Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
There must be a lot of these "Teapublicans" in Texas. US Senator is a statewide elected office.
If the US Senator is a "statewide elected office," than by the same token the POTUS is a nationwide "elected office."
Does the same analogy also apply to the Presidency? There must be a lot of voters in America that felt Obama was the better choice than either JMac or Romney. Not once but twice and quite frankly by a fairly substantial margin both times.
It stands to reason that if you expect those Texans who are not "Teapublicans" to hop on the Cruz bandwagon, than you would also believe that your fellow "Teapublicans" (Sen. Cruz included) to hop on Obama's bandwagon?
Or do you only drive from east to west but never west to east?