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Old 02-01-2013, 08:52 PM   #16
Tara Evans
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Meershaum, go home wrestle with your son. Wear the little turd out. Then grab your wife and tell how much you love her and tickle her taint like you mean it. All three of you will be happier for it. Now get off this board ... you have work to do.
Plus 1 on that. Very sweet Pyramider too say and oh so true.
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Old 02-01-2013, 08:56 PM   #17
Brooklyn Sky
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.... play the cards you were dealt, i'll play w/ you! lol
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Old 02-01-2013, 09:07 PM   #18
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First off, F&CK the beer commercials. That's how it starts ... "Rest of the world is having more fun than me" syndrome. Advice: TURN THE TV OFF!*

Happened to me and boy did I mess up my life.*

I suspect it happens to many in their 30s. Having spent my 20s focused on my career and 'getting settled' in life - my 30s approached and there I was. Right where I had planned to be and dreamed of being. I no longer struggled financially, in fact...my husband made the income of 2 people. I watched my dream home built from the ground up and enjoyed all of life's luxuries.

Settled at last! But at 31, I felt life was going to pass me up. Started with the commercials, grew like a cancer once I developed a taste for trashy reality tv. Being a late bloomer, I suddenly found myself watching Snooki passed out drunk on Jersey Shore and thought MAN WHAT A LIFE!

In a strange state, without family or friends to keep me grounded and with the assistance of a forever traveling guardian (husband) - a new person emerged.

I now preferred FOREVER 21 over Nordstroms. My nail polish became bolder. I started tanning and seeing an esthetician for various procedures...a snowball.*

Once cautious, I grew reckless. I found myself preferring marshmallows and pop tarts over my once sensible dinners. I never left the house after dark while the hubby was gone but suddenly unaccompanied trips to the 7-11 for a pack of bubblegum at 11pm were a common occurrence.

My hubby suggested I see someone and I went. I found her intrusive and grew angry at him. When he told my Dr I needed something, I got angry. For what? I wasn't sick.*

One night I accompanied my esthetician to his favorite club and that was the beginning of the end. On a Sunday night at the RoundUp Saloon, I drank Red Headed Slut shots and danced to Madonna's HOLIDAY surrounded by gay men. Alas, I was living the beer commercial.*

The following Friday night I sat at home watching tv with my hubby (the usual) - he laughed too loud at something I thought wasn't funny and life would never be the same.

He had started to talk about kids, I was 31 and had been married going in 5 years. Sounds reasonable...but in my fragile state I had only one thought. SHIT, I'M GOING TO BE JUST LIKE THE GIRLS ON TEEN MOM - one of my favorite shows at that time.


*I asked for the big D - the following day my custom ordered Hello Kitty Visa arrived in the mail and I remember thinking it a sign from above. I immediately went out and bought my first push-up bra, two in fact. As I walked to the car I remember feeling complete happiness and a deep sense of excitement. WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?!!!

I never had that feeling sitting home with the hubby on a Friday night.*

Fast forward:*
Right around the two year mark, divorced and in the process of selling my home - I sat hunched over the toilet bowl on a Sunday morning. I'll never drink ________???? again. But for the life of me, I couldn't remember what I had drank.*

Suddenly, my senses returned. I had regressed in life. It was as if I was living my life backwards, doing juvenile things later as opposed to when they were excusable. F&CK - what was I capable of next? Scary!

Would I make my debut on Girls Gone Wild at 33? COMPLETE HORROR.

Two years later, I'm still single. He's been in a relationship for 3 years. I watched their dogs this week while they went to a bed and breakfast. That should've been me. He seems funnier, smarter and more handsome than I remember. My biggest regret.

I no longer go out. I hate dancing, in fact....I never danced so happily as I did that one night. The irony: I hate Madonna, especially HOLIDAY! I shredded my hello kitty card. My push-up bras sit barely used. I still eat pop-tarts but why not? THERE'S NO ONE TO COOK FOR. I still shop at FOREVER 21 but now it's out if necessity. I'm 35 and childless - spinsterhood is on the horizon. Being on the cutting edge of style is a must....I only have a few more years before I throw in the towel and start a cat rescue. I suppose I'll have to subscribe to the Finger Hut catalog and invest in embroidered sweaters that showcase every possible season/holiday.*

Until then, I can't give up. I have to give it my all. My last shot at finding happiness.*

The good news, I know a lot more about myself. I'm more mature. Unfortunately in the process, I lost everything. For what? To do body rubs to supplement my income? To cringe at all my acquaintances having babies and families on Facebook?

I occasionally get that same feeling - I'll see the damn beer commercial and think "THE REST OF THE WORLD IS HAVING MORE FUN" ... now I'm smart enough to realize, it's me - not the situation.

I had the THIS IS BULLSHIT feeling then and now too. I constantly remind myself I could go out and live the beer commercial at any time. I could dance a million songs in a row and have a gang bang with the Chippendales - but I'm too old. It's too cold out and curling up in my flannel pjs with a book is where it's at.*

I'm the same person I always was. I just had a temporary *lapse in my thoughts that I let go too far. Now I permanently messed up everything.

THIS IS BULLSHIT....even Snooki settled down and had a baby.

In the words of Janis Joplin, I'D TRADE ALL OF MY TOMORROWS FOR ONE SINGLE YESTERDAY....that's where I want go be, exactly where I was at.

Sorry for the long post but at the very least, take heed. Get a good laugh at my expense. You're not alone
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Old 02-01-2013, 09:31 PM   #19
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The American Dream is exactly what you have

1. a Family (who looks forward to you coming home)
2. a Car (an imported one at that which means i am sure it is luxury and is the goal car of many)
3. a SON (emphasis on son lol alot of guy are mad their first born was a girl)
4. A Wife (you actually found a woman you can trust and wanted to be with forever)
5. a Job ((a good one at that i am sure i dont have to explain how grateful you should be to have that going for yourself)
6. a House (#1 goal of nearly everyone in America)

you are defintely ahead of the crowd.

I say with your SO find a baby sitter and hit the town with her, and if yout hink that will be boring invite another couple to double date with. Let her know yu want to have some fun and want to include her and remember why you love each other so much inthe first place.

The American Dream is not Hooking up with different women every week, Getting drunk every weekend, and it certainly doesnt include the hobby in any way lol

All you need to do is take a ride to the hood and see where partying and drinking being your main priority gets you.... LMAO *pun intended*

Ha but simply put, just think about how many people have it worse than you... That always cheers me up!
"it's not so bad look at so&so"
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Old 02-01-2013, 09:41 PM   #20
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You have at home what you will not find in the hobby. How can going home to your son be lonely? I agree with the above stated, maybe you need to step back and take a break from the hobby. Realize what is important in life, hobby is just for entertainment.
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Old 02-01-2013, 11:12 PM   #21
Jason Gideon
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Originally Posted by Shep3.0 View Post
I don't think you are lonely. Sounds like you got it all....bored and lacking excitement perhaps.

PM me meerschaum.....I am good friends w Jason Gideon, we will take you out one night! On me
Chin up sir!

As Shep mentioned, we are good buddies, PM him or me... We'll kick it one night: Shep style!
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Old 02-01-2013, 11:48 PM   #22
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oh please. go listen to a beyonce pre-recorded (live) version of the national anthem and get over it. ur sob story sucks
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Old 02-02-2013, 01:01 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Meerschaum View Post
I am a married dude with a young son at home and a decent office job. I have normal American sized amounts of debt, an imported car, live in a nice neighborhood. I have some friends from work that I can go have a beer with if the old lady can pick up the boy after work.

So here is the dilemma: I feel lonely as fuck. I am sitting here at work on Friday afternoon, I should be happy to go home to the wife and boy, have dinner and go to bed. I love the old lady, never want to lose her. The boy puts such a smile on my face. But here I am, thinking that Shep3.0 is going to be out at the club tonight with a bevy of hotties, and Jason Gideon is hitting it with some PSE spinner or other 'till the break of dawn, and I am like, what happened?

And I know I couldn't hang with those guys in the party department, and I guess the girls are just friendly until the money runs out. So I will try and make a lunch appointment with a hottie next week, try and make a connection next week, think I am part of some "hobby community" when I am really just a lonely whorehound who can only get girls to talk to him if he pays.

Anybody else feel like me?
I have a little boy too, like someone else said no one will ever put a smile on your face like he does. Now I don't always feel like going home either but it's because I like to fuckin party!!! (So think about MentC terrorizing shit tooo next time) And I even have a wife who is a pornstar at home! Seriously smokin hot and a bad mofo in bed! i do it for the adrenaline and low maintenance variety other than that idk why i do it, im so spoiled to good pussy and world classs fucking at home, the hobby sex is boring (i dont put any effort into it either)

But bro, if your like me you have spent a SHIT TON of money in this, but how many times have you walked away and thought "DAMN! That was money well spent, well worth the time!!!" Me...maybe 3 or 4 times. And I have hobbied probably 5 out of every 7 days for the last 4 months. Thats about a 3% satisifaction rate. How many times have you showed up at an IC or someone show at your OC and they really look as good as those pics on the profile???? Me, the same about 3 or 4. If you love your son, and love your WIFE as much as you say, I would suggest counseling...I know that sounds pussyish but if you are not willing to do that, then at least you know the problem is with you and it might be time to make some changes. I don't encourage that but thats what experts over the years in marital counseling have come to KNOW as fact. i never believed in PsYch/Counseling AT ALL in my life until i majored in it in college. I have more than one degree in it now and I promise you there are some things that even the biggest baddest, toughest, coldest mother fkrs can't handle mentally. Just my .04 cents.
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Old 02-02-2013, 01:05 AM   #24
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Dude..... As was said prior, many times we fall into a funk ..... I have friggen wonderful life and this hobby of our is just a pick-me-up, a diversion from the seemingly boring life that we lead.... Until I realize that my friggen hard work, sacrifice and delayed gratification was positioned my family into the preverbial 1% strata..... I always remember, in the words or Erma Bomback, "the grass is always greener over the septic tank "...Take joy in your stable and predictable life!
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Old 02-02-2013, 01:59 AM   #25
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Good thread.
But I think you should probably take Shep and Jason up on their offer.
Probably will have a great time and a ton of laughs.
Life is a roller-coaster with happy peaks and boring lows. You can't properly put it into perspective until you have ridden that thrill-seeking biatch till she makes you sick.
Like mentcondition said, it's a relatively small satisfaction rate.
My point is, since we always want what we can't have, the solution might be... to figure out how to not want it anymore.
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Old 02-02-2013, 03:07 AM   #26
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"Don't it always seem to go. That you don't know what you've got 'Til it's gone".

Want some advice? Stay on your side of the fence; the grass may look greener here, but it's not.
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Old 02-02-2013, 03:27 AM   #27
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Yeah, seems like you got that grass is greener thing going on.

The grass isn't greener brother, just different grass.

Sounds like you have a great family, take care of them
above all else.

Dang, if most of the people on this thread took their own
advice, hardly anyone would be here.
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Old 02-02-2013, 04:01 AM   #28
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Meerschaum, I'll trade with you sight unseen. I'm probably quite a bit older and I have a house with a pool and hot tub, two motorcycles and a boat all paid for. I'd give them all up in a heart beat for a wife and child that loved me.
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Old 02-02-2013, 06:17 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Tara Evans View Post
Plus 1 on that. Very sweet Pyramider too say and oh so true.
I thinck its obvious my handle was hijacked. Please post some taint.
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Old 02-02-2013, 01:07 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by misspriss View Post
First off, F&CK the beer commercials. That's how it starts ... "Rest of the world is having more fun than me" syndrome. Advice: TURN THE TV OFF!*

Happened to me and boy did I mess up my life.*

I suspect it happens to many in their 30s. Having spent my 20s focused on my career and 'getting settled' in life - my 30s approached and there I was. Right where I had planned to be and dreamed of being. I no longer struggled financially, in fact...my husband made the income of 2 people. I watched my dream home built from the ground up and enjoyed all of life's luxuries.

Settled at last! But at 31, I felt life was going to pass me up. Started with the commercials, grew like a cancer once I developed a taste for trashy reality tv. Being a late bloomer, I suddenly found myself watching Snooki passed out drunk on Jersey Shore and thought MAN WHAT A LIFE!

In a strange state, without family or friends to keep me grounded and with the assistance of a forever traveling guardian (husband) - a new person emerged.

I now preferred FOREVER 21 over Nordstroms. My nail polish became bolder. I started tanning and seeing an esthetician for various procedures...a snowball.*

Once cautious, I grew reckless. I found myself preferring marshmallows and pop tarts over my once sensible dinners. I never left the house after dark while the hubby was gone but suddenly unaccompanied trips to the 7-11 for a pack of bubblegum at 11pm were a common occurrence.

My hubby suggested I see someone and I went. I found her intrusive and grew angry at him. When he told my Dr I needed something, I got angry. For what? I wasn't sick.*

One night I accompanied my esthetician to his favorite club and that was the beginning of the end. On a Sunday night at the RoundUp Saloon, I drank Red Headed Slut shots and danced to Madonna's HOLIDAY surrounded by gay men. Alas, I was living the beer commercial.*

The following Friday night I sat at home watching tv with my hubby (the usual) - he laughed too loud at something I thought wasn't funny and life would never be the same.

He had started to talk about kids, I was 31 and had been married going in 5 years. Sounds reasonable...but in my fragile state I had only one thought. SHIT, I'M GOING TO BE JUST LIKE THE GIRLS ON TEEN MOM - one of my favorite shows at that time.


*I asked for the big D - the following day my custom ordered Hello Kitty Visa arrived in the mail and I remember thinking it a sign from above. I immediately went out and bought my first push-up bra, two in fact. As I walked to the car I remember feeling complete happiness and a deep sense of excitement. WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?!!!

I never had that feeling sitting home with the hubby on a Friday night.*

Fast forward:*
Right around the two year mark, divorced and in the process of selling my home - I sat hunched over the toilet bowl on a Sunday morning. I'll never drink ________???? again. But for the life of me, I couldn't remember what I had drank.*

Suddenly, my senses returned. I had regressed in life. It was as if I was living my life backwards, doing juvenile things later as opposed to when they were excusable. F&CK - what was I capable of next? Scary!

Would I make my debut on Girls Gone Wild at 33? COMPLETE HORROR.

Two years later, I'm still single. He's been in a relationship for 3 years. I watched their dogs this week while they went to a bed and breakfast. That should've been me. He seems funnier, smarter and more handsome than I remember. My biggest regret.

I no longer go out. I hate dancing, in fact....I never danced so happily as I did that one night. The irony: I hate Madonna, especially HOLIDAY! I shredded my hello kitty card. My push-up bras sit barely used. I still eat pop-tarts but why not? THERE'S NO ONE TO COOK FOR. I still shop at FOREVER 21 but now it's out if necessity. I'm 35 and childless - spinsterhood is on the horizon. Being on the cutting edge of style is a must....I only have a few more years before I throw in the towel and start a cat rescue. I suppose I'll have to subscribe to the Finger Hut catalog and invest in embroidered sweaters that showcase every possible season/holiday.*

Until then, I can't give up. I have to give it my all. My last shot at finding happiness.*

The good news, I know a lot more about myself. I'm more mature. Unfortunately in the process, I lost everything. For what? To do body rubs to supplement my income? To cringe at all my acquaintances having babies and families on Facebook?

I occasionally get that same feeling - I'll see the damn beer commercial and think "THE REST OF THE WORLD IS HAVING MORE FUN" ... now I'm smart enough to realize, it's me - not the situation.

I had the THIS IS BULLSHIT feeling then and now too. I constantly remind myself I could go out and live the beer commercial at any time. I could dance a million songs in a row and have a gang bang with the Chippendales - but I'm too old. It's too cold out and curling up in my flannel pjs with a book is where it's at.*

I'm the same person I always was. I just had a temporary *lapse in my thoughts that I let go too far. Now I permanently messed up everything.

THIS IS BULLSHIT....even Snooki settled down and had a baby.

In the words of Janis Joplin, I'D TRADE ALL OF MY TOMORROWS FOR ONE SINGLE YESTERDAY....that's where I want go be, exactly where I was at.

Sorry for the long post but at the very least, take heed. Get a good laugh at my expense. You're not alone
Best post I've ever read on ECCIE!! Thank you for the honesty, MissPriss. There seems to be a shortage of it here.

I don't have advice any advice for the OP other than the statement "the grass is always greener on the other side" is quite true. I live that single life....doing whatever I want, whenever I want. Its really great sometimes and can get lonely at other times. The life of a hobbyist is a shallow one...not meant to replace family and friends.

I'd imagine its hard to have a full life with a SO when secretive hobbying is part of life. I've never experienced it, but it seems like that life would lead to both loneliness and a feeling of being trapped. Tough place to be.
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