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Old 03-04-2013, 12:00 PM   #16
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I tend to ask the same questions as DG.
As my age puts me in more of a 'niche' category, I find that the first pm's or emails w/ a client tell me if we will be a good fit. He prefers 'mature' women, tends to be closer to my age, values conversation and 'connection', wants an un-rushed time (not a bng/hh seeker) and so on.
When I screen, I want to know: general idea of his personality (talkative? shy? confident? well-mannered?), general idea of his looks (tall, shorter, fit, overweight) - I don't judge based on looks but as DG said, it helps me prepare for who will be on the other side of the door. It is great when a guy is willing to offer up this info, btw. I like to know if he is a smoker (I am not and want to know it isn't obvious), did he have good hygiene?? I don't care about the size of the package - just whether it is clean and fresh If the provider would gladly see you again w/ no hesitation...yeah!

One thing that hasn't been mentioned, on this thread, is the power of the written word. I don't live on eccie and pour over every posting/thread BUT, if someone contacts me via eccie, I will read his posts to get a sense of his personality/intelligence/humor (or lack of) and how seriously he takes himself on the board. There are some men that I wouldn't see, based on their 'rep' on the board, their attitude or views on women and personality. I know we wouldn't be a good fit or that I am already turned off by them and wouldn't be able to fake it - that kind of $ isn't worth it - ever

Ok...back to real life...

The Gypsy Goddess
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Old 03-04-2013, 12:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Aphrodite View Post
One thing that hasn't been mentioned, on this thread, is the power of the written word. I don't live on eccie and pour over every posting/thread BUT, if someone contacts me via eccie, I will read his posts to get a sense of his personality/intelligence/humor (or lack of) and how seriously he takes himself on the board. There are some men that I wouldn't see, based on their 'rep' on the board, their attitude or views on women and personality. I know we wouldn't be a good fit or that I am already turned off by them and wouldn't be able to fake it - that kind of $ isn't worth it - ever

Ok...back to real life...

The Gypsy Goddess
now that explains why I cannot get a "date" any longer. Crap, if I would have only known... and I'd get back to my real life, as soon as I find it !!!

Seriously, I think this is great info from A and DG for us hobbyists to help the Ladies make their screening easier. All, of course, depends what you are comfortable with sending them initially.
Then it will be easier for them to verify with our reference ladies.
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:53 PM   #18
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your right....love to see some more input from the women!
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Old 03-04-2013, 07:18 PM   #19
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I want to help DG with screening me, so here you go my love:

1. Was he punctual - Always, I always get there the exact momemt I arrive, not sooner, not later
2. Clean, did you notice if he smoked - That is a forbidden topic here, so for the official record: I NEVER smoke anything but my tires to get to you as fast as I can
3. Age and discription what he looks like (just to give me an idea not that it matters but helps me prepare for our date - I am mature enough to spot the typo in your question, so possibly geek material, and we did establish in a thread that geeks give the best SEX. Then again I may just be a smart ass. You'll find out the moment I arrive with smoking tires.
4. What kind of personality - REALLY, you have to ask?
5. Did you notice what he liked/ disliked more (Play time) - I just want to get laid, why do you think I contacted you? Do it any way you like it, but do it exactly the moment I arrive !!!
6. Did he respect your donation and time? - That depends on the donation/time ratio. Anything >4.1 is disrespectful to the hobbyist
7. Would you see him again - YES. I look in the mirror after each session, you know just to make sure the RW won't notice that we just had the most mind blowing session ever. That is reserved for the review here.

Do we have a date my precious?
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Old 03-04-2013, 11:30 PM   #20
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Lots of good advice in this thread.

I just wanted to add that you might fail a lady's screening (or not get your emails/PMs/texts returned for a repeat visit) if you set off the lady's "spidey sense" for some reason. As frustrating as that might be, just move on (you don't want to be *that* guy!)

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Old 03-05-2013, 01:30 AM   #21
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When one girl asks the next "is he okay to see?" The following is implied and is bare minimum info to set an appointment:

1. Did he TCB (donation)?
2. Was he legit, not LE?
3. Anything I need to know before considering setting an appointment?

Beyond that, other things we like to know:

1. Respectful
2. Clean and well-groomed
2b. Physical description & age
3. Would you see him again?

It is a bonus to get the following:

1. What activities he enjoyed
2. Personality type, demeanor
3. Short bio

Information on the second and third tier from another provider also helps us know how much we can rely on the provider to be a trustworthy reference in the future.
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Old 03-05-2013, 07:52 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by YummyMarie View Post
3. Short bio
??? Can you explain that one ???
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Old 03-05-2013, 08:45 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by fun2come View Post
??? Can you explain that one ???
A short bio means how provider might describe YOU to her GFs..

1. This guy was in Sales and works for XYZ company for past 4yrs
2. compter nerd, works from home, very messy.
3. executive at XYZ company, hobbies a lot!!!

bios do not have to be real but, this is the persona you create for yourself in this world it helps to keep it consistant and possibly close to who you are or what you actually do.
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Old 03-05-2013, 08:58 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by kSoze View Post
A short bio means how provider might describe YOU to her GFs..

1. This guy was in Sales and works for XYZ company for past 4yrs
2. compter nerd, works from home, very messy.
3. executive at XYZ company, hobbies a lot!!!
OK, I can make sense of that ....

bios do not have to be real but, this is the persona you create for yourself in this world it helps to keep it consistant and possibly close to who you are or what you actually do.
yeah you wish, don't you
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Old 03-05-2013, 09:02 AM   #25
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F2C you ever see The Exorcist , in the heat of the battle , one priest says to the other " Don't listen to it ! "
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Old 03-05-2013, 09:06 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
F2C you ever see The Exorcist , in the heat of the battle , one priest says to the other " Don't listen to it ! "
Yeah careful RR, you are very consistent about IT
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Old 03-05-2013, 11:10 AM   #27
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Thumbs up to Yummy Marie and Ztonk - the 'spidey sense'/intuitive thing is a biggie. Women are conditioned to be so trusting, lest they offend someone that we often downplay that huge component of, what I call, 'You know that you know'.

If a man contacts me and gives a request that isn't a full sentence and infers a bit too much (You available? Looking for _______), I usually will ignore him. My gut tells me that he is just fishing and will take the first response he gets. The fact that 95% of those 'requests' don't follow up leads me to believe I am right.
Where as, a "Hi Aphrodite, I have read your info and decided I would like to schedule with you, here is my screening info_______"

There in lies a huge 'how to pass screening and not set off a provider's spidey sense' tip, guys

YummyMarie, I so appreciate it when a provider takes the time to give a sense of a guy's personality. I know is it still subjective, based on that allusive 'chemistry' thing, but, I do try to talk him up (realistically, of course) if I really enjoyed my time w/ him.
If I really like a client and thought he was a lot of fun, then I want to make sure the next woman appreciates what a gem he is so she can relax and enjoy the session.

Over and out....

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Old 03-05-2013, 01:00 PM   #28
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Since I am FBSM I'm somewhat of a first line of defense for other ladies. If asked for a ref and the gent was clean and polite he gets a thumbs up. As long as he's not on the Do NOT See List we're good! Haven't had anyone like that in more than 8 months, it's pretty rare that anyone acts that rough or weird. ALSO, I am always careful to warn a young lady about any REMARKABLE features she may or may not be able to accommodate.........usually they appreciate knowing!
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Old 03-05-2013, 02:30 PM   #29
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Daddys Girl, Yummy Marie, and Aphrodite pretty much sum up the reference process.

If I receive an appointment request, I do request references as soon as possible, and then review the posting history, that's available to me. Casual comments can, and often do yield quite a bit of information. I look at the reference process as a measure of safety among the Ladies. I want to know the person requesting the appointment will be comfortable. I also want to feel a level of comfort, and to ensure my time, and boundaries will be respected. The vast majority of Provider's are of the same mind, more than accommodating, not to mention, just lovey.

I must say, that the length of time it takes to receive information from a reference check, varies from Provider to Provider. Men have a significant roll to play in this as well, buy providing SOLID references. I myself, will respond to a reference check, hopefully within an hour of receiving it. Unless it's very late in the evening, then they will get the response the following morning. I know others who do so as well. I consider this good TCB with in the community. The quality of the reference is just as important. Know who you are offering as a reference. I have received 2 appointment requests in the past few days, who's references they offered were flat out "NO's". Then guess who has to explain why...always with no names, and use extreme discretion of course.

There are very well known Providers who for there own reasons, do not provide references. It's assumed that they do, but they will not. Period.

There are also very well known Providers who will intentionally delay, or "Cock Block" a reference. Both of these tactics are used to retain clients. Delay tactics include not returning a reference check for days. Even up to a week, "Oh, so sorry girl, I got caught up". Or they will request that the Gentleman in question, contact them first so they can "jog their memory", and then and only then will a reference be provided. Funny, the reference in question is never provided.....

I understand these methods are employed in hopes of retaining a client that a Provider feels "Belongs to them". Which is fine with me, if that's how they want to run their business. It only becomes a problem when I can't accept a reference due to another Providers requirements. I understand how this can lead to frustration for the gentleman requesting the appointment. But again, I respect how the Provider chooses to run her own business.

Bottom line
Have SOLID references gentleman....it's the best advice I think any of us could offer you.
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Old 03-06-2013, 10:04 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Mia Christine View Post

I must say, that the length of time it takes to receive information from a reference check, varies from Provider to Provider. Men have a significant roll to play in this as well, buy providing SOLID references. I myself, will respond to a reference check, hopefully within an hour of receiving it. Unless it's very late in the evening, then they will get the response the following morning. I know others who do so as well. I consider this good TCB with in the community. The quality of the reference is just as important. Know who you are offering as a reference. I have received 2 appointment requests in the past few days, who's references they offered were flat out "NO's". Then guess who has to explain why...always with no names, and use extreme discretion of course.

There are very well known Providers who for there own reasons, do not provide references. It's assumed that they do, but they will not. Period.

There are also very well known Providers who will intentionally delay, or "Cock Block" a reference. Both of these tactics are used to retain clients. Delay tactics include not returning a reference check for days. Even up to a week, "Oh, so sorry girl, I got caught up". Or they will request that the Gentleman in question, contact them first so they can "jog their memory", and then and only then will a reference be provided. Funny, the reference in question is never provided.....

x1,000 PLUS!!!!!!!!!

So If Some Of You Fellas Never Heard Back From Me


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