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Old 12-28-2012, 12:40 AM   #136
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Originally Posted by Jemma Martin View Post
Well honey tattoos are trashy and ugly and no I won't get one ever. I'm old fashioned and I'm very religious so back off. I'm unique and my body is staying pure! Thank you!!!
So you are an old fashioned, very religious and pure prostitute? That is interesting.
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Old 12-28-2012, 01:00 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC View Post
So you are an old fashioned, very religious and pure prostitute? That is interesting.

Side note DAMN Katie!!!!!!! Sexy as hell!!!! Love your tats too!
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Old 12-28-2012, 01:25 AM   #138
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I didn't read a few pages before when that point was brought up. I am sure her parents think that only. Most people who have to say "I am a good christian" aren't.
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Old 12-28-2012, 01:26 AM   #139
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and you are a sex machine too!
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Old 12-28-2012, 02:30 AM   #140
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Pretty amusing how many people Cassandra has attacked that didn’t agree with her. (Or were you just being sarcastic as you said earlier?) On another note, she has shamelessly turned most of this thread into groveling for a session. Of course, that doesn’t seem to be working for her either, as she seems to have plenty of spare time to devote to this thread. Perhaps all the none tattooed chicks are staying busy while Cassandra grovels for work.
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Old 12-28-2012, 02:52 AM   #141
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This is my thread so why wouldnt I tend to it. After all I did start it for my own purposes.
Sweetie there is a HUGE difference between attacking, and making people understand my point of view. Those who didnt agree with me werent even talking about the topic at hand. We get the fact that you dont like chicks with tats, I get the fact you dont like me.
Please kind sir get off my thread so I can continue to grovel for work LOL.....
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Old 12-28-2012, 07:05 AM   #142
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Default you sure are welcome!

Posted my "add" and now going to get my first tat!.....NOT. Your rude remarks do not phase me, hon. Earlier in this thread you will see that I even complimented you on your piercings. That was fine but, since tats aren't my thing, and I state that, you had to be rude...SMH
It is quite funny to see the number of people you take shots at simply because they do not share your views and decided to express their opinion on your thread (which obviously, went south very quickly).
If you cannot be at least tolerant of others views or opinions then why start a thread at all on a forum where people are encouraged to express their views??! Ah, it's pointless anyway, & I don't preach. They say ignorance is bliss, so stay blissful in your ignorance, hon. Am done here...

Originally Posted by SexyCassandra View Post
Thanks for letting me know.
Originally Posted by SexyCassandra View Post
Chill babe I dont need to reread my own thread these are thoughts and questions for the guys that write reviews.
Sorry if you feel I am defensive, but I assure you thats not the case. I could care less about how many chicks dont like and wont get tats.

Lets stay on topic....Or you could always go and post an add.
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Old 12-28-2012, 08:08 AM   #143
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very interesting topic. I like variety, and some days I have a desire for a girl next door type, and some days I want a inked up down and dirty bad girl. I love this board, and the hobby for the choices we all have. I dont usually see ladies that are smaller than a medium build, but I have been thinking about a couple on the board, only because of all the ink. I have seen the midget here in Houston (she has tats), and a provider that was 6'7" in vegas (no tats). I enjoyed both, and would and will see everything in between. SC you look hot, and your ink, and hair are unique to you. If BA had the same hair and tats that you have it wouldnt work as well for her. The variety in this hobby is a gift to us all. It is what I enjoy most, the freedom to see what ever provider I want, and that they all are different.
What I dont understand, is why some of the men and ladies on the board take every opportunity to bash, and to be hateful for a difference of opinion on what "sexy" is. I usually dont like spinners, as stated above, however, I will never have a need to call out the ladies that are thin, or the guys who see them. I dont see any profit in it.
Sorry to get on a soap box SC.

Back on topic, it depends on the mood that day.
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Old 12-28-2012, 01:31 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by SexyCassandra View Post
50 and sexy as EVER!!!!
Ha, thanks mamacita!
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Old 12-28-2012, 02:16 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by Sofia Simms View Post
Posted my "add" and now going to get my first tat!.....NOT. Your rude remarks do not phase me, hon. Earlier in this thread you will see that I even complimented you on your piercings. That was fine but, since tats aren't my thing, and I state that, you had to be rude...SMH
It is quite funny to see the number of people you take shots at simply because they do not share your views and decided to express their opinion on your thread (which obviously, went south very quickly).
If you cannot be at least tolerant of others views or opinions then why start a thread at all on a forum where people are encouraged to express their views??! Ah, it's pointless anyway, & I don't preach. They say ignorance is bliss, so stay blissful in your ignorance, hon. Am done here...

Who was I rude to? You, and Ms Jemma Martin? I don't think it was being rude at all. That was simply my attempt to keep my thread on topic.
There were lots of gentlemen on this thread that don't like chicks with tats and find them unattractive and shared their opinion on why they find them distracting.
I wasn't rude to them b/c that's what this thread is about. I have appreciation for all opinions even if they don't all agree with me. You two were just talking about yourselves and waaay off topic sweetie. (Not wanting to get a tattoo is not what I am taking about)
Ignorance??? Honey your are ignorant for thinking I am ignorant, I am far from it actually.
Bottom line if you find my thread ignorant and my opinionated mind to be rude, you dont have to click my thread and you definitely dont have to post here.
BTW did you mention that beach body of yours in your "ADD" like you did on my thread lol? If you did hopefully you will to busy to respond.

(Why do MEN find tattoos on a beautiful woman distracting when you are simply there to Fuck?)
Just in case people needed to be reminded what this thread is about.
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Old 12-28-2012, 02:43 PM   #146
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We are visual creatures.
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Old 12-28-2012, 03:01 PM   #147
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Originally Posted by SexyCassandra View Post
Why do MEN find tattoos on a beautiful woman distracting when you are simply there to Fuck?
This is the saddest part of this thread.

First of all, you're a very attractive woman, IMHO a body style I really have been attracted to, with tats. I guess being an older guy (was fat years ago, between fat and pudgy now and I wear glasses....LOL) I look at things far different than a woman of your age does. Where you post about being someone simply there to fuck, I see differently. I see a woman who may have children who love her, parents and family to love her, so it makes me sad to see you post what I quoted. A lot of guys don't see you simply as one to pay, fuck, and leave, be we see you as a whole person. In the future you will try to sum up your life, and your life can't be summed up as 'Cassandra' any more than I can be summed up as 'Dear John'. There is so much more to you than being 'Cassandra'.

As far as the tats go, I personally feel the neck one detracts from your outer beauty, but the others are OK. None of us will ever know about your inner beauty, which at the end of the day is very important.

Surcher brought up a good point, how will you feel about them 30 years from now.

If you're looking for a bottom line about whether the tats would keep me from seeing you, then the answer would be no, they wouldn't. I had an ATF a few years back, with a big jaguar (?) on her breast, her FF cup breast, and she regretted it. But when the session started, the tat on her breast had zero bearing on the session. However if our session would be like a 3 hour session, and we were to go out and eat in a nice restaurant, I would desire you dress in a discrete manner, where if you were with some 20 something 'stud', he may not care. Generation gap revisited.
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Old 12-28-2012, 03:51 PM   #148
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Well, actually, Cassandra, you were pretty rude to Sofia, if not rude, then certainly snarky..not quite to the cunty level, but snarky nonetheless. Don't believe me? Note the difference in tone between your replies to her, and to those of BigAmy being that they were both, "off-topic" and one agreed with your view and the other was on the other side.

If you don't thinck so, then that's on you but to this casual observer who has no rooster in this fight, it certainly came across as rude and snarky

Annnnnd back to the topic..
Why do MEN find tattoos on a beautiful woman distracting when you are simply there to Fuck?)
Because tattoos are not natural. They ARE a distraction. As I said from the get-go, I find some tattoos sexy and they don't bother me, however, they are a distraction. Anything out of the ordinary can be a distraction. That's just nature. And as triple-sider stated, we are visual creatures.

Maybe your "sessions" are strictly "Fuck sessions" but some mongers seek more than just a fuck hole, and that's cool. Different strokes for different folks I'm sure you've heard of GFE...well that "E" stands for "Experience" meaning the totality of what a person experiences and the overall feelings and memories they take away from that encounter and the "fuck' is merely a part of that experience.

Anyway, that's just my take and I'll let you get back to your threAd.


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Old 12-28-2012, 04:10 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
This is the saddest part of this thread.

First of all, you're a very attractive woman, IMHO a body style I really have been attracted to, with tats. I guess being an older guy (was fat years ago, between fat and pudgy now and I wear glasses....LOL) I look at things far different than a woman of your age does. Where you post about being someone simply there to fuck, I see differently. I see a woman who may have children who love her, parents and family to love her, so it makes me sad to see you post what I quoted. A lot of guys don't see you simply as one to pay, fuck, and leave, be we see you as a whole person. In the future you will try to sum up your life, and your life can't be summed up as 'Cassandra' any more than I can be summed up as 'Dear John'. There is so much more to you than being 'Cassandra'.

As far as the tats go, I personally feel the neck one detracts from your outer beauty, but the others are OK. None of us will ever know about your inner beauty, which at the end of the day is very important.

Surcher brought up a good point, how will you feel about them 30 years from now.

If you're looking for a bottom line about whether the tats would keep me from seeing you, then the answer would be no, they wouldn't. I had an ATF a few years back, with a big jaguar (?) on her breast, her FF cup breast, and she regretted it. But when the session started, the tat on her breast had zero bearing on the session. However if our session would be like a 3 hour session, and we were to go out and eat in a nice restaurant, I would desire you dress in a discrete manner, where if you were with some 20 something 'stud', he may not care. Generation gap revisited.

Thanks for your input. You are so right about people never being able to see the true inner beauty. There is so much more to "Cassandra" then me being just being "Cassandra". Then again at the end of the day I am not even "Cassandra" I am someone completely different.
To answer your question about 30 years from now how will I feel? I am not 100% sure how I feel. Is anyone certain about how they will feel in 30 years from where the are now? I do know at this point I am very happy with myself and my tats. I think being happy with yourself is all that really matters anyway. You will never please everyone with what you do, what you say, or how you look. So I don't try. I choose to create myself rather find myself that way I will never get lost lol.

You seem like a true gentleman.
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Old 12-28-2012, 04:17 PM   #150
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Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC View Post
So you are an old fashioned, very religious and pure prostitute? That is interesting.
You're so cynical.
You know Pretty Woman was a documentary.
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