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Old 02-02-2013, 01:47 PM   #31
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Wow, I find myself wanting to +1 several of you. Indeed, there are great replies here - some great stories and sympathy for you. (As usual TinMan and I see things the same.)

OP, you should absolutely follow thru on what you've read here. You need a perspective change; if it's real bad already, then a paradigm shift. Do these things:

1. Get the exercise, like now, and multiple times a week (to include the well-known 30+ minutes of cardio).
2. Get outside in the daytime, as opposed to the office. Do it this weekend, it's beautiful.
3. Go buy a good quality B-complex vitamin and take it every morning or at lunch when you eat.
4. Make a point to think about the things you're grateful for every morning when you wake up (and even when you go to sleep).
5. You've got the blahs, but it doesn't sound too melancholy yet. Realize it's ok to be feeling the way you are. It's normal, nothing to be frustrated about. But don't just sit around and belabor it. Choose to do what is necessary to change the perspective. Live the solutions you see as beneficial.
6. Go out with Shep and Gideon, but just to blow off steam for the evening, not because it might "fix" something.
7. Take a break from hobbying, if necessary.

Take it sleasy, bro, and good luck.

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Old 02-02-2013, 01:47 PM   #32
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Aww you guys just warmed my hold cold little hooker heart!! lol!!
no but really you guys are great with this! The OP needs one good day of fun then back to your family!! This hobby is the chance to have your cake and eat it too!! that is all! nothing more nothing less!

I didn't realize how many doctors were in this hobby! (only joking) lol you guys sound like zoloft commercials! lol! you forgot to mention the side effects:

Please contact your doctor if you feel, dizzy, light headed, uncontrolable crying, signs of suicide, constipation, an erection that lasts 4 hours or longer, sneezing, itching.....
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Old 02-02-2013, 02:01 PM   #33
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Meerschaum, I sure hope you take Jason & Shep3.0 up on that offer. Allthough you have what I used to have before drugs and drinking destroyed my life and health. I would give anything to be in your shoes. I play with the girls a little bit but it is really just being with a woman for me because my equipment dosen't work all the time due to health issues and meds.

So Jason and Shep3.0 as much as I would like to hang with the both of you also I am not even going to pretend that I can.

And Meerschaum I guess I'm hoping you have a good time with Jason & Shep3.0 but don't ever think anything will beat what you have going now. Think about what pyramider & MasterBaiter1996 said, hell those 2 along with Jason and Shep3.0 they are all legends here & I would love to meet all of you sometime.

If you do go out with those 2 though please pm me with every deatail.
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Old 02-02-2013, 02:07 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Lolabrea01 View Post
Aww you guys just warmed my hold cold little hooker heart!! lol!!
no but really you guys are great with this! The OP needs one good day of fun then back to your family!! This hobby is the chance to have your cake and eat it too!! that is all! nothing more nothing less!

I didn't realize how many doctors were in this hobby! (only joking) lol you guys sound like zoloft commercials! lol! you forgot to mention the side effects:

Please contact your doctor if you feel, dizzy, light headed, uncontrolable crying, signs of suicide, constipation, an erection that lasts 4 hours or longer, sneezing, itching.....
erections that last 4 hours or longer sounds like a disclaimer for YOU
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Old 02-02-2013, 02:21 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by luiz7667 View Post
erections that last 4 hours or longer sounds like a disclaimer for YOU
Be sure to call your Dr because he's going to want to see it too.
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Old 02-02-2013, 02:48 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Meerschaum View Post
I am a married dude with a young son at home and a decent office job. I have normal American sized amounts of debt, an imported car, live in a nice neighborhood. I have some friends from work that I can go have a beer with if the old lady can pick up the boy after work.

So here is the dilemma: I feel lonely as fuck. I am sitting here at work on Friday afternoon, I should be happy to go home to the wife and boy, have dinner and go to bed. I love the old lady, never want to lose her. The boy puts such a smile on my face. But here I am, thinking that Shep3.0 is going to be out at the club tonight with a bevy of hotties, and Jason Gideon is hitting it with some PSE spinner or other 'till the break of dawn, and I am like, what happened?

And I know I couldn't hang with those guys in the party department, and I guess the girls are just friendly until the money runs out. So I will try and make a lunch appointment with a hottie next week, try and make a connection next week, think I am part of some "hobby community" when I am really just a lonely whorehound who can only get girls to talk to him if he pays.

Anybody else feel like me?
I feel like you sometimes. Except I remember back when I was in my 20's and how I partied it up like it was going out of style, get a smile on my face and move on. You didn't say how old you are and/or whether you had a chance to live life a little. I think that does make a difference. On the other hand, someone else said, find OTHER hobbies. I couldn't agree with this more. I play sports, work out, play music, of course play with my kids and happiness level is through the roof

Also, maybe it's time to switch jobs? or cars?
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Old 02-02-2013, 03:07 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by adistantsecond View Post
Also, maybe it's time to switch jobs? or cars?

Motorcycle time. Get one of those ridiculously loud V-Twins. I can't remember the brand. Join some poser club full of CPA's and attorneys. You and your "old lady" can get all the leather you want, the boutique is right in the dealership. Make a run down to ROT, play bad ass all day. go back to your room at the Driscoll. Let the old lady clean up a bit (optional). Don''t let her wear anything but her chaps and unbuttoned vest. Make her go stand in front of the window and show her just how much you love her.
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Old 02-02-2013, 03:51 PM   #38
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I think you have what a lot of people would consider a great life, you just don't know it.

You need to smell the roses that are right in front of your face and appreciate they are there for you.

And the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
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Old 02-02-2013, 04:13 PM   #39
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Old 02-02-2013, 05:11 PM   #40
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I've been there, done that.

Drunken night out with hookers and strippers that I barely remember...$4,000+

Comfy home with family to greet you at the door...Fucking Priceless.
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Old 02-02-2013, 06:31 PM   #41
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Saw a great documentary on Netflix the other night called "After Porn". It looked at some of my heroes in the biz, then and now. I have always admired Randy West. He has fucked 3,000+ gorgeous teens. And now he just looks old, tired, sad, and sits all alone in his house watching VHS tapes of him fucking a young Jenna Jameson. He in unable to have any intimate relationships. And it was sad as fuck to see how these people turned out.

Relationships matter!!!!! Last night we tore up Fantasy Ranch with some Eccie hobby friends of many years. Shots, hugs, laughs, and tits abounded. People in the hobby that you can have genuine friendships with are priceless. Keep them close. And family is precious. Keep them even closer. Or you might end up on a Netflix documentary full of regret yourself.
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Old 02-02-2013, 07:00 PM   #42
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I think most of us have been there and have similar stories. Mid-life crisis in my late 30s and needed to make drastic changes in my life to make me feel alive again. Lost 75 pounds, I trolled Craigslist for NSA hookups and started swinging with the SO. Still not enough, so divorced after many years of marriage. Now I'm 41, single and alone and quite frustrated because dating sucks. lol

I would say that it’s important to try and find happiness in the little things and make LITTLE changes to bring excitement back to your life. Join a gym, maybe take a class and learn a new language or go to wine tastings. Self-improvement is always a wonderful thing.
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Old 02-02-2013, 07:13 PM   #43
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I'm divorced and have two daughters that I have custody of (they live with me). I can't imagine anything more important in life than them and the joy they have brought me. I cannot relate at all to what you wrote. My advice, think with your big head and evaluate what is in your heart a bit more.
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Old 02-02-2013, 09:40 PM   #44
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Personally, I think you probably have a controlling wife who doesn't validate you, admire you, and listen to you. She probably doesn't appreciate the things you do for the family, and you feel they take you for granted. Hobbying is an escape for you from the constrictive life you live.
Myself, I just like to look at naked women, and have sex with them. Always have, always will.
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Old 02-02-2013, 10:49 PM   #45
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Spend time with your son, this time that you have together is priceless...Him calling you Daddy will make your heart melt when you show him attention....There are a lot of times in an office enviroment that individuals will boast of what they have, 99% are full of s***...Tell your wife that you care about her, cook dinner, pick up flowers and a card on the way home, leave a note in the fridge where she can see if showing her that you care....

Ask about going out with friends every so often, most women realize this that a man needs time to himself....Look through the smoke and mirrors of what you may hear at work about all the Pu*** that a fellow may be getting....Be yourself....

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