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Old 02-05-2013, 12:45 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Say What View Post
Bring your ass on out too, Dan. Let's do this shit!
SW, I'm honored that you'd include me, but I don't want to crash Meerschaum's party. It should be his night! I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities...
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Old 02-05-2013, 01:21 PM   #92
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Aw, come on out Dan!
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:27 PM   #93
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If I ever needed proof that this board is indeed full of good people, this thread was all I needed to see.

OP is indeed in need of a night of debauchery to kick start his appreciation factor for his own life. And why is that wrong? It's the same reason for bachelor parties. Take that man out and bring him back hung over and reeking of vaginal fluids and booze. If he doesn't vomit on a stripper, streak through a Wal-Mart and dance on a cop car, I'll be disappointed.

Depression sucks, but unfortunately that doesn't stop us from coming face to face with it. You've got a great life at home from the sounds of it, Meer. Maybe you just need a little pick-me-up to get your dookie flowing right again, brother.

Also, MissPriss needs her own show.

That is all.
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:42 PM   #94
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Count me in!!!! Can I be the naughty little nurse that makes everyone that's feeling down feel UP!!!
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:45 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by adriana_paige View Post
Count me in!!!! Can I be the naughty little nurse that makes everyone that's feeling down feel UP!!!
I'm down nurse.... can you make me feel up ?
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:51 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Meerschaum View Post
Aw, come on out Dan!
Well, since the OP's good with it...how could pass up an offer like that!

I'm in!
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:01 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby View Post
From my personal experience with depression, it's very important to seek out a mental health professional. Whether or not you think you need to be in the "Looney Bucket" you must remember that physical health is just as important as your mental health!

Whether or not you have a situational depression, you could have a simple chemical imbalance which can make the most "ideal" situations (A wife, a son, a home, a content life) SEEM very undesirable and lack luster.

Just remember that when you have sex (Hobby Sex or Civiee Sex), your brain releases chemicals and endorphins that make you feel good. For the longest time, I attempted to replace a simple chemical imbalance with sex, sex, sex, and more sex.

Check and see if you have a Chemical imbalance. It's not always about your situation. Anyone can have the best of both worlds (Family and Slut life) and not be able to balance them if they their brain is lacking the right signals and chemicals.
Absolutely!!! See a doctor.
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Old 02-05-2013, 05:50 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Look up dysthmia and major depression and read up for about thirty minutes. Sounds like you may have the former and be headed for the latter. Not at all uncommon at your age and position in life for a number of reasons. These are not conditions to be ignored. And "just cheer up" isn't a solution, it's a grave misunderstanding of the problem.

Talk to your doctor and lay your cards on the table. If you can't bring yourself to come fully clean to your doc about hobbying, at least give the doc an expurgated version of this post -- and I mean literally give him a copy. There's a lot of things that can be done to turn this around. And if you ignore it, it will get worse. And when it gets worse, you will make decisions that will cause the problem to get worse still. And when it gets worse, you will fuck up your life one way or the other.

Sounds like you're not in too deep right now, but take action promptly. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. The only embarrassing thing is not taking action while you can.
This is really good advice.

Yes I understand how you feel. But, is it the partying you miss or the touch of a woman? Get the depression looked into. All the lustful pleasure in the world will not heal that spot. It CAN make it worse.
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Old 02-05-2013, 06:21 PM   #99
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TextushHog speaks the truth. I know from experience. Except I didn't do it in time. Now I'm the quintessential 2 hour talkative limp dick (not always). Hind sight is always 20/20. I'd suggest starting with a talk therapist, let them refer you to a psychiatrist. The talk/drug therapy combo is the most beneficial. If you don't feel comfortable and like the therapist go to another one. Picking a therapist is like dating. If you're not clicking in a few visits go on down the road. I've been battling this and other demons for quite a few years. I'm not a therapist and I'm not God, I mean a Dr. But I have lot's of experience. Depending on where you live and the kind of insurance (I hope you have) I may have a list of available therapist and psychiatrist. I you want anything from me I am glad to give you some names. Any other soul bearing admissions let's use PM.

P.S. I highly discourage letting your GP give you any drugs. You can call him and ask for referrals if you're close to him. No disrespect to GP's, but this shit is complicated.

If all this fails, there is always Scientology!! KIDDING
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Old 02-05-2013, 06:29 PM   #100
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How are we going to get a review of this epic event? It is going to take more than the regular one.

I can't pretend to be able to keep up with you guys because of what I stated in my earlier post, but I would like to bring pop-corn and sit in the bleachers.

Hell I could even be a fluff guy for the girls!
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Old 02-05-2013, 06:32 PM   #101
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I haven't bothered to read the whole thread. BTW, my therapy revealed I should never have married that woman and I shouldn't have spent so many years trying to work it out.
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Old 02-06-2013, 04:37 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by boomvang View Post
TextushHog speaks the truth.

P.S. I highly discourage letting your GP give you any drugs. You can call him and ask for referrals if you're close to him. No disrespect to GP's, but this shit is complicated.
Let me chime in on the issue of GP vs. specialist. I would encourage you to so see your GP and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist. Rather than going to a psychologist first, I prefer the MD's first. My experience was the drugs did more good than the talk, and I think a doctor should be in charge of the team. But the reason I like going to the GP is 1) he or she should know what's going on in all spheres of your health care; and 2) he or she is more likely to have a good recommendation for a shrink rather than you hitting the jackpot with the yellow pages.

But I do agree with boomvang that GP's prescribing psych meds is generally a suboptimal situation. They do this some, but not for a living. My experience is that they're too caution and underdose. Get the mood disorder shrinks that do nothing but this and you'll be much better off.

As for those who urge you to go out, fuck around with this guy or that guy, I'd be leery. Make sure you don't have depression first. If you escalate your self treatment -- whether it's exercise, drink, pussy, skydiving, or whatever -- all you're going to do is get a temporary dopamine boost that will keep you in denial about your true condition longer. Self treatment isn't the answer.
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Old 02-06-2013, 05:50 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Let me chime in on the issue of GP vs. specialist. ... 2) he or she is more likely to have a good recommendation for a shrink rather than you hitting the jackpot with the yellow pages.
As for those who urge you to go out, fuck around with this guy or that guy, I'd be leery. Make sure you don't have depression first. If you escalate your self treatment -- whether it's exercise, drink, pussy, skydiving, or whatever -- all you're going to do is get a temporary dopamine boost that will keep you in denial about your true condition longer. Self treatment isn't the answer.
wrt item 2) above: sounds like talking w/ a fellow eccie member about a good provider recommendation. :^)

wrt last paragraph: my point exactly. it's kinda like what's said about running away from a personal problem. sure, there might be some distance between you and the problem/situation, but the problem/situation will still be in your mind.
acknowledge and work on the problem/situation first.
or at least realize that partying-hardy wont necessarily resolve the problem/situation.

Meerschaum, i hope things go well for you. seriously!!
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Old 02-06-2013, 05:54 PM   #104
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I sang Texhushhog's praises, shouldn't I be entitled to disagree just once. I start exactly as TTH recommended. GP first, psychologist and then psychiatrist. My GP is an asshole, I don't like him, but a lot of other people don't either. So when I need a shot in the butt, I can usually get the whole process done in a couple of hours. From phone call to zipping them up. Anyway all he did was pick up the phone and call a mental health group associated with my HMO. He got me an appointment with a psychologist, wrote it on a sticky note and out the door. The psychologist made an assessment of my mental state and then recommended a psycricast. I saw him, and he had spoken to the pyscologist and knew from another mental health professional what the symtoms were, probably better than i could have told him myself. I don't know TTH's GP. I don't know many GP's at all. I know a bunch of people in the mental health field and they are a clannish little group. I put psychologist and psychiatrist right up there with people that show dogs and or go renaissance fairs. One weird group. In my opinion they are all drawn to that livelihood because they are so fucked up themselves. Every psychiatrist I've seen doesn't really care if your dad or dog died. They prescribe drugs. If the drugs don't do what they are supposed to in the time it's supposed to take, call them they'll change them. I am pretty sure that based on the basic diagnosis from the psychologist they know what group of drugs to start with. From then on it's trial and error. I also stand by my opinion to change therapist if you're not comfortable with them. If you're not comfortable you're not going to tell them the unvarnished truth. If I could afford it, I'd be like Woody Allen and just stay in therapy for a few decades.
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Old 02-06-2013, 09:17 PM   #105
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Seeing as I have gotten such a mountain of advice that I will be wading through the suggestions for some time to come, and I believe most everyone has had a chance to say their piece, can the mods close this thread?
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