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Old 12-26-2012, 10:17 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by instfixer View Post
I ALWAYS see my ATF first thing in the morning
I do the same, I mostly only do early morning. The utr I am more open on time with as she doesn't have much client base.
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Old 12-26-2012, 10:24 AM   #17
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It certainly bothers me when it happens. However, it's not the physical signs that bother me the most (these can be cleaned up and if I see them, I can always bounce before the session). Instead, it is the mental impact on the provider. It is understandable for a provider to be mentally drained after several sessions in a day, and this has a dramatic impact on their performance. For this reason, I like low volume providers and early visits when I go to an agency.

Good question OP.
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Old 12-26-2012, 10:38 AM   #18
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Well, I live in a city in West Texas with 120,000 people and no resident providers. I do not count BP. So, even if a gal is low volume at home, that does not hold true when they travel.

My preferred method is to be their first visit when they hit town. So, I go for 3;30 if they are checking in at 3. This works over half the time. We are 2 1/2 to 3 hours away from the town they are traveling from, so I feel pretty good about it.
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Old 12-26-2012, 11:13 AM   #19
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And this "low-volume" fantasy that a lot of you guys are hanging your hopes on...I hate to break it to you, but you have no way of knowing how "low-volume" they actually are.

Do you honestly believe that these women are going to be honest and forthcoming with that sort of information? haha! Guys, please...

Did you know that gullible isn't in the dictionary? Seriously!


If they are, forthcoming with any information you can bet your ass that it's going to be skewed in the favor of the "Low"

But like I said in my initial post, I'd just rather not thinck about it.



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Old 12-26-2012, 12:08 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]And this "low-volume" fantasy that a lot of you guys are hanging your hopes on...I hate to break it to you, but you have no way of knowing how "low-volume" they actually are.

Do you honestly believe that these women are going to be honest and forthcoming with that sort of information? haha! Guys, please...

Did you know that gullible isn't in the dictionary? Seriously!


If they are, forthcoming with any information you can bet your ass that it's going to be skewed in the favor of the "Low"
Preach preacher!!!!!!

Fact is....not one dude on this board actually KNOWS what "number" client he is on any given day

I prefer "low volume"...I see my "UTR ATF" early in the day....

Oh btw OP...it doesn't matter to me as long as you are CLEAN!
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Old 12-26-2012, 12:35 PM   #21
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Someone here made a post a while back they when he did DATY on a provider he found a condom inside. It might have been EA but I'm not sure. That's never a good sign.
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Old 12-26-2012, 02:21 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
And this "low-volume" fantasy that a lot of you guys are hanging your hopes on...I hate to break it to you, but you have no way of knowing how "low-volume" they actually are.

Do you honestly believe that these women are going to be honest and forthcoming with that sort of information? haha! Guys, please...

Did you know that gullible isn't in the dictionary? Seriously!


If they are, forthcoming with any information you can bet your ass that it's going to be skewed in the favor of the "Low"

But like I said in my initial post, I'd just rather not thinck about it.



Not entirely true. I have spent entire weekends with "low volume" providers. I regularly spend entire days with "low volume" providers. I have picked up "low volume" providers from college (although they may have certainly had sex at college, but I'm assuming it would not be numerous people) and spent the entire evening with them. I mainly see girls who do not advertise anywhere. Very UTR and very low volume. So yes, I think in these circumstances I can assume they are low volume. I am not so naive to believe that I am the only person they see, but I do believe (and in some instances, know) that I am often the only person they see in a given day.

When I see a more traditional provider, I am well aware that there is no way to know how many clients they have seen, and I have definitely seen some providers who had seen several clients before me. The biggest complaint in those instances is not that they are nasty, as they have usually cleaned up. My complaint is the provider is worn out and just doesn't put her best effort into it. It is definitely more of going through the motions. This is a major turn-off for me.
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Old 12-26-2012, 03:26 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by DickEmDown View Post
Preach preacher!!!!!!

Fact is....not one dude on this board actually KNOWS what "number" client he is on any given day

I prefer "low volume"...I see my "UTR ATF" early in the day....

Oh btw OP...it doesn't matter to me as long as you are CLEAN!
Let's not forget about the SO, boyfiend, bady daddy, or.....well let's just say other non-paying entrants.

So when does the day start for this first of the day shit anyway? It's not like most of these gals go to bed at 11 p.m.

It only bothers me if I pass the previous or next guy in the hallway....and I don't know him.
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Old 12-26-2012, 03:45 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by oilfieldscum View Post
Let's not forget about the SO, boyfiend, bady daddy, security specialists or.....well let's just say other non-paying entrants

So when does the day start for this first of the day shit anyway? It's not like most of these gals go to bed at 11 p.m.

It only bothers me if I pass the previous or next guy in the hallway....and I don't know him.
Fixed and agreed . The best you hope for the lady has enough respect for you and herself to be clean. I would rather delay or cut into my session time if a lady needs to be as squeaky clean as I am For those hobbiest who ask the ladies am I the first ? Ladies continue to tell them and let them think they are
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Old 12-26-2012, 04:21 PM   #25
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tbone.... That wasn't me buddy, but I know the person you are talking about

Edit: man seriously I started 3 (ish) threads over a slight misunderstanding. Just imagine had I found a condom while datying lol
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Old 12-26-2012, 07:14 PM   #26
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without a doubt, the best answer received to my question. I like the fact that you understand that this IS a fantasy EA, and no matter what either party says, they're probably telling you what you want to hear just to uphold this fantasy.

To the guy who had obligatory sex with his wife this morning, the provider says, "wow, nothing like good sex from you in the morning babe to really wake me up, you are hitting that sooo good!"

Same provider who has had an 8AM & 11AM appt, is told by same hobbyist at 2:30PM, "I had to come see you as quick as I could...you know my wife & I don't get along and she hasn't given it up in over a year...." psshh

And I asked this question generally, not because of the volume of clients I am currently catering to so lemme just say, this OP sees 2 clients a day, max, and 1 a day, on the weekends when there is demand (Cuz we all know there's always demand but there's not always supply). This OP stays clean, and offers shower services for those who don't. This OP don't play

EA, you couldn't be more right, IMO, it's a fantasy and if you're good, like(yours truly ) you can fulfill a man's fantasy (& if you're into him, he might just fulfill yours too) no matter how many people you've seen or will see after him!

Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
It's a fantasy. If you're good then the last thing I'll be thinking about is who or how many you've seen before or after me
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Old 12-26-2012, 07:25 PM   #27
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Not the answer to your question but I plan to see you early next year, my favorite time is the 10 - 12 am timeframe. I'm freshest then and hopefully you are too.

See you soon.
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Old 12-26-2012, 08:24 PM   #28
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I am shocked. The ladies all say I am the only tard they are seeing that day. A lady fibbing to me ... say it taint so.
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Old 12-26-2012, 08:29 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Spirit13 View Post
Easy enough to answer:
1) keep the place neat, no "evidence" of a previous session...
2) ladies preach about hygiene to us guys, same goes for you. Shower up and be fresh all over.
3) if you are tired / worn out from the last session since you gave it a 110%, take a break.. rest... a lame session could mean a lame review... allow some rest time.
4) Do turn off your phone (or silence it and put it in a place where it will not be noticed during the session) and be courteous enough to not check it the minute he pulls out... if he goes to the shower for a few minutes, spot check it.. and as he leaves, give him a hug, then once the door is closed attack the phone.

remember ladies, like ALL of you say "WE pay for your TIME" if you are on my dime, I get to ask you to leave the phone off or put away.. if you spend 5 minutes on the phone, then I want 5 more minutes, as that is NOT what I paid you for.

(I know I am about to open up a can of worms here but it is the truth)

We pay for the hour, at least let us get 55-60 minutes.. cutting us short is silly.
If we are done in say 35, heck offer the shower for a few minutes.. let us freshen up there then leave..
Summed it up pretty well. Especially the last paragraph.
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Old 12-26-2012, 09:09 PM   #30
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When exactly is first?

Many ladies take very late appointments...3-4-5am, then you are the first at 7....

If the kitty looks, tastes or smells like it was beat up, she is a shitty provider and will get a shitty review.

Low volume only means the phone isn't ringing.

We have all heard the low volume provider take a call or return a call as we are getting dressed as she says, "Sorry baby, I am running a little late. Can you give me 15 minutes?"

And then she tells us....Oh, that's my gf i am meeting for dinner.
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