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View Poll Results: Should you give your last name?
Yes 5 3.70%
No 31 22.96%
Depends 28 20.74%
Hell no! 71 52.59%
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Old 04-05-2013, 07:34 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Salsa man View Post
Alright kids, I see there are a few of you on the fence. How about if I was to say that it was from a third-party asking this question. For example an agency, a fellow provider, or a pimp. Would you be so quick to give out that information. I know a few providers that have helped other providers arrange sessions. They schedule appointments posing as the provider that you're going to see. I have also none of them not getting along with each other after a while. You know girls have their disagreements........ And to get back at their friend, they will release your information to the general public or worse. The entire time you would think that it was coming from that really nice provider but in reality it came from the ex friend who handled all your information.

In history every time there's list made, bad things have happen to nice people or at least that's what I remember from history class.

They could possibly be a pimp intending to blackmail you. You never do know who is on the other side of the key board.

So how many want to change their votes?
Any reputable lady with a screener or personal assistant makes you aware first. I think it's highly impersonal, and I wouldn't really feel connected to the client. I've heard the horror stories about screeners who really don't screen or out your clients.

Secondly, doing research on the lady makes things clear about management. There is very clear evidence when management is involved. I still say yes to reputable providers who are known for handling their business well.
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Old 04-05-2013, 10:25 PM   #32
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If they are asking for a last name and not ID, I use a dead high school classmate.
In fact, he would have wanted it that way.
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Old 04-05-2013, 11:22 PM   #33
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Also too, I wouldn't think you'd have the option of writing a bad review on a provider that knew too much information about you. She might turn out to be quite a vindictive little bitch as a result.
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Old 04-06-2013, 01:10 AM   #34
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+1.... For Booke Wild's with "19 plus reviews..." quote.

Very funny, someone with a brain.
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Old 04-06-2013, 01:44 AM   #35
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Default Hell no

Granted, each provider has her comfort zone, but 19 okays on p411? You already disclosed your info to get on the site. If she has any concerns, she has 19 ladies to contact.

It's her choice to see you or not, but it is your choice as well.

Originally Posted by Salsa man View Post
Giving up your last name, is it worth it?

Is she that striking where you lose all common sense?

What would be the reason for you to give your last name?

I have recently been asked for my last name for screening. I made a P411 request to set up the session and did a follow up with a eccie pm. So I thought I covered my bases by making it as easy as possible to screen me. I consider myself an active reviewer and participating participant of eccie. Why on heavens earth would you ever want to ask me for my last name? Don't you have all the information that she would ever need to make sure that I am legit and safe?

I have 19 okays on preferred 411. I would have twice as many but I don't hand out my OK's like candy. But I do have quite a few recent okays! I have recent reviews! Hell, start a thread in the SA powder room and asked about me! But asking me to give up my last name? I have never heard such a thing! Maybe I'm overreacting but I see nothing good coming from me giving you my last name. Now I would understand if I was a newbie and there is no way of being screened. But that is not the case here.

So please providers and hobbyist tell me your thoughts on this. Or am I overreacting and this is not that big of a deal?
You tell me.
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Old 04-06-2013, 06:12 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by proudoftexas View Post
Why does it have to be about you?

She might have had a bad experience recently, or is relatively new herself and is trying to be overly cautious.

What I've found is that when somebody is being overly cautious, it has to do with either ignorance on their part, or a bad experience they want to make sure they don't repeat.

That's not about the hobby, btw. That's a general observation.

My best tactic to work through it is to ask open ended, non-threatening questions about it. If I can get them to tell me why they feel the way they do, that's 90% of the battle. I make sure and repeat back to them what they've told me, and why they feel the way they do, so they feel like I've listened to them, and understand their perspective. I don't get frustrated, or defensive. I make sure they feel like I respect their point of view, and how they came about it, even if it's the dumbest reason I've ever heard (unless I'm tired of their bullshit --- then I tell them that's the dumbest reason I've ever heard).

After I've put them in a place where they feel like I've listened to their perspective, I understand where they're coming from, and I've put them at ease that I don't feel defensive or indignant --- I'm just seeking perspective --- I try to show them a different perspective.

At that point they may or may not change their mind about whatever it is, but I've found that gives me the best chance to shift how they think about it, at least in this one instance.

Given the nature of our communications in the hobby, that's often not going to be possible, so you may be shit out of luck. In which case there's the standard answer of see somebody else --- but you already know that very well.

You're obviously frustrated by this specific event, and you're taking it a little personally. That's natural, and very human.

But you need to take a step back, and realize it's nothing about you. It's what's going on with her. Until you know her story, and why she's behaving this way, you won't have any other options but to either tell her your last name, or move on.

And, of course, she could want your name for potentially nefarious reasons, so I think you're right to at least be a little paranoid.
Man that's a lot of work you go through to see a girl lol.

I wouldn't give my last name. Although I don't have much to worry about even if they did get my last name.
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Old 04-06-2013, 06:42 AM   #37
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I give mine out all the time. Hell I tell them everything they want to know.

Like where I live: Vagina Triangle

Age: 50 (Like providers that could be anything!)

Race: Not since I gained a few pounds

Sexual Preference: All the time

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Work Phone Number: (800) MAN-WHORE

No big deal.

SL Mokoa

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Old 04-06-2013, 06:57 AM   #38
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I'll give mine if she gives me her's
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Old 04-06-2013, 08:39 AM   #39
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Salsa, under no circumstances would I give my real life name. If she insists and little head wants inside her, I'll make up a name. I don't care how paranoid she is or how safe she wants to be, certain private information will never be given. Some of these ladies need to realize this is not the 1990s. Nowadays, everything is linked with social media and shit like that. Unless a hobbyist doesn't care if his RL info can be compromised by giving it out, rule #1 one should always be to NEVER give RL info to a provider. That is why we use a hobby phone, have a hobby e-mail, and cover our bases as much as we can. Like I said before, if a lady requires so much info from a guy, she probably shouldn't be a provider.
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Old 04-06-2013, 03:34 PM   #40
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I don't care for your info just like you truly don't care about mine... when we are talking and you feel the need to tell me that's on you but I don't ask questions that would make a man double think about me I want him to be comfortable when he is with me... but to each its own I guess
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Old 04-06-2013, 03:37 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I give mine out all the time. Hell I tell them everything they want to know.

Like where I live: Vagina Triangle

Age: 50 (Like providers that could be anything!)

Race: Not since I gained a few pounds

Sexual Preference: All the time

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Work Phone Number: (800) MAN-WHORE

No big deal.

SL Mokoa

I love those answers
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Old 04-06-2013, 03:40 PM   #42
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If a gent has 5 okays on eccie or 5 okays on p411 then he does not have to submit any other information.It is also a big plus if he is being nice.
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Old 04-08-2013, 12:38 AM   #43
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Here's a hint, it's in a big white book of the who's who in San Antonio. The other half of the book has pages in yellow.
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