I was having a fine nap dreaming I was napping in Veronica Cleavage or was that AB legs errrr whatever both be good
errr anyways to keep the peace gee I can not believe I'm posting this
Edit Ignore List can also be found in my signature line and and in usercp
it will kill PM's and reading posts of unless I quote . PM's can also be forwarded to a mod I JUST SAYIN

wish I know less than I do
OK I'm going to log off, drive to work, park my truck. and see if I can nap(restart dream) till start time.

text and calls will be ignored till my break time.

what can I say
if ya can't find a local mod. hammer the RTM

found in every post
now as in my last post in litterbox upset ny thread something
please play nice till I get back

I like watching the ban drama
edit: errr sorry for the edit vern errr soryy Vern
ahhhhhhhhhh carry on