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Old 01-20-2013, 09:51 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
The UAW got a bailout, not the auto industry. Obama stole billions from private investors who held GM corporate bonds. They would have had first lien status in a bankruptcy that proceeded according to federal law; Obama took that away.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!! You're F&*^%^$in' insane.

Who do you think the F'\*in' UAW is? It's your countrymen and neighbors. If GM and Chrysler had not gotten their loans guaranteed by the government and had gone out of business, most of their suppliers would have gone with them and then Ford and there would have been another million or two workers on long term unemployment, losing their homes and likely using foodstamps increasing the deficit and trade deficit and screwing the tax payers. The bond holders would have gotten pennies on the dollar as well as the stock holders and the workers nothing. It would have been a terrible disaster.
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Old 01-20-2013, 10:56 PM   #32
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Obama stole millions.

ANOTHER FUCKING LIE! Delusional again.
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Old 01-21-2013, 12:03 AM   #33
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My bad, you said BILLIONS.

Do you have any idea how crazy you sound? we've got a gaggle of crazies in here who can't get any love on the crazy boards. none of them hobby. None of them likely leave their basements, but spend all day and all night spreading lies, pretty much exclusively about the President of the United States.

Fucking loonies.
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Old 01-21-2013, 01:00 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by seedman55 View Post
And those jeeps made in china won't be worth a rats ass. Fucking stuff they make over there doesn't last, and is sub standard. If it is made in china I won't fucking buy it.
Yeah thats how they pronounce Jeep too, "Cheap". Hey you wanna buy a Cheap, lol.
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Old 01-21-2013, 02:59 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Classic lefty deflection;

The PolitiFact "Lie of the Year" award was to a Romney ad which NEVER mentioned "all production"................... .

The Romney ad was factually correct and PolitiFact was wrong !

He is quoted as saying that. The article explains when and where he said "all". You are wrong again. Deflection? No, just another out and out lie by what is now the least credible source on this board.
Tell me. What date did 9/11/2001 happen on? You posted that it happened on 9/11/2000.

Yeah, sure. We can believe you.
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Old 01-21-2013, 03:28 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post
I think I am the better judge of my political orientation Whirly.

Yes, Politifact pretends to be a fact check site with the same level of credibility that factcheck.org possesses.

However, there is no getting around the fact that the Romney ad was engineered to give the viewer the impression that Fiat would begin production of Jeeps in China, at the expense of American jobs. They didn't HAVE to say it in so many words. The entire point of the ad was to leave the viewer with the impression that Obama set a chain of events in motion that cost American job, while Romney is going to "fight for every American job". If the viewer is not convinced that American jobs are about to be lost to China, then the entire ad becomes meaningless.

The problem though is that this simply is not the case, and Romney knew it. Fiat intended to begin production of Jeeps in China that were to be sold TO China. Much the same way that Toyota manufactures cars HERE, to be sold HERE. It is much cheaper to assemble a car in the country where it is to be sold rather than pay the cost of shipping and import duties. The article you linked spells this out very clearly. Like CJ, you posted what you did not read or understand.

This is the sort of political subterfuge that I find repugnant, and fully expect to come from Democrats. Politifact should have jumped up and down on Obama's ad claiming that Romney was responsible for a worker's wife dying of cancer after he lost his job when Bain Capitol took over. Now THAT was a blatant lie and beyond despicable. Yet, coming from Obama, it is hardly shocking. However I expected better from Romney. The difference between you and I is that I hold the leaders I respect to a higher standard, not a lower one. I don't let my political leanings get in the way of the facts. When someone is wrong, I say they are wrong regardless of whether they have an R or a D after their name.
Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
The UAW got a bailout, not the auto industry. Obama stole billions from private investors who held GM corporate bonds. They would have had first lien status in a bankruptcy that proceeded according to federal law; Obama took that away.

Obama did a "managed bankruptcy" that gave partial ownership to the UAW; a little like forcing a woman to marry the man who raped her. The UAW caused GM's bankruptcy in the first place by bargaining for absurdly generous benefits. GM is a zombie company; without tax payer money, it will collapse. Obama did not allow for aggressive renegotiations of UAW contracts that would have allowed GM to emerge from bankruptcy with the possibility of actually being a profitable company, not requiring billions from tax payers.

Forbes magazine says GM is headed for a second bankruptcy.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Classic lefty deflection;

The PolitiFact "Lie of the Year" award was to a Romney ad which NEVER mentioned "all production"................... .

The Romney ad was factually correct and PolitiFact was wrong !

Originally Posted by thisguy23 View Post
The lie of the year is that your health Ins is going to get cheaper. I dont need to look any facts up, all I have to do is look at my bill. 28% increase last year.

Noboma doesn't care about guns, jobs, health ins, or any of that. All he cares about is getting the 47% changed to 55%, when that happens he will have achieved his total transformation of the USA..
Funny how no one ever shows a truly credible source taking on politifact directly. Naming them by name and calling them out. Oh, that's right. Politifact makes retractions and admits when it's wrong or incorrect. Admits it is wrong and corrects it's errors.

Kind of the exact opposite of whirly.

All any of you ever show to refute what they publish are bloggers opinions or your own uninformed opinions.
Of course I could be wrong. I will gladly correct the statement I just made. You know, the one that calls you stupid at best or bald face liars at worst. If you can just show one, one single proven example, of a mistake they didn't correct, I will retract my statement.

Don't hesitate to let me know.

It's great knowing y'all will bitch, gripe, and cry out for your mommies but you won't earn a retraction
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Old 01-21-2013, 07:52 AM   #37
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PolitiFact named the Romney AD as being the "Lie of the Year"....

We've proven that the Ad was NOT a lie; but the truth, Jeep is planning on manufacutiring in China !
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Old 01-21-2013, 08:21 AM   #38
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Only in your warped little mind.
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Old 01-21-2013, 09:44 AM   #39
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What in the ad is the lie?

It is factually correct; you impute a lie to the ad.

Fact it, Politifact lied when they said Romney lied in the ad.
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Old 01-21-2013, 09:56 AM   #40
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It's like little Johnny in the headmaster's study with the broken window.

No sir, I didn't kick the ball and break your window, it was Charles Gibson, I kicked it and it grazed his leg and that made it go straight at your window. So Charles is the culprit.


Bend over and take this - whack x 6.

And take this for lying - whack x 6.

And take this for deviation - whack x 6.

And take this for trying to blame Gibson - whack x 12.
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Old 01-21-2013, 09:58 AM   #41
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Not at all like your very lame broken window comparison...............

Politifact lied about the Romney ad; Romney's ad was true and factually correct.
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Old 01-21-2013, 10:01 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by austxjr View Post
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!! You're F&*^%^$in' insane.

Who do you think the F'\*in' UAW is? It's your countrymen and neighbors. If GM and Chrysler had not gotten their loans guaranteed by the government and had gone out of business, most of their suppliers would have gone with them and then Ford and there would have been another million or two workers on long term unemployment, losing their homes and likely using foodstamps increasing the deficit and trade deficit and screwing the tax payers. The bond holders would have gotten pennies on the dollar as well as the stock holders and the workers nothing. It would have been a terrible disaster.
Bankruptcy doesn't mean going of business. Romney's plan for GM and Chrysler was the superior plan. His plan was to have the federal government guarantee GM and Chrysler's debt and to also require them to renegotiate the union contracts so that they could be profitable in the future and not require endless tax payer bailouts. Obama didn't have to give partial ownership to the UAW and screw the private investors in order to save GM and Chrysler.

Here's Romney's alternative plan. You should read it. You might learn something.

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Old 01-21-2013, 10:09 AM   #43
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And Obama designed his bailout scheme to screw the non-union members of Delphi out of their pensions. Delphi was an auto parts supplier that was part of the Obama bailout package; Obama favored the UAW unionized workers - protecting their pensions and screwing the non unionized employees.

Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Bankruptcy doesn't mean going of business. Romney's plan for GM and Chrysler was the superior plan. His plan was to have the federal government guarantee GM and Chrysler's debt and to also require them to renegotiate the union contracts so that they could be profitable in the future and not require endless tax payer bailouts. Obama didn't have to give partial ownership to the UAW and screw the private investors in order to save GM and Chrysler.

Here's Romney's alternative plan. You should read it. You might learn something.

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Old 01-21-2013, 10:16 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Bankruptcy doesn't mean going of business. Romney's plan for GM and Chrysler was the superior plan. His plan was to have the federal government guarantee GM and Chrysler's debt and to also require them to renegotiate the union contracts so that they could be profitable in the future and not require endless tax payer bailouts. Obama didn't have to give partial ownership to the UAW and screw the private investors in order to save GM and Chrysler.

Here's Romney's alternative plan. You should read it. You might learn something.


C'mon, JB, you know they will never admit that bankruptcy was the better alternative?? It doesn't fit with O'Blunders narrative. Those mean old rich investors that fund the company didn't deserve to keep their money, the union needed it to fund O'Blunders re-election!!??!!
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Old 01-21-2013, 10:22 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Not at all like your very lame broken window comparison...............

Politifact lied about the Romney ad; Romney's ad was true and factually correct.
The analogy is close. He was not lame.

Charles' 'foot' is the word 'all'.

The ad may have been true, Johnny's statement was factually true, but Johnny (and Romney) are still shits.

You repubs cling to your view of facts like flies to dog shit. No, it is not dog shit, it is a canine gift offering,

You are anal retards, who think the use or omission of the word 'all' in the ad changes anything.
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