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Old 12-26-2012, 03:00 PM   #76
i'va biggen
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Guess the time off didn't help you.The bushmaster was inside,you blew it again.Even had a pic of the policeman carrying it out. Only gun show loophole is the people who are not dealers do not have to fill out any paperwork on the sale.(background checks)
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Old 12-26-2012, 11:02 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
You really don't have to go that far. Mexico is closer.
Yes, there is a lt of gun violence in Mexico. But at leat in my experience, it's nt like the countries I've mentioned where EVERYBODY has guns. I think in Mexico, it's only the cartels, the police, and the wealthy. In Iraq and Afghanistan, every guy in every hovel has a Kalishnakov. In Sudan, even children carry automatic weapons.
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Old 12-27-2012, 12:37 AM   #78
JD Barleycorn
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I go by what the media tells me and if they get it wrong... A photo of a policewoman carrying a weapon is hardly proof. I did some quick research and have found it to be inconclusive about what weapons were used. Some left wing outlets have put the rifle in the classroom but I have found sources like CBS that will only do so far to say that investigators "believe" the rifle was used to kill children. Believe? What an odd word when you have a coroners report. I would think they would KNOW.

I'll admit that you got the gunshow loophole right but is it really as pervasive as the media wants us to believe? Having been to several gun shows must weapons are sold by vendors. They bought a table and they have a license to sell weapons. They do background checks for all weapons that they sell. No loophole there. As to private individuals; consider that a private individual has every right to sell anything they possess including guns. The only thing that comes into play is where they are selling. Go to a gun show. You will see a few individuals with a rifle over their shoulder. The will be a sign or something saying the weapon is for sale and a price. The transaction can be carried out quickly between two individuals and usually in cash. There is no law requiring a transfer of ownership but it is a smart idea since you don't want a knock at 2 AM because your ex gun was found at a crime scene two years later but there is no requirement. Most gun owners do not want to sell a gun to a criminal and I don't think I've seen an obvious gang banger at a gun show. The police out front checking weapons would probably be pretty suspicious. Side note: there is no such thing as registration for guns. What you fill out is a transfer of ownership (FF 4473). It is only supposed to be kept on file for six months by law but Janet Napolitano has said that they never throw them away under her watch. A careful person would took a buyer to a licensed gun dealer, pay about $15, and have the buyer fill out a 4473 to be sent to the BATF. The gun show loop hole is mostly myth. The same person selling a weapon inside will sometimes be seen outside trying to sell the weapon without paying the fee to get inside. That same person could make the sale at a barber shop, after church, or outside work but the "barbershop loophole" wouldn't sound the same
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Old 12-27-2012, 07:23 AM   #79
i'va biggen
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A private individual can by tables at a gun show same as a dealer.A person I know has gone to shows in Mo,Okl Ks Ark. has bought several tables sold guns with no background check.gun shows I have attended never had police outside.Have had someone at the door checking the firearms to see if they are unloaded and have a wire wrap through it so it can't be loaded and fired quickly..
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Old 12-27-2012, 10:12 AM   #80
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If registration is the first step toward confiscation, then why do so many liberty loving conservative support voter ID and mandatory ultrasound?
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Old 12-27-2012, 02:56 PM   #81
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
A private individual can by tables at a gun show same as a dealer.A person I know has gone to shows in Mo,Okl Ks Ark. has bought several tables sold guns with no background check.gun shows I have attended never had police outside.Have had someone at the door checking the firearms to see if they are unloaded and have a wire wrap through it so it can't be loaded and fired quickly..
And if that same guy was selling the same gun out of his garage he doesn't run a back ground check either.

The federal laws pertaining to purchasing a firearm at a gun show are exactly the same at a gun show as they are anywhere else in this country. When a private individual sells a firearm to another private individual there is no requirement for a background check. When a licensed firearms dealer sells a gun to an individual a background check must be performed before the weapon is transferred. When a private individual at a gun show sells a firearm to another private individual there is no requirement for a background check. When a licensed firearms dealer at a gun show sells a gun to an individual a background check must be performed before the weapon is transferred. The operation of law is EXACTLY the same at a gun show as it is anywhere else.

The venue of the sale is irrelevant. There is NO "gunshow loophole"
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Old 12-27-2012, 03:09 PM   #82
i'va biggen
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And what did you say different than what I said? the loophole at a gun show would limit it only to dealers.If a individual sells it will be a private sale.
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Old 12-27-2012, 03:59 PM   #83
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Nothing, this "loophole" thing is a red herring. I was reinforcing your thoughts.
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Old 12-27-2012, 04:06 PM   #84
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I have one AR-15, that is unregistered, and an AK-47 that is unregistered in my collection.....
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Old 12-27-2012, 07:22 PM   #85
i'va biggen
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Hell one fool gave $6000. for one the other day.
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Old 12-27-2012, 09:37 PM   #86
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I feel safer already...
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Old 12-28-2012, 05:07 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I feel safer already...
So Yssup went out and bought a gun, I knew if we kept
at him long enough he would come over to the right side.

Yssup with his new gun>>>
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Old 12-28-2012, 05:43 AM   #88
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I am a pro gun person. But after getting some facts here locally I do find it disturbing that people can go to a gun show and can buy just about anything without a background check. With great powerful guns comes great responsibility. CT has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, I have not heard anything about the process or lack of process, that allowed the gunman to have access to these weapons. I know they were his mom's. I also know you can ask any police officer, and if you have the means you can buy just about anything.

Unfortunately in this day and time the unthinkable has occurred more frequently then it should. Some mentally ill person gets a gun, and kills the innocent, and the innocence. To just think for a moment a child that is trusting, happy go lucky, curious, and presumably out of harms way, gets gunned down in front of his friends....is sickening. Killing himself was a cowards way out. I can assure you he deserved to deal with pain, he needed to face and look at those parents eye to eye. He needed to be in a 8x8 cell by himself, alone, to replay that horror film over and over until the last breath left his body.

I was disappointed in the NRA and their delivery. But, the message is spot on. Our kids deserve to be protected. I really like the idea that we take these folks coming back home and needing jobs from the military. Who better to protect our kids than our own.
It's a shame that it has come to this, but better to be armed and ready than dealing with the aftermath.
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Old 12-28-2012, 08:07 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
I think in Mexico, it's only the cartels, the police, and the wealthy.

San Blas for years was the "import port" for Chinese weapons into the interior.

The Western mountain people ...
.... are better armed than the military. You don't see them, because it requires "off the road" travel. Some of them (actually many of them) have never been in or on a motor vehicle. The military stays away from those areas.

For the same reason Pemex for years had difficulty working the region near the Southern border. The military was useless against the locals.
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Old 12-28-2012, 08:27 AM   #90
i'va biggen
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Is that what you want for Texas? Where no one else comes into the state.Private or government.
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