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Old 02-08-2013, 01:46 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by L.A. View Post
Wow...I would never give a provider my full name, place of employment, check stub, etc.
I've provided all I'm going to provide to 1 and ONLY 1 screening service. If that info isn't sufficent for a provider then I would have to pass (hasn't happened yet).
Is this what you do with all your clients or those without p411 or history on review boards?
My name is unique enough that even with nothing more than my first and last name you would be able to find out all of my real world info.
I only screen guys like that who don't have a p411 account or a new ECCIE account (without any reviews or they have reviews from BP girls).

I will not see a guy here who ONLY reviews BP girls for these reasons. 1) Most of the time, The BP ad has been deleted or expired. 2) It's damn near impossible to get a reference from most of these ladies because they assume that I am a wife/SO when I call them for a reference. 3) A lot of these ladies are high volume and can't even remember who they saw.

Now I have seen clients who don't have online accounts (fear of their wife/SO finding out about their accounts) and they have given me references to highly reputable and respectable providers. I assume that the providers that m client has seen before have screened them thoroughly.

We ladies get quite a handful of guys who want an appointment with us, but they are absolute newbies. I know many guys usually just lurk around eccie and then create an account or send an email when they want to see a lady.
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Old 02-09-2013, 04:31 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by L.A. View Post
My name is unique enough that even with nothing more than my first and last name you would be able to find out all of my real world info.
Narrow it a bit more with one simple piece of data, like, say, the date of birth that P411 requires, and you're setting yourself up for some big time trouble.

Again, providing ID does nothing to make anyone safer.
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Old 02-09-2013, 06:11 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by Crock View Post
Narrow it a bit more with one simple piece of data, like, say, the date of birth that P411 requires, and you're setting yourself up for some big time trouble.

The client id only has your FIRST name, and it can be a portion of your first name if you wish. I'm sure no provider would have a problem with a Robert using Rob, or a Mohammed using Hamm, or a Barfucious using Barf. Cover up the rest!

It also doesn't have your date of birth, it's only the DAY you were born. No year. No month.

No one needs to see your last name, or anything else that could really be used to find you. IF they ask to see your identification, it would only be to see that these small bits of information match.

Again, providing ID does nothing to make anyone safer.
It very effectively narrows the possibility of you being able to loan your buddy (or worse) your client id to make an appointment tonight, because after all it's not all that easy to throw together a matching set of identification.

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Old 02-09-2013, 06:39 PM   #139
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Barfucious? Someone really hated their child.
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Old 02-09-2013, 06:54 PM   #140
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Gina, if you want guys to stop sharing IDs, do you really think this is the answer?

You would be better off figuring out a way to allow them to transfer money to you more easily and anonymously.

And once they become paying members, make them feel important and appreciated.

Your unpopular ID policy accomplishes none of that.
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Old 02-09-2013, 09:31 PM   #141
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Okay so I stopped reading after the 7 page, this keeps going round and round, some will never agree but I want to applaud Taylor Love for putting her safety first! I do have same practices as she has, If you have No references, then you should be willing to show that you are safe. The guys upset with the practice, are all established guys and do have references.

Some guy tried to flame me earlier in a different thread about this, when in fact I pointed him to the page, but was not talking about him. (lol) He told me he had no references but yet went on a thread bragging about how much he spent on a lady... (red flag?)

If any newbies would like to see me, they will need to provide enough to make me feel safe. You all tend to forget that a lady, like myself, with my height under five feet tall, my weight under 100lbs, posting this on a page makes me a prime target. So if seeing your ID will make me feel comfortable in seeing guys who outwiegh me, then you should be willing to do put yourself at risk as well. I may be risking my life letting you in the room and your risking your shitty credit score? lol... that pretty uneven to me lol!

So If you are a newbie and would like to see me with no references be prepared to show id, if you are established and have references, don't worry about how we choose to screen newbies and if letting you see me ID makes you feel better as well, I will. Trust me there are thousands of Maria Rodriguez out there! (not my name just an example)

Oh BTW I do have terminator vision, so when I do see your face, I scan all your info at a glance.... ooohhhh beware!!!!
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Old 02-09-2013, 11:28 PM   #142
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Lola you nor any other woman should be flamed for wanting to be safe. And thats great that you would be willing to show your ID to a guy that wants to meet you when he showes his. But some guys such as myself, have reviews. The problem with me is I am very selective of who I see. I dont utilize this 'hobby' enough to have, or want a lot of notches on my belt. If I contact someone its because Im interested in meeting them. and I will usually start making plans to do so provided my schedule works out with theirs to make it happen. Most of my reviews are repeats, however being selective has its disadvantages too. For example say someone I have met before retires. There goes a reference.

Its crazy because you almost have to start from scratch and go through the steps of developing another trust and comfort level with someone else. I made an exception once and showed my ID. I wont do it again unless someone is willing to show theirs like you. The sad part is there is just some people you cant trust with your personal information. It isnt anything personal. Its not that some guys like me have anything to hide, its just that some guys have been threatend with having their SOs told about their cheating ways. So there is more than just a tarnished credit score that the guys have to consider when showing their identification.
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Old 02-09-2013, 11:56 PM   #143
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Gina said: We have a terrible problem with people "sharing" client ids, sometimes to book appointments and sometimes to rip the provider off, or worse. These situations are becoming more common, and can be easily prevented if the provider takes a moment to confirm that the person before her has identification to match the client id.

Are they really sharing ID's.. or has someone gotten hold of someone else's ID and using it in an email or text and not through p411 access?

If a hobbyist makes an appointment through p411, would he not only have to share his p411 ID as well as the password to his account on p411. Why on earth would a hobbiest do this? They would putting their hobby reputation in another's hands.
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Old 02-10-2013, 01:28 AM   #144
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Because, OverBought, there are idiot, cheapwads out there
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Old 02-10-2013, 06:54 AM   #145
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With all do respect Taylor_Love, if I were a cop and flashed my badge when I arrive, how would this practice save you? Maybe if would save you from being fucked but I can assure you... you would be going to jail. All screening needs to happen BEFORE client arrives. Checking ID AFTER client arrives is counter-productive.
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Old 02-10-2013, 08:32 AM   #146
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The only point of checking ID when the client arrives is to insure the person you screened is the person you are seeing. Was your screening good or not is a very different issue.
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Old 02-10-2013, 08:45 AM   #147
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If a hobbyist makes an appointment through p411, would he not only have to share his p411 ID as well as the password to his account on p411. Why on earth would a hobbiest do this? They would putting their hobby reputation in another's hands.
Yes, they would have to share their password (or at least login for the other person), and they do it all the time.

Most often, "to help a buddy out"..... occasionally "duh, I have no idea that wasn't cool".... and once in a blue moon "I got pulled over leaving an incall, they scared the shit outta me, and I gave it all up".

Trust me.... I would never have bothered to give the providers a way to match the client id to the individual if there was no need. My life would be MUCH easier if we could just take the money, give the accounts, and let people scramble around on their own with no guidelines or policies in place. In fact, I would probably make a lot money, with a hell of a lot less stress, if I did it that way.

The problem I have, is that I really do care. I care about the safety of the providers, just as I care about the privacy of the clients. These two criteria have to meet somewhere in the middle, and this was what we came up with.

Fortunately, the majority of gentlemen faced with showing identification have no problem showing it matches their client id, but take steps to block out the other information (like last name, etc) to keep their own real life info private too. There are some areas where these steps being taken is normal, and we've never had any problem with it.

Stay safe out there, everyone!

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Old 02-10-2013, 01:41 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by GinaXXX View Post
It very effectively narrows the possibility of you being able to loan your buddy (or worse) your client id to make an appointment tonight, because after all it's not all that easy to throw together a matching set of identification.

I'm glad that even you admit that it's more about P411's profits than it is about safety.
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Old 02-10-2013, 02:18 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by GinaXXX View Post
Fortunately, the majority of gentlemen faced with showing identification have no problem showing it matches their client id,

I find that hard to believe. they may comply, but I doubt they have no problem with it.
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Old 02-10-2013, 05:27 PM   #150
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Gina said;
"Yes, they would have to share their password (or at least login for the other person), and they do it all the time.

Most often, "to help a buddy out"..... occasionally "duh, I have no idea that wasn't cool".... and once in a blue moon "I got pulled over leaving an incall, they scared the shit outta me, and I gave it all up".

Trust me.... I would never have bothered to give the providers a way to match the client id to the individual if there was no need. My life would be MUCH easier if we could just take the money, give the accounts, and let people scramble around on their own with no guidelines or policies in place. In fact, I would probably make a lot money, with a hell of a lot less stress, if I did it that way."

Thanks, I guess I have a tendency to think most people think like I do.
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