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Old 12-03-2012, 08:59 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Secret Encounters View Post

Some of us may be considered cheaters, liars, pervs , whores , sluts , bi , gay,who cares .. Just have fun!!

well everyone have a great evening and relax a bit!!!

Sweet Anna dd's
There you go talkin about me again. LOL
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Old 12-04-2012, 01:56 AM   #17
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Doesn't bother me in the least!! As long as people take precautions to keep safe...it's all good! I think it's hypocritical to be judgemental...as we each have our own fantasies and desires, and some people have some radical fetishes!

Personally, I've participated in many MMFF, MMF, FFFFM...and, MMMMMMMMMMMFFF types of fantasy plays, so I'm very open-minded. With that being said...there are certain things I'm not comfortable participating in, so I just make sure to let my partners know ahead of time. It's all about choice and respect.
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Old 12-04-2012, 03:41 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by JJ View Post
The topic of this thread is not specific to TS Jane Marie or any super hot passable TS, but about the pros and cons of visiting a TS and/or if it is right or wrong in your opinion.

So yeah, what are your opinions on the matter? Lets open the discussion on this subject. Just keep it civil and stick with the forum's rules.

Being a provider, would it stop you from seeing a client that has visited TS providers?

Being a client, would you stop seeing your ATF, if you found out she did doubles with a TS provider?

Nope, it wouldn't stop me from seeing a client. We all have different taste. Everyone has there cravings on trying something a bit different. Like for example one day you might be in the mood for fast food. The next day you could be in the mood for korean or american food, steak, chinese food, seafood, BBQ food. To each of there own. Enjoy life cause it's way to short not to try something new!
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Old 12-04-2012, 10:55 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate View Post

Nope, it wouldn't stop me from seeing a client. We all have different taste. Everyone has there cravings on trying something a bit different. Like for example one day you might be in the mood for fast food. The next day you could be in the mood for korean or american food, steak, chinese food, seafood, BBQ food. To each of there own. Enjoy life cause it's way to short not to try something new!
Right on Sonya!
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Old 12-04-2012, 11:24 AM   #20
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There are may reasons to partake in the hobby, one of which is fantasy fulfillment and experimentation. Your boundaries may be quite different from mine in that regard. Hell, my boundaries when I was 30 are quite different from my boundaries now that I'm in my 50s. But I respect yours. Some fetishes, I admit, I don't see the attraction of, but who the hell am I to judge?

As to whether I'd refuse to see a lady who had done a session with a TS, the answer would be "no". I am turned on by open mindedness. On the other hand, if I knew she would never, ever do a session with a TS, that would not bother me either.

I respect both sides.

As for what a TS should be called, I would also call them females out of respect to them as people. Why wouldn't I?
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Old 12-04-2012, 02:09 PM   #21
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I do not keep track of who plays with whom, whether MF, FFM, MMF, MFM, but if it was with LikkiNikki, Sonya, or Ajax, naturally I want to hear about. They could talk about painting thdir toenails and I would hang on every word.

But back on the TS subject, I have seen a porn or two, that would have me first in line, and I think I would really like to watch a F TS session, and then see where the mood takes me.

I agree the TS would have to be indescernable (sp?), but its not too far out of the question.

If you want me to call you Mike, Phil, Bill, Bambi, Sonya, Nikki, or AJ, what does it matter to me what is between your legs or if its your real name.

Life is short, mostly boring and then you die. Its up to you to get hung up on the stuff that just does not matter.

For the guys like JJ and Levi, more power to you for following where your curiosity leads and good on ya for having the cojones for sharing the experience.
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Old 12-05-2012, 04:49 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Doglegg View Post

For the guys like JJ and Levi, more power to you for following where your curiosity leads and good on ya for having the cojones for sharing the experience.
True doglegg, thanks to JJ & levi for there naughty experiences. hehe :-)
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Old 12-05-2012, 07:47 AM   #23
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I signed just to make a Sonja meat sandwich. Happy hump day all, and Sonya if you do get to experience a TS playtime, I hope that you write a review as well.

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Old 12-05-2012, 07:08 PM   #24
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Based on some research I've done just about all points to the fact that almost all of the men that are interested in transsexual women are heterosexual men. The vast majority of gay men have no interest in transsexuals.

Following is a quote from, The Psychology of Human Sexuality
Dr. Justin J. Lehmiller - Social Psychologist & Sex Columnist

"The technical term for men who are attracted to feminized men is gynandromorphophilia1 (how’s that for a tongue twister?). When I say that these guys are into "feminized" men, I do not mean they are attracted to effeminate males or guys who simply display feminine behaviors--whan I mean is that they are attracted to men who physically possess both male and female characteristics. Thus, the sexual interests of gynandromorphophiles may include either pre- or post-operative male-to-female transsexuals or male cross-dressers. Although men with such interests are usually stereotyped as being gay, that could not be further from the truth. In fact, research has found that the vast majority (73%) of men who have sex with male-to-female transsexuals identify as straight or bisexual.2 Likewise, persons who run transsexual porn sites have reported that most of their clients are straight men and that they have next to no gay audience at all.3"

You can find the whole article at http://www.lehmiller.com/blog/2012/1...to-transs.html

Though I have not been with a transsexual woman it is high on my bucket list.
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Old 12-05-2012, 08:08 PM   #25
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That makes a lot of sense. Thanks Philly.
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Old 01-04-2013, 01:25 PM   #26
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Nice find Philly, I actually dated a TS a while back and one of her biggest turn ons was a Manly Man, a straight guy pretty much. Ive seen a few TS's (4 as of now) and I dont consider myself gay based on the simple fact that the only thing male about them is their penis. I have never been attracted to Men and dont find anything sexually arousing about a Man. I love the Female form whether they have and Vagina, Penis, or Both (yea Im still hopeing to find a hermaphrodite).

Oh and Long time no see lol.
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