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Old 01-28-2013, 12:24 PM   #1
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Default Suggestion for the "requests and ISOs" forum

The "requests and ISOs" forum is out of control, and has been for a long time.

What does everyone think about adding a new "rule" that strictly prohibits berating any poster for their request as well as any off topic replies.

this would
-eliminate the public "stoning" and posturing by those who object.
-stop the useless, off topic, flirting and banter
-stop certain providers from replying to everything, even when they clearly do not qualify for what the OP requested.

Once you accomplish the above, the "requests and ISOs" forum might actually prove useful for the purpose for which it was intended.
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:10 PM   #2
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Well, I think it would certainly help if the hobbyists posted what they were looking for in the requests and ISOs thread. I know many hobbyists are pretty vague on what they are looking for in hopes of getting more responses.

For example, Maybe hobbyists could fill out something like this:

Body Type:
Age Range:
Preferred Activities:

(And also whether or not they are newbie friendly)

Also, it would help providers not post/spam the ISOs forums if they saw that the hobbyists did not list their body type, race, and age range in their list.
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:28 PM   #3
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I was going to berate you guys for bringing this up again, but instead, "Thanks!". Good effing luck keeping the most random off-topice forum on this board on track.

Even when gents ARE specific somebody's fan club or a provider who can't read start posting anyway. You could ask for a 23 year old short purple haired one-legged blind woman with three boobs and somebody would chime in about how great prover X is. Or a provide running a BNG special in a different county.

Like I said, good luck!
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:41 PM   #4
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So who deciedes if a lady meets the often vague requirments of a poster? Is it abused by some ladies? Sure but I know I would not want to be the one saying who can reply or not.

Who decides if a BP info request is legit or someone effectively posting an ad for her?

Some ladies reply to every ISO, not just for the OP but to get their names out there hoping that someone will click on them and they get a booking even if its not the OP. I guess it works becasue they keep doing it.

ISO is indeed often not used as intended. You have the option to just ignore the usless postings. I do
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by yourself View Post
The "requests and ISOs" forum is out of control, and has been for a long time.

What does everyone think about adding a new "rule" that strictly prohibits berating any poster for their request as well as any off topic replies.

this would
-eliminate the public "stoning" and posturing by those who object.
-stop the useless, off topic, flirting and banter
-stop certain providers from replying to everything, even when they clearly do not qualify for what the OP requested.

Once you accomplish the above, the "requests and ISOs" forum might actually prove useful for the purpose for which it was intended.
Why make the rules that complex? Wanna save ISO? Make the whole thing a "one and done" post forum. The poster gets his post, thread is immediately locked. Responses are via PM only. This would stop the BS advertising, the bashing of topics people don't like, and keep the info fresh.

My opinion (not that of the board) is that ISO should be for HARD TO FIND things. You should post on ISO after your own research has failed. The lazy fuckers that go in there looking for specials, or services that they could simply SEARCH for, but are too lazy to do their own research, make me roll my eyes. That is what has made it a worthless forum for me, at least.
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:57 PM   #6
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But Duke, then we lose the entertainment factor!
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:57 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post
Why make the rules that complex? Wanna save ISO? Make the whole thing a "one and done" post forum. The poster gets his post, thread is immediately locked. Responses are via PM only. This would stop the BS advertising, the bashing of topics people don't like, and keep the info fresh.
+1 I actually like this idea.
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:58 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post
Why make the rules that complex? Wanna save ISO? Make the whole thing a "one and done" post forum. The poster gets his post, thread is immediately locked. Responses are via PM only. This would stop the BS advertising, the bashing of topics people don't like, and keep the info fresh.
That combined with a daily ad forum for the ladies who want to get the word out that they are available would be a great idea.
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Old 01-28-2013, 02:26 PM   #9
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Brilliant idea duke.
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Old 01-28-2013, 03:15 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post
Why make the rules that complex? Wanna save ISO? Make the whole thing a "one and done" post forum. The poster gets his post, thread is immediately locked. Responses are via PM only. This would stop the BS advertising, the bashing of topics people don't like, and keep the info fresh.

My opinion (not that of the board) is that ISO should be for HARD TO FIND things. You should post on ISO after your own research has failed. The lazy fuckers that go in there looking for specials, or services that they could simply SEARCH for, but are too lazy to do their own research, make me roll my eyes. That is what has made it a worthless forum for me, at least.
i allways thought that this demotion from duke to count was an injustice. brilliant idea.
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Old 01-28-2013, 03:44 PM   #11
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Serius answer to Dukes idea. Many times, 1 guy may post a ISO but its read and the results are used by many others. It often may bring to light a provider who may not have been noticed by many hobbiests. I know its annoying but making changes often brings about results not anticipated.
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Old 01-28-2013, 05:18 PM   #12
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So true OBSG!

If the thread is closed, it prevents other hobbyist who may want the same thing from knowing what providers partake in a given activity.

Every time I do an ISO for greek I get replies from a new provider that previously I didn't knew did greek.

Closing the thread, does not stop the OP from getting multiple pms from those same providers.

How will that thread share info, anything sent by pm is private.

I think that a little policing of the thread will go a long way.

I would vote to leave it as is, with a watchdog for potential abusers IMHO
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Old 01-28-2013, 05:59 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Duke of G View Post
Why make the rules that complex? Wanna save ISO? Make the whole thing a "one and done" post forum. The poster gets his post, thread is immediately locked. Responses are via PM only. This would stop the BS advertising, the bashing of topics people don't like, and keep the info fresh..
Sounds great Duke, but what about the other men looking for the same thing? I guess they could always post their own ISO thread..
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Old 01-28-2013, 08:34 PM   #14
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Remember what the last to letters of ECCIE stand for. Information Exchange. Anything that curtails that has to be considered very carefully. Not allowing public responses to ISO posting woudl reduce the exchange of information.

If a guy posts he want a 5'2" blonde that does greek and tall redheads rely they do greek may be annoying but it IS conveying information. Someone else may be interested in tall redheads doing greek but have not bothered to post an ISO.
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Old 01-29-2013, 08:45 AM   #15
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While public responses can help, if it's important enough to post an ISO for, why can't each member post their own?

I believe the number of times a public replies "bring to light a provider who may not have been noticed by many hobbiests." is FAR FAR less than the bullshit advertising that ladies attempt while replying to EVERY ISO out there.

OBSG, I bet for every ONE post where a public response added value to an ISO, I can find FIVE that are stupid-ass shit like "PM sent honey!" Um...what the fuck dos that tell anyone? If the ISO was indeed for something hard to find, the maybe that's an indicator that the lady can provide that service. But 9 out 10, the ISO is some lazy dude who can't be bothered to search, looking for a BNG for $40 on a particular time and date, within a particular geographic zone. How does bumping that post and reading "PICK ME!" responses help share information?

It's not a perfect solution. But I would find it a damn sight better than the tripe we have in there now. Just my take on it.

For now...I have to head over there and see how many hijacks and ads are taking place today. (luiz..the count was not a demotion...he's a result of the number of posts that need moderation in ISO)
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