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Old 02-27-2013, 10:35 PM   #1
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Default ObamaCare...How does it work

Alright, you have no job, very little income and live hand to mouth everyday. If you don't get health insurance the government will fine you in increasing amounts as the next few years go bye. How you gonna pay for the insurance, or the fine for not having it. I have looked at a few plans that are subsidized by the Texas government but they all cost more than 200.00 even then (per month) Tell me where to go, where to sign up to get my "free" Obamacare insurance plan since I can not afford to pay for insurance nor medical bills. Where's the help we were led to believe would be there?

Sometimes life turns to shit. Your health is suddenly gone, your job is gone, your income is gone, you have wiped out your retirement plan to make ends meet, but your too young for sociel security or medicare/medicaid.
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Old 02-27-2013, 11:14 PM   #2
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Now you are beginning to understand Obamacare.
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Old 02-28-2013, 08:30 AM   #3
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A few points:

1) The AHA has waivers on the penalty for people who make too low of income where paying for insurance out of pocket will be too much of a hardship (it's a scaling amount based on various factors).

2) It doesn't give you free insurance if you can't pay for it. Also a clarification on Medicare vs Medicaid. Medicare is the government's health plan for our older citizens. Medicaid is for our poorer citizens. There is no age restriction on Medicaid, so you may want to check into that if you are making little/no income. Medicaid is also primarily run by the individual states so if Medicaid sucks, the state you're in is mostly to blame for that.
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Old 02-28-2013, 08:52 AM   #4
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It doesn't work; especially when compared against Obama's phony promises.........

The new GAO study shows Obamacare will be a $6.2 trillion entitlement that we CAN NOT pay for without borrowing the money............the previously issued CBO report was based on bogus assumptions issued by the Administration !

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Old 02-28-2013, 09:24 AM   #5
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What does that have to do with Indigent care, Whirlyturd?
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Old 02-28-2013, 09:34 AM   #6
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It has everything to do with Obamacare which is what the OP asked..........

How Does It Work ?

It Doesn't !
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Old 02-28-2013, 12:15 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by jbravo_123 View Post
A few points:

1) The AHA has waivers on the penalty for people who make too low of income where paying for insurance out of pocket will be too much of a hardship (it's a scaling amount based on various factors).
Based on what? You last tax return. You last pay stub? What? What is the provision for loosing your job. What if your spouse looses their job and that job was needed to meet your monthly bills, but you are still over the $14,400 a year in income? Then what?

It's easy to sit around and demand everyone have insurance when you work for a company that supplies insurance as a benny or if you're generationally poor and everything's just handed to you like it was your great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, you and now your kids.

Originally Posted by jbravo_123 View Post
2) It doesn't give you free insurance if you can't pay for it. Also a clarification on Medicare vs Medicaid. Medicare is the government's health plan for our older citizens. Medicaid is for our poorer citizens. There is no age restriction on Medicaid, so you may want to check into that if you are making little/no income. Medicaid is also primarily run by the individual states so if Medicaid sucks, the state you're in is mostly to blame for that.
Why should poor people get free health care and the middle class doesn't? Of the people on welfare now, how many generations into the past do you think have been on welfare? How is the physical well being of the poor more important than the middle class that can't afford health care or health insurance? Answer these questions in any way other than: The poor are just going to stay poor, and he middle class are going to be taxed. And maybe, just maybe it will stop fucking GALLING hard working Americans that liberals think that the lives of sponges are more important than the backs of the working and middle classes. Maybe, but not likely.

HEALTH CARE ISN'T A RIGHT! As a wealthy nation we have a duty to see that all people are covered - minus heroic care for end of life and beginning of life - but it's not a right. Everybody should have access to reasonable healthcare or no one. Poor people aren't any more special than middle class people.
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Old 02-28-2013, 12:18 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
Poor people aren't any more special than middle class people.
Well there you have it....it seems some think it better to be poor than middle class! Poor people envy, who knew!

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Old 02-28-2013, 12:23 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Well there you have it....it seems some think it better to be poor than middle class! Poor people envy, who knew!

No, that's not what I said at all. What I said is that poor people have no more a right to free health care than anyone else. Wait........................ya , they vote too. OK, I get it.

What the fuck do you have against middle class people anyway?
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Old 02-28-2013, 12:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post

HEALTH CARE ISN'T A RIGHT! As a wealthy nation we have a duty to see that all people are covered - minus heroic care for end of life and beginning of life - but it's not a right. Everybody should have access to reasonable healthcare or no one. Poor people aren't any more special than middle class people.

Then it all should be free? Is that wtf you are saying?

If the system isn't perfect...then we should not have healthcare? Is that wtf you are saying?

WTF are you saying? I'm hearing a whole lot of double speak.

If you think being poor is so grteat...fuc give everything away and live off the government, if that sounds like heaven to you.
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Old 02-28-2013, 12:49 PM   #11
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There is a word that you need to learn, prostrate. No Whatzup, not that thing up your ass (that is your brain).

tr.v. pros·trat·ed, pros·trat·ing, pros·trates 1. To put or throw flat with the face down, as in submission or adoration: "He did not simply sit and meditate, he also knelt down, sometimes even prostrated himself" (Iris Murdoch).

The key word is submission. Submission? Isn't that one of the main, if not the, tenant of Islam? Submit to Allah and fear not? Submit to Obama and fear not? Sounds remarkably alike. So just give up all of your hopes and dreams and adore your president. You will be taken care of.
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Old 02-28-2013, 12:55 PM   #12
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If we can find money to give healthcare to the poor, we can find it for the middle class.

Still, waiting to hear what you have against the middle class.
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Old 02-28-2013, 01:32 PM   #13
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I don't think anyone really knows about Obamacare. From what I've read and heard, Obamacare doesn't resemble legitimate Healthcare. From what I've always understood, recipients of any dedicated health plan must invest in it, thats why you pay a premium. So who pays the premium for Obamacare and what does the plan cover and how much? How do Doctors get paid through Obamacare? Iam willing to bet if any one of us had to have a three day Hospital stay we would leave with a sizable bill under Obamacare.
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Old 02-28-2013, 01:36 PM   #14
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I don't doubt it. I'm sure if the "participant" willing or otherwise is middle class, they'll get a bill. I can't wait to wait and laugh as this monster rolls out. It's bullshit, but no one is willing to admit that the roll-out timeline will make it super bullshit.
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Old 02-28-2013, 02:04 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
It doesn't work; especially when compared against Obama's phony promises.........

The new GAO study shows Obamacare will be a $6.2 trillion entitlement that we CAN NOT pay for without borrowing the money............the previously issued CBO report was based on bogus assumptions issued by the Administration !

We have been sold down the river. The Democrats lied about Obamacare from day one. The cost was certified by the CBO to be below one trillion dollars before it was passed. Then two years later the CBO says it's going to be closer to three trillion dollars. That's not an honest mistake; that's fraud.

Every politician that participated in passing this monstrosity should be removed from office and put in prison, starting with Obama.
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