errrr done now anyways as this post is 13,000 for Paulwantsya
errrrrr can I now take a shower and start calling hoo errrr providers back now sir Paulwantsya?????
Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Even OSD has been quiet the last couple of days.
I had him hitting 13,000 posts today.
Looks like I won't win the pool.
Errrrrr contest. I know gambling isn't allowed here.
So what ya win, a date with GP???????
anyways you asked and there ya go
errrr now the disorder across the board is on your hands LOL
but I will take the heat LOL
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
12,970 errrrrrrr 29 ta go counting this post
who's got 03/30?? I need motivation to make sure Paulwantsya wins
over 30 with going shopping and takin a nap and takin calls from providers
errrr now if I miss out on, mmmmm thinkin
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Yes - Whale flesh is very sensitive to over-exposure - 13.04%

Yes - Denny's has complained about sagging fried eggs sales - 13.04%

Yes - Floppy disks are obsolete - 13.04%

All of the above - 69.57%

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