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Old 04-09-2013, 06:57 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
It was the greatest country in the world since its inception? So, I take it you support slavery and only white male property holders voting? Counting Negroes as 3/5th's of a person? Because that is what the greatest country in the world did at its inception.
You stepped in the shit this time, Timmy Boy. Why? Because you are a smug and arrogant son of a bitch who thinks every thought that comes out of your brain is right, and conservatives are stupid morons, beneath your contempt.
Yeah JL, you know I support those things. Same as I support the anti-Semitic idiots that loath you just because your Jewish. Bull fucking shit, it won't wash. I'll support your right to be stupid all day long. I won't support your right to be accused of being stupid or being wrong because your Jewish. Come on and be real.
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Old 04-09-2013, 09:26 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
please, Muskogee.

do you even know from under what rock your anscestors crawled out?
glad you ask, here a family tree of my maternal grandfather, note in the far right column the one stars, of which I had two, came over on the Mayflower, so Dipshit of the year

I do not know when and why they added the "e" to Johnstone
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Old 04-10-2013, 09:33 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
What is O'Blunder? You're always talking about it but never really explain yourself.

Is that a new Irish pub in Mesquite, bubba? Where you go to get your corned beef and cabbage on, guzzle Harp and fight over pool cues?
Hmmm, maybe what the baby doctor said when he dropped you on your head??
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Old 04-10-2013, 09:49 AM   #34
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WOW! You have addresses and phone numbers you can share for all those folks, Muskogee? Looks like we might be cousins.

I'm glad we "Riders" changed our name when we came to America. (or did we?)
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Old 04-10-2013, 09:52 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
There is plenty of blame to go around for everybody but, let's face it, the GOP and the conservatives are the ones who have elevated the game. Challenging Obama's right to be President based on bogus birth certificate arguments? Yelling at him during the state of the union address? The list is endless. The conervatives don't just disagree with Obama, they fundamentally challenge his right to serve. And, if you don't think that race plays a role, at least with some folks, you are the one who is kidding yourself.
That's some mighty broad brush strokes you're using, TP. A small contingent of wackos on the fringe right and a numbskull, inconsequential Congressman who apologized. (Not to mention he's being proven right with some of the recent revelations on the disaster that ObamaCare is becoming.) Not exactly mainstream representatives of the conservative movement.

How about throwing grandma off the cliff, Romney killed the lady with cancer, Romney didn't pay taxes, Republicans want dirty air and dirty water, or how silly conservatives "cling to our Bibles and guns"?? Those little jewels of civility came directly from O'Blunder or his campaign.

I'm not naïve enough to say that race doesn't have a role. However, I loathed Carter and Clinton back in the day, as well, and they're both good ole southern country white boys like me. (Carter was an idiot, but Clinton at least had the ability to compromise and do some actual governing. But as I said earlier, I don't think Obama loves this country, and is actively trying to change it into something it was never intended to be.) But you have to be intellectually honest and admit that race is much more of a factor on your side than ours, i.e. - more people voted for him because he IS black, than because he isn't...the numbers don't lie. Additionally, the MS has played a huge role in ratcheting up the race angle, because it fits their narrative.
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Old 04-10-2013, 11:05 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN View Post
I'm not naïve enough to say that race doesn't have a role. However, I loathed Carter and Clinton back in the day, as well, and they're both good ole southern country white boys like me. (Carter was an idiot, but Clinton at least had the ability to compromise and do some actual governing. But as I said earlier, I don't think Obama loves this country, and is actively trying to change it into something it was never intended to be.) But you have to be intellectually honest and admit that race is much more of a factor on your side than ours, i.e. - more people voted for him because he IS black, than because he isn't...the numbers don't lie. Additionally, the MS has played a huge role in ratcheting up the race angle, because it fits their narrative.
I wouldn't say that race is much more of a factor for Democrats than for Republicans. While Obama captured 90%+ of the black vote, those aren't way out of the ordinary for numbers Democrats capture anyways (admittedly, many of them likely were swayed because Obama is black).

One can just as easily argue Romney captured as much as the white male vote because he was white / Obama was black. Fundamentally, we all we can say is that race is a factor, but we aren't certain yet how much it weighs in the decisions of average voters for either side.
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Old 04-10-2013, 11:43 AM   #37
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I have not taken the time to become versed in ANY of the issues mentioned in this article. However, I embrace the opportunity learn more and read thought-provoking articles. Thanks for posting this and helping me to exercise my brain...even on a SHMB
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:04 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN View Post
I don't think Obama loves this country, and is actively trying to change it into something it was never intended to be.).
Obviously you have a real problem.

What evidence do you have that Obama doesn't love this country? Why would anybody want to be President of a nation he doesn't love?

Why do you continue to drone on about this day after day after day?

"Intent" is very hard to prove. Based on the "intent" of the sacred founders, Obama could be a slave. But he's not. Can you think of a better reason to love America?

Holy chit... this gets more tedious every time one of you haters post it.
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:06 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post
I have not taken the time to become versed in ANY of the issues mentioned in this article. However, I embrace the opportunity learn more and read thought-provoking articles. Thanks for posting this and helping me to exercise my brain...even on a SHMB
My pleasure, Pretty Lady!!
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:11 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Obviously you have a real problem.

What evidence do you have that Obama doesn't love this country? His own words and actions. Why would anybody want to be President of a nation he doesn't love? To "fundamentally change" it after taking advantage of all it has to offer to obtain that opportunity.

Why do you continue to drone on about this day after day after day? Because it's the truth.

"Intent" is very hard to prove. Based on the "intent" of the sacred founders, Obama could be a slave. You really should educate yourself.
Knowledge is your friend. You are obviously very lonely...
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:24 PM   #41
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You think you can get away with an answers like:

"His own words and actions?" Please provide links to where he states he doesn't love America? You can't. Everything is the product of your blind hatred.

"To fundamentally change it after taking advantage of all it has to offer to obtain that opportunity." Again, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You believe this country should never change? Do you believe President Obama needs to be a good, ahem, guy and leave things as they were because he was able to live the American dream, in spite of the best efforts of assholes like you?

"Because it's the truth." In the deepest stars and bars absesses of your mind maybe.

Given your lame answers to real questions (dodges) it's easy to understand why you've been in the same WalMart wife beater for so many months. You oppose all change!

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Even worse to lose. Worse yet never to have.
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Old 04-10-2013, 12:44 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You think you can get away with an answers like:

"His own words and actions?" Please provide links to where he states he doesn't love America? You can't. Everything is the product of your blind hatred.

"To fundamentally change it after taking advantage of all it has to offer to obtain that opportunity." Again, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You believe this country should never change? Do you believe President Obama needs to be a good, ahem, guy and leave things as they were because he was able to live the American dream, in spite of the best efforts of assholes like you?

"Because it's the truth." In the deepest stars and bars absesses of your mind maybe.

Given your lame answers to real questions (dodges) it's easy to understand why you've been in the same WalMart wife beater for so many months. You oppose all change!

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Even worse to lose. Worse yet never to have.
Nice meltdown...

(BTW, I buy my wife-beaters at Target. Same price, better quality.)
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Old 04-10-2013, 01:52 PM   #43
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Not a meltdown, Yappy.

Just find it odd that your best answer to "why?" is "cause I say so."

(PS -- which Target?)
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