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Old 01-20-2013, 08:35 PM   #1
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Default Definitly not like it used to be

OK, I have been out of the hobby for several years. My choice, My kids com before me. Now, they are gone. I am back to what I enjoy.

Now, when I say not like they used to be. I mean, back before everyone had a cell phone. And the internet was just starting to gain favor. There was hardley ever a NCNS from a provider. You pretty much had to know where to go and there was a lot of word of mouth.

Now, returning to the hobby after all these years. Is kinda funny. Even tho I am not a newbie to the hobby. Since Everyone I knew then, are long gone now. So, in essence I am a newbie again. Gee, I hope that makes sence. Yes I know I need to get P411 verified and get some ref's and write some reviews.

Anyway, I am not going to mention any provider names here. This is just between me and them. Because sometimes. Crap happens. They know who they are. And thats all that matters.

So, I have contact with one provider. Emails are exchanged over a week or so. I had the flu at the time and was really not feeling well. Thats why the emails were exchanged for that period of time. The time come to meet, guess what. Yep, your right, NCNS.

OK, I can live with that, maybe she changed her mind, got nervous of the newbie. Who knows.
I just wanted to know why.

Now, we come to a provider that was touring my area. Pictures are good. She looks hotter than hot. The perfect spinner. Good reviews. So, I say to myself, what the hell, everybody starts somewhere. Give it a shot.

She gives me a shot at passing her screening. Which I might add was not that bad, if you are serious about seeing someone. Even for a guy with no ref's. Just very time consuming.
I even told her about the NCNS and gave her that providers name.

Shortly after the process began, I get messages from the first NCNS. Suddenly, She has an excuse. Hmmm. Would now like to see me. This after no response at all over why.

Well, I declined at this time, lets see what happens with the screening I thought.

Well, I came to a point during the screening that, I figured it had been long enough so, I sent her an email, no hard feelings I understood. I will get my ducks in a row and be ready, the next time she tours this area. And politely withdrew my request. With absolutely no harm no foul. After all I was not expexting any of this to be easy.

Then I get a return email. I passed her screening and If I still wanted to meet. It was fine. We decided on a time. (Incall) Through texting. The time came. I went to where I was supposed to be. Got there on time. Sent a text for the room number. 5 minutes go by, no response. 10 minutes no response. Send another text. now 20 minutes go by, still no respose. One more try. No response. After 30 minutes. I give up.

Sent her a text saying so. I was heading home just not ment to be. I get half way home and the I am so sorrys begin.

Well, I am sorry, but there just isn't any excuse other than jail or the hospital for not making you appointments. JMO

Yep. Not like it used to be.

So, if any ladies in my are are up to screening me. Let me know. If I like what I see. I might take you up on it. Must be GFE. In the meantime. I will put my efforts into getting verified on P411. And getting some references from providers that actually want to earn a living, and not jerk some "newbies" chain.
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Old 01-20-2013, 08:54 PM   #2
London Rayne
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I see no reason why your former providers would not vouch for you again now, so you can start hobbying again. Have you none to get in touch with who are still active? It sounds like the recent chain of cancelations is probably due to them getting spooked at the last minute. Maybe they discovered something about the info you gave them that just did not sit right, or maybe you're on some BL site that you don't know about.

I am not newbie friendly without full name and employment, but some providers are. I don't do the whole 'let us meet for coffee" because if you're LE, I am busted right when I show up for intent. Too many assume you have to have sex and discuss money to be hauled off to jail..so, not the case lol. Just be careful, because women so eager for dollars, usually have their reasons for being as such. A dollar is not worth my career or my life.
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Old 01-20-2013, 09:21 PM   #3
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The ony ones I had seen have long since, gone thier own way. I have no idea where they went. jail, retired, ran away, I don't know. It will turn around eventually. If, I am black listed someplace, Thats funny. I have not been around for so long. If, thats the case. Oh well. I have lived this long without hobbing. I am not going to loose any sleep over some bullshit some where, which I can not control.

Please keep in mind, I am not really upset. More like Story of my life lately. lol

I just posted this to vent a lil frustration, on my part.
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Old 01-20-2013, 09:43 PM   #4
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Well, I don't know anyone in your area babe, so maybe post on the OKC board and see if you get any of those famous 'Pick Me" replies lol.
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Old 01-20-2013, 10:01 PM   #5
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Maybe, just maybe. It's because I used my real picture for my avatar. LMAO
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Old 01-20-2013, 11:05 PM   #6
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London is right, you need to post in OKC not National.
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Old 01-20-2013, 11:54 PM   #7
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No, its not what it used to be. Ladies don't seem to be very reference friendly or only take them from certain ladies in the state AR. Then you have the ladies gossiping about other ladies and sometimes other hobbyist they see. Then you have all the drama that goes along with ladies competing for business.
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Old 01-21-2013, 01:09 AM   #8
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But shorty, the Ar ladies are so fine that we can all survive a few not getting along.
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Old 01-21-2013, 01:18 AM   #9
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But, keep in mind some providers only use recent refs. Good luck hun!
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Old 01-21-2013, 01:25 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by TheSearcher View Post
Well, I am sorry, but there just isn't any excuse other than jail or the hospital for not making you appointments. JMO
Its pretty likely she got another appointment and she was squeezing both of you in around the same time. You showed up second. Double booking is pretty common for several reasons. Cash flow and guys pulling NCNS being two big ones. Its poor customer service for sure, but that is not always a real high priority for some ladies.
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Old 01-21-2013, 04:38 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by shorty View Post
No, its not what it used to be. Ladies don't seem to be very reference friendly or only take them from certain ladies in the state AR. Then you have the ladies gossiping about other ladies and sometimes other hobbyist they see. Then you have all the drama that goes along with ladies competing for business.

The drama has always been around and will always be around.

Shorty, ladies tend to not be reference friendly when the fucktard tries to use strippers, street walkers, and providers that are not a SHMB. Also, why would they accept references from providers they know that do not screen or engage in dangerous activities. Or maybe they cannot accept references because the provider will not reply to requests. Those are just some of the reasons providers do not accept references.

TheSearcher, getting butt sore after a couple of NCNS is nothing but experience. You might start by looking at the ladies you are contacting.
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Old 01-21-2013, 09:30 PM   #12
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Suggest you contact Sexci Belle in OK. She's a true sweetheart, and a member of ECCIE. Easy to schedule and a delight to be with. I saw her in ABQ last August. Am anxiously awaiting her return to the Land of Enchantment.:-)
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Old 01-21-2013, 10:18 PM   #13
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Google OKC Stings and you will see quite a bit of activity.

Be careful and ladies may very well be getting spooked with a newbie with no references if you take a look at this.....
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