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Old 12-20-2012, 05:50 PM   #1
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Smile What is your take on this?

Okay I have been just a little curious about the reviews when they say "tattoos but nothing distracting".
Now I know its been said a 1,000,000 times or a whole lot more. "Different stokes for different folks". I definitely know it all comes down to preference at the end of the day. But I also know that the woman's body is so beautiful and so amazing I cant imagine ONE or SOME tats being distracting from beauty. I mean come on, tits ass and pussy! How does body art distract you from tits, ass, pussy, and the reason why you are there in the first place?
So my second question is if you are with a provider that is typically your type and has all the "IT FACTORS" you seek in a provider, and you are someone that hates or just not into chicks with tats, and you find more then expected on her. Do you walk away or do you stay?

They are legitimate questions, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Positive and negative either way both will help me have a better understanding.

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Old 12-20-2012, 06:00 PM   #2
Capt. Lincoln F. Stern
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everyone has their threshold of artwork on a body before they say it looks gaudy or some other word.

for some it can be a single tattoo on a certain spot, for others it can be a full body canvas.

certainly seeing a man's named on your neck, thigh. butt cheek, breast, arm, or side of leg does not turn a guy on... most might have a thought of "Boyfriend/husband/pimp" and I am sure in some cases they would be right.

but like you said.. different strokes for different folks
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Old 12-20-2012, 06:21 PM   #3
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I used to shy away from heavily tatted chicks but finally was introduced to someone who had more tats than I've ever seen on one person, bcd, and she is still to this day an ATF. Sadly she retired but she blew mind and blew my avoidance of tats.

On the other hand tats appear less appealing I'm pics than they do in person.
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Old 12-20-2012, 06:27 PM   #4
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To me, tattoos on a woman aren't a plus. I try to ignore them to get to her real beauty. Occasionally there's so much ink where I can't. It's a fine line between a tasteful bit of body art and looking low-class and tacky.

If she's got other qualities that appeal to me I overlook them, but I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've felt that tattoos made a woman more attractive.

But it's her body. She should do with it as she wishes.
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Old 12-20-2012, 06:27 PM   #5
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Nice post OP!!

To each his own, but tats are only a small microcosim of the like and dislikes of individual preferences. Personally, tats do not bother me in the least. However, as a way of self expression tat(s) tend to silently orate an unspoken message, it also enlists a response from the viewer. Oftentimes evoking a tendency to pass judgement on the person with the tat(s).
Some of the most awesome experiences have come with ladies that were tat wearers. So for me i find most tats a sexual expression of the inner woman's sensual side. Just IMO!!!
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Old 12-20-2012, 06:30 PM   #6
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My Take,

We, the guys ( on a review board) get hammered, when we do not present the facts, about a providers appearance. That is generated by the providers rate.

Skills, tend to over look the personal art you choose to decorate your body with.

So.... If you think you are pretty, and pretty, is what is calling in your business. Lack of performance, is going to call out all of your faults, or the distracting factors in it.

IMHO, if you are a self proclaimed fuck monster, throw it on us, we will still report the body, but the other parts of it will be more relevant.

Just, looking for a payday, that most normal guys here don't see for an hours worth of work, and if you just go through, the motions, they are going to be critical with you.

I am still new to this board, but not new to life, or people. You are offering a service, if expectations are not met. Guess what? We can talk about it here.

just my nickles worth
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Old 12-20-2012, 06:49 PM   #7
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I don't really like tattoos on chicks. I like a nice clean body is what I like to see. But that's just a preference really. I've had great sessions with girls with lots of tattoos, repeated sessions with them as well. But I like the innocent girlie girl thing to get my perv on with most times tattoos get in the way of that for me.

Now some tats look fucked up or stupid and can be a distraction. I hate above all tats on tits. Tramp stamp is the most acceptable for me. Big strange tats like the girl rosemary with the bird thing on her chest I could never do. I would still like to see you one day babe the tats truthfully (no hate at all on this) I just don't care for them. I would still love to see you, have solid reviews and a bangin body and seem pretty chill. But if you get a big hello kitty on your back I'm calling it a day
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Old 12-20-2012, 07:02 PM   #8
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Wow thanks for all the responses!!!! Im loving all the input.....

Trey honey! You been saying that forever. I have been waiting by the phone for your call.

So as long as the tats are tasteful and the ladies are of quality you can get over it?.......

Note to self: Dont get a pimp. Dont tat his name along with the word bitch on my ass cheeks....
: NO Hello Kitty!
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Old 12-20-2012, 09:19 PM   #9
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Tats of the pimp, baby dady, boyfriend, or some other loosers name especially when placed on the top off the ass, neck, or above the pootytang are very distracting. It makes me think I messing with someone else's property.

Also, monster tats are very distracting. You know the ones where there's more ink than skin on a body part.
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Old 12-20-2012, 09:25 PM   #10
Sofia Simms
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Default I highly doubt...

that ink, in all the wrong spots (even good ol' tramp stamp) will make a guy walk away from a session. Perhaps he will make a mental note, but walk away from T & A, T&A that is his type, I just don't see that one happening.
But good question though, chica!

I personally never just got tats, well at least not permanent ones, cuz my taste changes constantly...

Originally Posted by SexyCassandra View Post
So my second question is if you are with a provider that is typically your type and has all the "IT FACTORS" you seek in a provider, and you are someone that hates or just not into chicks with tats, and you find more then expected on her. Do you walk away or do you stay?

They are legitimate questions, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Positive and negative either way both will help me have a better understanding.

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Old 12-20-2012, 09:30 PM   #11
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Default However

Now piercings, I think is a different story (luv em!!I luv to switch around the stones and I luv collecting interesting pieces) but don't lemme "hi-jack" the thread

Originally Posted by SexyCassandra View Post
So my second question is if you are with a provider that is typically your type and has all the "IT FACTORS" you seek in a provider, and you are someone that hates or just not into chicks with tats, and you find more then expected on her. Do you walk away or do you stay?

They are legitimate questions, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Positive and negative either way both will help me have a better understanding.

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Old 12-20-2012, 09:32 PM   #12
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Default "A few tattoos, non-distracting though"

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Old 12-20-2012, 09:41 PM   #13
Sofia Simms
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Btw, I think your lip piercing is REALLY sexy Cassandra! That's my next choice of a piercing for sure! Ok done for real now, y'all carry on.
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Old 12-20-2012, 11:17 PM   #14
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I love tats on a woman. However, the only exception are names. They tend to turn me off. Nevertheless, great skills on a woman can help me overlook almost any negative.
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Old 12-21-2012, 03:15 AM   #15
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A certain provider, well known and beautiful, has her entire back tattooed. She compares herself to the redneck "Mullet" haircut: Business in the front, party in the back! And she is a party animal.

One of the squares on the Walmart Bingo Card is: Pregnant Caucasian woman with two or more inter-racial children and her "Tramp Stamp" showing.

My preference is none or a few small ones in concealed places. Tribal art arm band is OK, if tastefull. Full sleeves, covered backs and major metal gross me out!
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