Originally Posted by Salsa man
I agree with you 100%. It is quite difficult to explain where I know you from if we do not already have a prepared go to story. You are quite gorgeous and my friends would be wondering why I have never mentioned you. I do know lots of beautiful women but some stand out more than others.
This type of behavior is not warranted at all. Now if I'm sitting at a bar or standing across the street from you giving you some inviting eyes. By all means come and say hello. I will do the same for you read that type of body language from you.
I know this is not on-topic but you should come down to Texas to get warm Chicago can be quite chilly this time of the year. I believe there's lots of Texas gents that would love to warm you up. I have discussed this with some fellow San Antonio gents and I got quite a good reaction. We are all discreet Southern gentleman down here.
I love southern gentlemen, I love their confident yet down to earth approach and easy-going laid back manners ...and that sexy southern accent...though the Carolinas and Georgia are more to my liking.
Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Many of us like to think it's all about the fucking, but in the end, it's really about community. A community of fucking, sure, but still a community.
Plus, it's not like online dating is some kind of under the radar endeavor.
Let them draw their own conclusions. I don't have to go into detail about what I mean by I met the person online. If they ask more questions (which they won't) I'll just tell them it's none of their business.
Yes in the end, it's really about community...and I agree with rest of what you said.
One funny example, one time I was walking out with a (divorced) gentleman after our date, and on our way out we ran into his kids outside and one of his college students and he introduced me as zabrina his friend, which is perfectly fine, I had no problem w it
The real awkward part was though his kids were looking at me hopefully like I could be their potential future mom.

Sorry for the disappointment kids!
Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
When I first went back to school, about 3 years ago (and still clearly posted facial pictures), every few months someone would come up to me and say "Brooke?" ... it was always so embarrassing. What did they expect me to say? I would always just shake my head and walk off. Now that I do not show my face as clearly, it does not happen anymore.
Brooke you should have been carrying your business card with you at all times lol!