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Old 03-24-2013, 03:27 PM   #16
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More energy in the atmosphere?

That's what kills me about the global warming/climate change crowd. They liken our weather to water boiling in a pot.

You want to know what causes 'extreme' weather? Temperature differences. You know, like when a cold front pushes through Kansas, collides with warm air, and causes thunderstorms. And when does our world usually have the most extreme and wild weather? Fall and Spring - because its transitional.

There are a gazillion reasons for extreme weather dealing with ocean currents and jet streams and ninos and ninas. But, warming isn't one of them. One of the central talking points of global warming is that the poles are warming faster than the rest of the planet....polar bears drowning., sea ice melting, whatever. Guess what - this should bring us less extreme weathet, as the temperature differential between pole and equator is reduced. Not the other way around.

I did a little Google search. In 1912 on this day, Olathe was buried in 37 inches of snow....KC got 25 inches in 24 hours. In 1912, KC got 40 inches for this month.

I'm not seeing how things are more extreme today.

The NY Times has been around for over a hundred yeara and have flip flopped in repirting scientific evidence that the world was alternately about to freeze and about to boil every twentyfive years. If historyIs any guide, we are about to hit a cool swing. I won't be worried though....a hot swing will follow.

Find me a scientist who

A) Specializes in physics and weather
B) Has never recieved one penny of grant money for global warming research

....and odds are he is not a 'believer'.

We'll all be fine.
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Old 03-24-2013, 03:46 PM   #17
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Actually, anyone who is a fan of geology can tell you that we humans are at best a pimple on the ass of Mother Nature (and sometimes she treats us accordingly).

The question of climate change is settled science. The earth has gone through numerous warming and cooling cycles. At one point, the earth was one giant snowball with glaciers reaching all the way to the equator - and we stayed that way for about 25 million years. I'm just glad I wasn't around to spend a lifetime freezing my titties off. Every single day, we are in a state of climate change. Some of the pendulum swings have been mild, while at other times the pendulum swing has been extreme.

The real debate is how much influence human behavior and technology has on our climate. To date, no data exists to prove that human behavior is a contributory factor toward climate change. Sorry guys. Scientists can prove climate change exists, but have yet to be able to definitively link our activities to creating climate change on our own.

There is no doubt that it is in our best interest to develop technologies that are both sustainable and renewable. Not only from an environmental perspective, but also from an economic perspective.

But consider this. Whoever finally builds a better mousetrap and develops a solar panel that is affordable, durable, and effective will be the next Bill Gates. In fact, that guy will leave Bill Gates in the dust. Who among us wouldn't love to unhook ourselves from the power grid and stop paying a monthly electric bill? Solar panels have been around since I was a kid. Why then, aren't there solar panels on every roof in America? Because no one is interested in making a fortune off them? Eventually someone will get the technology right, and the market will respond. We don't need the gov't picking the winners and losers in the search for energy alternatives. Those who are willing to invest everything in the hope of grabbing the brass ring of success will get us there without the help of the gov't, and without taxing everyone to dust in our efforts to force unproven and inefficient changes on an unwilling population.
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Old 03-24-2013, 04:01 PM   #18
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Global warming is what happens when politics gets involved with science.
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Old 03-24-2013, 04:09 PM   #19
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Default Look what you have done,

Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
I feel like I have moved to Green Bay.

God darn it, I've biggen....look what you have done

Here we get, a little snow fall....ok, ok...perhaps the 3rd not so little snow fall

And you start a thread that gets people just a charging away!!! (Which is really not a bad thing)

How about them Packers

So what are your thoughts on next week's Easter snow fall???
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Old 03-24-2013, 04:12 PM   #20
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Yeah...what Sins said!!
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Old 03-24-2013, 07:55 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Adeptus32 View Post
Climate change. Get used to extremes.
Phooey. This is more like the Kansas I remember growing up in the 70s. It was hot as hell during the summer (often in the high 90s and 100s) and then snow after snow in the winter.
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Old 03-24-2013, 08:31 PM   #22
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I don't know what the answer is regarding global warming, but one thing that I don't think anyone can deny is that humans are trashing the planet. What happens when our air is no longer breathable or our water drinkable. Look at China to see what unregulated polution is doing to the environment.
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Old 03-25-2013, 03:11 PM   #23
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Even if reducing carbon emissions does not affect global weather, and merely improves our air quality or motivates us toward a clean, efficient, renewable, energy source, I refuse to acknowledge the possible merits of that effort, and I refuse to take any precautions, merely because I hate its liberal messengers! I'll curse Obama and his ilk as I'm swept away by an F5 tornado, with my eyes blind to the mounting evidence, and while shaking my fist at the wind.

Now leave me alone....I have to spend countless hours practicing war games, then spend thousands of dollars so I can cling to my AR 15 pacifiers, while dining on freeze-dried eggs benedict in my underground shelter, awaiting the inevitable "black attack."
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Old 03-25-2013, 05:26 PM   #24
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Personally, if you tell me that you want electric cars to end our dependence on fossil fuels I would say I agree, if you tell me that you want to use solar and wind power to power our homes to reduce the use of coal powered power plants and in effert to keep the air we breath cleaner, I would agree with that and support it. But if you tell me that humans are destroying the planet then I would simply state that it is arrogant for humans to believe that we have that much power. Does climate change exist, absoutely, the plant is continually changing, sometimes getting hotter and sometimes colder, but this is normal and is expected. Everyone is screaming about the destruction of the ozone layer, but what about one of the major causes of ozone destruction Volcano's. Every time one erupts the local ozone is depleted. But guess what, everytime a lightning bolt flashes across the sky, ozone is being produced. The earth can heal itself, but if you tell me you want to keep the water clean so that its better for us to drink, i am all for it, just dont tell me that humans effect climate change.

Cutecuddlybear, what your actually describing would be more along the lines of the pro climate change people, because its them who believe that humans are killing the planet. So your attempt to smear those who dont follow your obvious progressive agenda doesn't really work here. Because us non believers arent preparing for the end of the world.
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Old 03-25-2013, 08:18 PM   #25
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I'm masturbating to a photo of an AR-15 right now....but only because I am relaxed enough to not worry about an apocalyptic end of the world scenario caused by Aqua Net.
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Old 03-26-2013, 09:54 AM   #26
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DD: I respect your opinions, and frankly, those of legitimate scientists who raise serious questions about the role of human activity in climate control. Truth is though, that we're not smart enough to know with certainty what's really causing it, so we look at correlations as we do in studying causes of things like cancer. If we see meaningful correlations that are corroborated by testing, then we may want to take precautions to prevent the possibility of harm.

I just find it amusing that a lot of the people who refuse to look at the possibility that we are contributing to climate change do so, not because they've looked at these correlations with an open mind and then made cogent arguments against it, but because they have a knee-jerk reaction to the politics of the proponents.

I'm not surprised to learn that you're not one of them. Kudos.

Personally, I don't know for sure that we are experiencing climate change (but I believe we are), but I have no problem with taking measures to limit our impact on the environment, especially when taking such measures also has other benefits. Ultimately, each of us have to weigh the possible risks, and evaluate whether the benefits of our efforts to limit our contribution outweigh the costs. For me, the math works out in favor of making some reasonable sacrifices.

The rest was just a lame attempt at humor.
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Old 03-26-2013, 03:20 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by cuddlyteddybear View Post
DD: I respect your opinions, and frankly, those of legitimate scientists who raise serious questions about the role of human activity in climate control. Truth is though, that we're not smart enough to know with certainty what's really causing it, so we look at correlations as we do in studying causes of things like cancer. If we see meaningful correlations that are corroborated by testing, then we may want to take precautions to prevent the possibility of harm.

I just find it amusing that a lot of the people who refuse to look at the possibility that we are contributing to climate change do so, not because they've looked at these correlations with an open mind and then made cogent arguments against it, but because they have a knee-jerk reaction to the politics of the proponents.

I'm not surprised to learn that you're not one of them. Kudos.

Personally, I don't know for sure that we are experiencing climate change (but I believe we are), but I have no problem with taking measures to limit our impact on the environment, especially when taking such measures also has other benefits. Ultimately, each of us have to weigh the possible risks, and evaluate whether the benefits of our efforts to limit our contribution outweigh the costs. For me, the math works out in favor of making some reasonable sacrifices.

The rest was just a lame attempt at humor.
As I said, I am not preparing for the end of the world, but the Zombie appocolypse is a whole different story LOL.
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Old 03-28-2013, 03:05 PM   #28
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By climate change, do you mean a natural cycle of the planet or some crazy, unproven theory by some people competing for research funds (and one ex politician who is making millions off of it)?

Retreating glaciers in Switzerland revealed mining sites that have been buried for centuries.

Pottery was discovered in Africa from a thousand years ago. Mount Kilimanjaro was shown without snow a thousand years ago. The kooks claim that the current lack of snow proves global warming.

None of the models work.

The East Anglican's were caught faking data.

If it had not snowed this winter (like a couple of years ago) they kooks would say that it is evidence of global warming. Now if it snows a normal amount of snow then they say it is evidence of global warming.

The important thing is that we caught up on the moisture that we need.
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Old 03-28-2013, 03:46 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
By climate change, do you mean a natural cycle of the planet or some crazy, unproven theory by some people competing for research funds (and one ex politician who is making millions off of it)?

Retreating glaciers in Switzerland revealed mining sites that have been buried for centuries.

Pottery was discovered in Africa from a thousand years ago. Mount Kilimanjaro was shown without snow a thousand years ago. The kooks claim that the current lack of snow proves global warming.

None of the models work.

The East Anglican's were caught faking data.

If it had not snowed this winter (like a couple of years ago) they kooks would say that it is evidence of global warming. Now if it snows a normal amount of snow then they say it is evidence of global warming.

The important thing is that we caught up on the moisture that we need.
The only real climate change is the natural cycle of the earth.
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Old 03-30-2013, 08:27 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
By climate change, do you mean a natural cycle of the planet or some crazy, unproven theory by some people competing for research funds (and one ex politician who is making millions off of it)?

Retreating glaciers in Switzerland revealed mining sites that have been buried for centuries.

Pottery was discovered in Africa from a thousand years ago. Mount Kilimanjaro was shown without snow a thousand years ago. The kooks claim that the current lack of snow proves global warming.

None of the models work.

The East Anglican's were caught faking data.

If it had not snowed this winter (like a couple of years ago) they kooks would say that it is evidence of global warming. Now if it snows a normal amount of snow then they say it is evidence of global warming.

The important thing is that we caught up on the moisture that we need.

the Nemaha mountains are found under the flint hills.
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