Originally Posted by ABQ-to-tha-210-biatch!
Ok. So this is one of the few posts that I have to agree with you on. Most of this post is spot on. In the past the majority of the time the ole ABQ would disagree and call your points rherotic. The second amendment for all intensive purposes was created for protection against the militia. That being said it is the 2nd amendment and everyone's right as an american citizen to own a gun. for that reason I am agreeing with you and most of the republicans on this one. However, I would not mind at all to see assualt rifles banned but that is my opinion. There is validity to your point about shotguns also.
Did anyone else notice the words Sandy Hook on a map in "The Dark Knight Rises?"
Can someone tell me why assault rifles should be banned? I mean like a real factual rational reason. Don't say you don't see why someone needs one, because that's not a reason to ban them, that's a reason for you not to buy one. For someone that uses the term rhetoric, but does not see the irony in that is fleeting.
(that by the way is one thing that liberals specialize in..."If i don't want it, i don't mind it being banned")
2nd amendment was not against militias....but i think that was a typo by you. I think i know what you meant. However since you brought up the militia....The 2nd amendment was founded so that we the people did not have to fear the government, the government should fear it's people. Taking assault rifles out of the hands of law biding citizens (many of which are combat veterans returning home) benefits who? The government or the people? There is a reason why fascism historically starts with gun control (think about it). That is not a manufactured threat, that is history.
Believe it or not I want peace and love as much as anyone. I have a three year old that i want to grow up in a safe world. Peace and safety never comes from good people doing nothing and allowing bad people to run the terms of the world, and i'm not content hoping for pipe dreams to come true while others gain power that will ultimately affect the freedoms of my son as he comes of age. I'm a young woman, but not naive. If you look at the federal expansion and the expansion of federal powers in the last 40 years i'm not keen on giving up much more to those who can not act responsibly and have no accountability. I think the time period of the 60s was a great example of what happens when citizens let emotions rather facts take over their decision making abilities. Mind you, i don't believe many hippies of the 60's would identify with today's take on liberalism. I doubt they would want a system of government that strives to make every decision for you, from healthcare to what size soda you can have. Liberals in power know how to seduce those who put emotion over rationality. That's why they choose so many progressive topics such as the green movement. If you really dive into reading some facts about it with an open mind you can decide for yourself if it seems like one of the greatest special interest cons ever. LOL But the politicians you can't trust not to spend your tax dollars recklessly are the same ones you want to trust enough to decide what is "reasonable?" Who's best interest do you think they have? Yours? Because they have such a long track record and making you proud? I doubt it...but then again i spew out "rhetoric"....LOL
It's Friday and I have a weekend of planning ahead of me...It's my birthday next weekend the 2nd of March and i'm going to the coast for four days of fishing so if I don't reply back to this thread don't think i'm purposely doing it. I just have to get all my stuff together this weekend
P.S. I never blame a liberal for being a liberal (unless they become a dick about it, then i politely tell them to go frack themselves and hug a tree
) because i see the appeal of it; however, I can't forget everything I've read and learned about history, politics, and economics. I went into college with an open mind, i wasn't one way or the other, but the more i learned the more i realized that liberalism may sound peachy on the surface, but it doesn't work in practice or really even theory when you bring facts into play. Don't take my word for it...just stop taking the words of people who don't have your interest in mind (media) and do your homework...