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Old 02-05-2013, 03:18 PM   #16
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Fucking idiots can't read.

IT IS A WAR. Military objectives can be lawfully attacked. When you pose a threat to the well-being of the citizens and interests of the United States by advocating, planning or supporting attacks on the United States, you become a military objective. And, preemptive strikes that kill terrorists and save American lives would be the best possible type of strike.

Don't know what it is you are unable to understand about it.
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:28 PM   #17
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Fucking idiots can't read.

IT IS A WAR. Military objectives can be lawfully attacked. When you pose a threat to the well-being of the citizens and interests of the United States by advocating, planning or supporting attacks on the United States, you become a military objective. And, preemptive strikes that kill terrorists and save American lives would be the best possible type of strike.

Don't know what it is you are unable to understand about it.
But you are among the jackasses that screamed about the poor intel on WMD in Iraq!!!! Isn't it reasonable to conclude that intelligence gathering is never always and conclusively right? Is it not reasonable to conclude that mistakes can and do occur? It was a Soviet -- not American -- dictum that "it is better to kill 100 innocent people than let one guilty person live" (Lenin).
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:36 PM   #18
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I understand that we are in an undeclared war, illegal war with an enemy that defies accurate description, and with no clear definition of victory. I understand without some sort of protection, it is easy to kill the innocent. If the President can, by himself, decide who lives and who dies, even on American soil, then whatever freedom we are fighting to save, is already gone.

You are what is wrong with America, Timmy.
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:45 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I understand that we are in an undeclared war, illegal war with an enemy that defies accurate description, and with no clear definition of victory. I understand without some sort of protection, it is easy to kill the innocent. If the President can, by himself, decide who lives and who dies, even on American soil, then whatever freedom we are fighting to save, is already gone.

You are what is wrong with America, Timmy.
Oh, for goodness sake, save your stupid repetitive attacks on my patriotism. You just look stupid trying to make yourself look smart.

Show me where what you posted says that these attacks can be carried out on US soil.

Explain to me why we shouldn't do what the paper proposes we do: kill high-level operational al Qeada members who pose a direct and imminent threat to the safety of Americans? Isn't that what you do in a war?
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:49 PM   #20
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In a legal and declared war, yes. And you are not a patriot. You are a nationalist. There is a difference. Look it up.

“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” ― Thomas Paine
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Old 02-05-2013, 03:57 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
In a legal and declared war, yes. And you are not a patriot. You are a nationalist. There is a difference. Look it up.

“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” ― Thomas Paine
You look it up. You've lost your way. You're so paranoid about the government that you've lost the ability to reason effectively. We should be more scared of Obama than the people who killed 3,000 Americans, and who given half a chance, would kill ten times that many more?

And what does your bizarre attempt to shift the argument to the legality of the war have to do with anything? Do you dispute that al Qaeda wants to kill Americans? Do you take issue with engaging in efforts to prevent that from happening?

You sound like an unreasonable old man trying to win an argument you know you've already lost.
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Old 02-05-2013, 04:08 PM   #22
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Look, I don't care much for President Obama's agenda, and personally, I think he is a naccissistic, skinny fat little twerp.

But he does seem to grasp the fact that we are at war with Muslim Terrorist, (regardless whether he admitts it in public or not), and seems to have no qualms what so ever about helping ole Abdul, and any members of his entourage, collect their 72 virgins in a more speedy fashion.

As for the US Citizen thing, when a shithead joins the enemy, he just gave it up. Let it be known that if want to be a rag head terrorist, then you can expect that when you sit down for supper, your ass might just get blowed to what ever hell your religion has in store for you.
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Old 02-05-2013, 04:09 PM   #23
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I'm not paranoid about government, I'm realistic about them. Yes, I think Obama stands to do more damage to the US than Al Qaida could ever hope to do. Bush already did.

I am for all legal means to prevent harm coming to American citizens. Starting wars without Constitutional authority, with an undefinable enemy and no definition of victory is not the way to handle our security. It leads to endless war, endless death, endless spending and endless profits for the banks and defense industry. I'm not willing to sacrifice more American lives in the pursuit of oil or other natural resources.

If the administration was truly concerned about the security of Americans, they would secure our borders, and improve the oversight of foreigner here who have stayed beyond their time to leave. But that makes much less profit for the banks and defense industries.

You have just had too much of the government kool aid. It has effected your ability to comprehend. These wars are not about American security, and never have been.
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Old 02-05-2013, 04:45 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
You look it up. You've lost your way. You're so paranoid about the government that you've lost the ability to reason effectively. We should be more scared of Obama than the people who killed 3,000 Americans, and who given half a chance, would kill ten times that many more?

And what does your bizarre attempt to shift the argument to the legality of the war have to do with anything? Do you dispute that al Qaeda wants to kill Americans? Do you take issue with engaging in efforts to prevent that from happening?

You sound like an unreasonable old man trying to win an argument you know you've already lost.
What you are declaring is that the president -- a single person who by this memo is the judge, the jury and the would be executioner of a U.S. citizen who has not overtly transgressd against the U.S., is always right, 100% of the time, and you are declaring that the president is never wrong or badly informed.

That's not what you were saying ten years ago, and were this a Republican administration, it is not what you would be saying now.
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:27 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I'm not paranoid about government, I'm realistic about them. Yes, I think Obama stands to do more damage to the US than Al Qaida could ever hope to do. Bush already did.

I am for all legal means to prevent harm coming to American citizens. Starting wars without Constitutional authority, with an undefinable enemy and no definition of victory is not the way to handle our security. It leads to endless war, endless death, endless spending and endless profits for the banks and defense industry. I'm not willing to sacrifice more American lives in the pursuit of oil or other natural resources.

If the administration was truly concerned about the security of Americans, they would secure our borders, and improve the oversight of foreigner here who have stayed beyond their time to leave. But that makes much less profit for the banks and defense industries.

You have just had too much of the government kool aid. It has effected your ability to comprehend. These wars are not about American security, and never have been.
what a paranoid asshole!

I hear there's fresh dick arriving tonight in Salina!
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:39 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post

I hear there's fresh dick arriving tonight in Salina!
Leave it to Assup to have an inside track on that type of info.
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:46 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Leave it to Assup to have an inside track on that type of info.
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:56 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Look, I don't care much for President Obama's agenda, and personally, I think he is a naccissistic, skinny fat little twerp.

But he does seem to grasp the fact that we are at war with Muslim Terrorist, (regardless whether he admitts it in public or not), and seems to have no qualms what so ever about helping ole Abdul, and any members of his entourage, collect their 72 virgins in a more speedy fashion.

As for the US Citizen thing, when a shithead joins the enemy, he just gave it up. Let it be known that if want to be a rag head terrorist, then you can expect that when you sit down for supper, your ass might just get blowed to what ever hell your religion has in store for you.

IMHO, this is wtf Bush should have done instead of going to war with Iraq. Way more cost effective!

Think Israel/Munich ....track'em down and fry their ass!
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Old 02-05-2013, 08:02 PM   #29
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So let me get this straight...we confer the rights of U.S. citizens on foreign terrorists captured on the battlefield, regardless of where they are captured. Then, we turn around and take those same rights away from U.S. citizens in a foreign country.

These assholes are out of control.
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Old 02-06-2013, 07:26 AM   #30
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On MSNBC last night, the talking heads were concerned about this AFTER OBAMA LEAVES OFFICE! YES! They are absolutely OK with the power as long as President Obama wields it but the thought that a Republican President may have access to it was unthinkable.

Make me wonder how it was 'leaked' to NBC in the first place.
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