirmed).
An assymetric terrorist group like Al Qaeda cannot really hope to defeat its enemy in a battlefield. Their main goal is to continue to exist and continue to inspire new recruits to join. To get people to join they need to somehow show that they are still relevant.
It is hard for them to show that they are relevant in an actual battlefield because they will get their asses kicked in a nanosecond. The most effective way for them to show relevance is to pick a soft target that is easy to attack yet has huge and disproportionate visibility. The Boston Marathon is a great example. It is when the eyes of the world are on one location yet it has security that is pretty easy to penetrate. It is clear that they will not inflict any significant physical damage to the US by a strike like that yet it will inspire fear and insecurity as well as give terrorists elsewhere a chance to gloat and bask in publicity.
It allows them to have a marketing message to new recruits that says they they are relevant. More effective for them than saying "join Al Qaeda and get your ass blown off by an invisible drone strike in northern pakistan".
In terms of return on investment it is more effective for them to attack something like the Marathon than the White House or some similar well protected target. In the White house they probably would have only a 10% chance of success and pretty good chances of being caught or killed at the scene. At the marathon they were almost guaranteed to succeed and it is only their stupidity that allowed them to get caught. All they needed to do right after the attack was get in a car and drive to Canada. They probably could have reached Montreal in 4 to 5 hours and caught a flight out of the country.
Glad at least one guy was caught. My guess is that it was much more than a 2 person job and we need to get as many accomplices as possible to thwart future attacks.
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Old 04-19-2013, 09:37 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by zme View Post
That is pretty straightforward like I suggested in my earlier post (I am presuming this is somehow Al Qaeda related which is not yet confirmed).
An assymetric terrorist group like Al Qaeda cannot really hope to defeat its enemy in a battlefield. Their main goal is to continue to exist and continue to inspire new recruits to join. To get people to join they need to somehow show that they are still relevant.
It is hard for them to show that they are relevant in an actual battlefield because they will get their asses kicked in a nanosecond. The most effective way for them to show relevance is to pick a soft target that is easy to attack yet has huge and disproportionate visibility. The Boston Marathon is a great example. It is when the eyes of the world are on one location yet it has security that is pretty easy to penetrate. It is clear that they will not inflict any significant physical damage to the US by a strike like that yet it will inspire fear and insecurity as well as give terrorists elsewhere a chance to gloat and bask in publicity.
It allows them to have a marketing message to new recruits that says they they are relevant. More effective for them than saying "join Al Qaeda and get your ass blown off by an invisible drone strike in northern pakistan".
In terms of return on investment it is more effective for them to attack something like the Marathon than the White House or some similar well protected target. In the White house they probably would have only a 10% chance of success and pretty good chances of being caught or killed at the scene. At the marathon they were almost guaranteed to succeed and it is only their stupidity that allowed them to get caught. All they needed to do right after the attack was get in a car and drive to Canada. They probably could have reached Montreal in 4 to 5 hours and caught a flight out of the country.
Glad at least one guy was caught. My guess is that it was much more than a 2 person job and we need to get as many accomplices as possible to thwart future attacks.
I highly doubt Al Qaeda was involved with the bombing. It was reported that not until recently, these two brothers became radical. They both are Muslim and might have been influenced by Al Qaeda but there is no other connection.


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Old 04-19-2013, 10:11 PM   #43
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Yes, I made it clear I was speculating and I am not sure they are Al Qaeda. But it is important to understand that Al Qaeda does not really hand out membership cards and have membership dues. They are an umbrella network that aims to unite and provide a framework for those who share their goals and objectives. Their supporting groups run in a very wide spectrum from those who are tightly operationally related to the point of almost like being the same (like the Taliban were 10 years ago) to separately run but strongly affiliated groups like AQIM in North Africa to just ideologically aligned (like Boko Haram in Nigeria). And lately they are pursuing a more franchised model like you described. A great example was Nidal Hasan in Texas who did not appear to be directly recruited and trained by AQ but was inspired by it and was in frequent email correspondence with Anwar Al-Awlaki in Yemen who encouraged him to do something. AQ is deliberately pursuing this strategy because without central organization and planning it makes it hard for intelligence networks to systematically track and disrupt their operations. Plus they get more bang for their diminishing buck.
One problem so far is that the news networks keep changing their stories. This morning on the radio they first said they were from Chechnya, then Chechens from Dagestan, then Chechens from Krygystan and finally they have settled on Chechen Emigres from Dagestan I think. But in those reports it also said that one of them had left the US for Russia for 6 months. That suggest any possibilities to you? Stones throw from there to head over to an AQ hotbed like Chechyna, Dagestan, Uzbekistan, etc. Don't know that it happened I am just saying that these are all possibilities.
For someone who just recently became radical they showed damn good ability to handle firearms and poise under fire killing one cop at MIT who tried to apprehend them and one of them giving slip to the police in a town that was crawling with police, SWAT teams and FBI.
I know it is all circumstantial but to me they don't come across as bumpkins who decided to go off and kill a few infidels.
To continue on my uninformed speculation I will bet there were at least a few more planners in the attack who are in the US either trying to lay low or to flee the country. I am certainly not suggesting that most muslims or even most chechens are evil - I don't think that for a second. But I would not be surprised if a small fraction like maybe half a dozen are.
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